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Cells, Tissues, Orga

Cell, Tissues, Organs

Prokaryotic has no membrane surrounding the internal (inside) parts of the cell, has no separate nucleus
Nucleus the big boss, controls everything the cell does using its DNA
Ribosome make proteins (factories)
Cell membrane the border guard, controls what goes into and out of the cell or protective layer on all cells.
Golgi bodies sorts and stores material the cell needs to save, gets rid of waste (the sorter)
Lysosome recycles parts the cell does not need any more, also digests the cell when it dies. (the recycler, the poison pill)
Endoplasmic Reticulum has some ribosomes attached, helps move materials inside the cell (ER) (The highway)
Mitochondria electric company, releases the energy from food for the cell to use
Vacuole the warehouse, storage space, animal cells have many small vacuoles. Plant cells have one large vacuole
Chloroplast the greenhouse, where the plant makes its food using chlorophyl
Cell wall the castle wall, gives the plant cell shape and strength, a thick layer outside the cell membrane, only in plant cells
Cytoplasm the jelly-like filling of the cell
Organelle structure in the cytoplasm of a Eukaryotic cell
Eukaryotic does have membrane surrounding the internal parts of the cell, does have a separate nucleus
what is a cell a cell is the smallest unit of living body parts
cells make up every thing
most cells are microscopic
1 drop of blood contains millions of blood cells
nucleus acts like the brain of the cell
Blood, vessels,and heart make up the Circulatey system
Bones make up Skeletal systems
Tissues form Organs
Skin tissue makes up all of the body organs
Skin cells form 25 layers of skin
Bone cells make Bone tissue
Muscle cells make muscle tissue
Nerve cells form Nerve tissue
Cells work to make tissue
the vacuole is filled with water
cells are made of organelles
cytoplasm gel-like material inside the membrane and between organelles
cell membrane surrounds and holds together the parts of the cell
mitochodria it's the cell's power producer
vacuole acts like a stomach-stores and breaks down material
A human has how many different types of cells 200
Mitochondrion "Mighty" power-house of the cell; creates energy so the cell can function.
Chloroplasts Where photosynthesis takes place; contains chlorophyll that gives plants green color?
Nucleous Contains RNA, aids in cellular reproduction.
Nucleus Contains the chromosomes (which tell the cells what kind of cells they are to be)
Cytoplasm Jelly like substance that keeps organelles in place?
Vacuole Storage for food and water?
Cell membrane Thin, sac-like layer that surrounds the cell. Allows food and water in and out?
Cell wall Protective outer layer/covering ; keeps the shape?
Organelles What do plant cells have many of?
Why did Hook name the cell, a cell? Because it reminded him of a cell in a monastery.
Robert Hook The first to observe and sketch a plant (cork) cell?
Cells The basic building block of all living things.
What does the skin do? Protects the inside organs, keeps out germs, and doesn't let water out of the body.
Name the largest organ. Skin
Organs are tissues that work together to do what? Do a main job.
Name one job that the organ known as the heart does. Pumps blood to the rest of the body.
Name examples of a organ? Heart, brain, stomach, lungs, skin, kidneys and liver
What is a grouping of tissues that make one structure? Organ
Tissues form what Organs
Have to be rounded so they can move through your blood vessels Blood cells
Rounded discs with 2 big dimples Round cells
Flat cells They are flat; they over lap each other like shingles on a roof. They are found on skin, and inside the mouth
Created by: Jerry.Reese23
Popular Biology sets




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