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Testing Words

act one of the main divisions of a drama
advance to further the progress of a plot or a series of events
advantage a favorable condition or position
affix a group of letters added to the beginning or end of a word that changes the meaning; prefix, suffix
analyze to examine
appy to use an understanding of a concept in a new or different situation or context
argument a reason used to support a position or point of view in a persuasive text
article a complete selection of writing that is part of a newspaper, magazine, or book
assess to determine the value, significance or quality
audience the person or group for whom a selection is written or performed
author's message the author's main idea, theme, or lesson expressed in a text
author's purpose the reason WHY an author does something
autobiography an account of someone's life written by that person
biography an account of someone's life written by someone else
brochure a written booklet that contains descriptive information
bulleted list a record of similar ideas that are set apart in text using bullets or dots
cast the characters acting in a drama
cause a reason for an outcoe or result
character a person, thing,or animal in a literary selection
characteristic a feature or attritube that helps to identify or describe
chronological order the order in which events occur
compare to say how things are alike
contrast to say how things are different
con an opinion or argument AGAINST a position or viewpoint
conclude to reach a decision or to form an opinion
conflict problem
contradictory statement in persuasive text, a statement that opposes or states something completely different
define to give the meaning
demonstrate to explain by the use of examples or experiences
describe to use words to tell or write about an idea, person, or thing
dialogue the words or lines SPOKEN in a drama
disadvantage an unfavorable condition or position
emphasize to stress or give importance
convey to tell
exaggerate a statement that overstates or represents more than what is true
expository text information text that explains, gives directions, informs or describes
fable a traditional fictional story that teaches a lesson
fact a statement that can be proven
fairy tale a fictional story about fairies, magical creatures, or legendary deeds
fiction a genre of writing based on imagination and not facts
figurative language words that create interesting images
folk tale a fictional story or legend passed from generation to generation
foreshadow to indicate or suggest an event that will occur in the future
free verse poetry poems written without pattern, rhyme, or rhythm
future events happenings expected to occur in the future
identify to recognize and name
image a likeness or picture of a person, place or object
imagery words that form a picture in your mind
visualize to form a picture in your mind
impacts has a strong effect
infer/inference to arrive at a conclusion using text evidence and background knowledge
informational text a selection written to provide information
internal rhyme a rhyme within the same line of poetry or verse
interpret to explain
justify to demonstrate or to prove that something is correct or true
literary devise structure used by an author to produce a desired effect (imagery, foreshadow, rhythm)
locate to find
logical sensible and based on facts
logical order a sequence or organization of text that places information in a reasonable order
lyrical poem a poem that expresses feelings and uses rhythm and rhyme schemes
main idea the most important thought in a written selection
message a basic theme, lesson, or moral in a text
misleading statement in persuasive text, causes the reader to be falsely informed
multiple meaning word word that has more than one meaning
myth a story passed from generation to generation that attempts to explain events in nature, beliefs, or why people behave as they do
narrative a story that may or may not be true
narrator the person telling a story or sharing an account
opinion a belief based on thoughts or feelings rather than facts
organizational pattern of text the way an author structures his writing
paraphrase to restate using different words
phenomena extraordinary events or facts
plot sequence of events in a story
predict to determine what will happen in the future
prefix a group of letters added to the beginning of a word that changes the meaning
recommend to suggest; to advise
record to write
research the careful investigation or study of a topic
give rise to to develop or cause to progress
role of characters the function or job of a character
scene a unit of a drama that describes the action that takes place in a single setting
section a part of a written text
sensory detail/language words used that appeal to the 5 senses
sequential order to put in time order
simile comparing 2 things using "like" or "as"
source a person, place, or thing that provides information
stanza a group of lines in a poem or song
structural patterns the way a text/story is written
summarize to write or tell the most important points and main ideas of a text
support to provide evidence or show to be true
theme the message or moral of the story
verify to determine or prove
visual able or intended to be seen by the eyes
Created by: dimoss
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