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Life Science FSA

List the levels of organization from atom to organism. atom, molecule, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism.
What are four types of tissues? epithelial, muscle, nervous, connective
What are the three statements that make up the cell theory? 1.all organisms are composed of cells (single-celled or multicellular) 2.all cells come from preexisting cells (through cell division) 3.cells are the basic unit of life
How do organisms and their cells maintain homeostasis? 1.extracting energy from food 2.getting rid of waste 3.reproducing.
What are the three differences between plant and animal cells? 1. Only plant cells have a cell wall 2. Only plant cells have chloroplast 3. Plant cells have one large vacuole and animal cells have many small vacuoles.
What is the function of the cell wall? Provide support for the plant cell.
What is the function of the chloroplast? Makes food for the plant cell through photosynthesis.
What is the function of the cell membrane? Controls what enters and leaves the cell.
What is the function of the nucleus? The control center of the cell.
What is the function of the cytoplasm? The cytoplasm is the gel-like fluid inside the cell.
What is the function of the mitochondria? To make energy for both plant and animal cell through cellular respiration.
What is the function of the vacuole? Stores materials that are needed by the cell. In plant cells it also provides support for the cell.
What body systems work together to allow movement? Nervous and musculoskeletal
What body systems work together to take in oxygen , deliver it to the cells of the body and remove carbon dioxide? Respiratory(lungs) and Circulatory(blood, heart, arteries, veins)
The kidneys filter the blood and produce urine. The urine is held in the muscular bladder until it can be release. What three body systems are involved in this process? Excretory(skin, kidneys), circulatory(blood, heart, arteries, veins), and the musculoskeletal (muscles and bones) systems
Which organ systems are responsible for breaking down nutrients and delivering them to body cells? Digestive ( stomach, intestine, esophagus etc.) and circulatory(blood, heart, arteries, veins)
What are autotrophs?Examples? Organisms that make their own food like plants.
What are heterotrophs?Examples? Consumers- organisms that eat other living things like protist, fungi and animals.
What are prokaryotes?Examples? Bacteria, organisms with simple cells.
What are eukaryotes?Examples? Organisms with complex cells that have many parts.Protists, fungi, plants and animals are Eukaryotes.
What does it mean for an organism to be multicellular?Examples? Made of many cells like fungi, plants and animals.
What does it mean for an organism to be unicellular?Examples? Made of only one cell like bacteria.
List the levels of classification from Domain to species? Which consist of the largest group of organisms? Domain(largest group/least closely related), kingdom, phylum , class, order, family, genus , species(smallest group, most closely related)
How do genetic variation and environmental factors contribute to evolution by natural selection? -Variation(differences) exist in the population.Some variations allow organisms to survive better(camouflage)or make them more attractive to mates (peacock feathers),which leads to evolution.
How do fossils provide evidence for evolution(change over time)? -Fossils have be found of organisms that are extinct. -Fossils have been found of transitional forms which have characteristics of both modern an extinct organisms.
What happens if organism are unable to adapt to changes in their environment? They will go extinct
What is DNA? A set of instructions that all organisms have that specifies its traits.
Fill in the blank: Hereditary information (DNA) contains __________ located in the chromosomes of each cell and/or that ___________ is the passage of these instructions from one generation to another. genes, heredity
Compare and contrast: mutualism,parasitism, and commensalism. -All are types of symbiosis(close relationship) Mutualism: both benefit Commensalism: One benefits, the other is not affected. Parasitism: One benefits, the other is harmed
What are the roles or producers consumers and decomposers in the process of energy transfer in a food web? Producers: Turn radiant energy from the sun into food. Consumer: Eat plants and animals and take in some of their energy. Decomposers: break down waste and decaying matter.
What is a limiting factor? Resources or conditions that can impact the growth of a population. Ex. water, shelter, mates, food, predation.
Where are places carbon can be found? atmosphere, organisms, fossil fuels, sediments, and oceans/water.
Describe the process of cellular respiration. cellular respiration breaks down food to provide energy and releases carbon dioxide.
Describe the process of photosynthesis. Water, carbon dioxide and light energy are absorbed by chlorophyll, resulting in the production of food (glucose) and oxygen.
What processes provide evidence for the law of conservation of matter? photosynthesis, cellular respiration and the carbon cycle. In each process matter is transferred(moved) or transformed(changed), but NOT EVER created or destroyed.
Created by: msings
Popular Science sets




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