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If the population of turtles in a pond goes from 3 to 5 to 4 to 3 to 4 to 5, what would the carrying capacity be for turtles in the pond? 4
grass -> bunny -> wolf If bunny is removed, what population will increase? grass
the shark gets cleaned, little fish get a meal--- What type of symbiotic relationship is this? mutualism
a bird get shelter in a tree, the tree gets nothing (good or bad) -- what symbiotic relationship is this? commensailism
If an environment goes through ecological succession to a completely different ecosystem, how will remaining species change to fit the new environment? Over many generations, the species will change to suit the new environment.
A tick on a dog is an example of what type relationship? parasitic
What does the arrow of a food chain represent? flow of energy
What else should you study? Vocabulary, biome map, food web pages, 2 study guides and mini lesson question and answers. .
What relationship is it when one organism benefits and the other is harmed? parasitism
When making a decision about new technology or construction, we should do what? Investigate and consider risks and benefits of the project
How have humans impacted the carbon cycle? Drilling or mining fossil fuels then burning them
Which of the following will we face in the future if we do not act more responsibly in regard to our environment? More extinction, pollution and weather changes
What are positive impacts of technology in the area of energy production? Using renewable sources to produce energy (wind, water, solar)
What is an example of a behavioral adaptation? I squirrel running up a tree from danger
What happens if a nonnative species is introduced into a n ecosystem? An unbalance in the ecosystem
What are some nonrenewable resources? Oil, coal, gas
What is the first link in a food chain? producer
What limiting factors can limit a population? lack of food, water, space, predators, etc
What do scientists mean when they refer to a population? all the interbreeding members of a certain species in an ecosystem
The sun, water, and soil are examples of what type of factor in an ecosystem? abiotic
What will help you learn what continents to find which biomes in? Biome map -- study it
What is a continuous body of water that covers more than 70 percent of the Earths surface? marine ecosystem
What biome is cold dry and treeless? tundra
What biome has trees with broad thin leaves such as beeches, maples, and oaks? deciduous forest
What is an area of land, that for at least part of the year is covered by shallow water? wetland
What are some resources humans get from the environment? timber, food, water
What are nonliving and natural conditions creating positive and negative changes in the environment? environmental factors
What is the wise and careful use of resources to make them last? conservation
What type of species is NOT born or reared in a particular area or place; NOT an original or indigenous inhabitant? nonnative species
What is an action or a reaction of an organism in response to external or internal stimuli that help an organism to survive the environment? behavioral adapation
What is the number of individuals a given environment can support? carrying capacity
What is a condition that determines the survival of an organism, population, or species in am environment? limiting factor
What do we call a species that is at risk, but not yet endangered? threatened
What is the instinctive movement of a population of organisms from one place to another? migration
What are all living and nonliving things in a given area called? an ecosystem
What is a group of the same species living in the same place at the same time? population
What do we call all of the living things in an ecosystem? biotic
What is the place that an organism lives in a community? habitat
What is the role a species plays in a community? niche
What is the part of the earth that supports life; including the top portion of the crust and the atmosphere? biosphere
What are the organisms that cannot make their own food? consumers
Created by: michelle jenkins
Popular Science sets




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