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Exam Review 6/09

Mrs. Vaughan's 7th grade science exam review

Habitat loss (destruction) loss of a natural habitat
Animals eukaryotes, multi-celled, consumers
Habitat fragmentation when a habitat is divided into smaller pieces by roads or buildings
Plants eukaryotes, multi-celled, producers
Endangered when a species is in danger of becoming extinct
Fungi eukaryotes, multi-celled, decomposers
Threatened when a species is in danger of becoming endangered
Protists eukaryotes, single or multi-celled, consumers
Extinct the disappearance of all members of a species from earth
Bacteria once belonged to the kingdom Monera
Keystone species a species that influences the survival of many other species in an ecosystem
Archaebacteria simple, single-celled, prokaryotes
Captive breeding the mating of animals in zoos or wildlife preserves
Eubacteria single-celled, prokaryotes
Invasive exotic species a species that is not native to an area and takes over the ecosystem
Factors affecting biodiversity area, climate, niche diversity
Biodiversity the number of different species in an area
Fujita Scale Rating system for tornadoes
Desert Hot and dry,Cactus, short shrubs, Kangaroo rats, snakes
Grassland (savanna) Hot and not as dry as desert, Grass, shrubs, Antelope, elephants
Tundra Cold and dry-snow, Not many—low shrubs, sedges, reindeer moss, Caribou, arctic hare, polar bears
Taiga/Boreal forest Cold and average precipitation, Coniferous trees (pine trees), Moose, bears, mountain lion
Tropical Rainforest Hot and lots of precipitation, bamboo, ferns, mosses, MANY animals—insects, arachnids, snakes, monkeys
Temperate Rainforest Average temperature and lots of precipitation, Redwood trees, Northern spotted owl, pacific salmon
Temperate Deciduous Forest WE LIVE HERE, Average temperature and average precipitation, Oak trees, maple trees, Squirrels, deer
Saffir-Simpson Scale Rating system for hurricanes
Troposphere Closest to earth, Weather happens, Airplanes fly
Stratosphere Ozone layer, Jet stream
Mesosphere Coldest layer, meteors burn up
Thermosphere Furthest from earth, Northern lights, satellites
Maritime polar air mass Forms over water/cold areas, Brings wet and cold weather
Maritime tropical air mass Forms over water/warm areas, Brings wet and warm weather
Continental polar air mass Forms over land/cold areas, Brings dry and cold weather
Continental tropical air mass Forms over land/warm areas, Brings dry and warm weather
Thermometer Used to measure temperature
Barometer Used to measure air pressure
Hygrometer Used to measure relative humidity
Anemometer Used to measure wind speed
Rain gauge Used to measure amount of rainfall
Cumulus Low level, puffy, Fair weather
Cumulonimbus Throughout all altitudes, Thunderstorm cloud
Stratus Low altitudes, Flat, overcast, rain, drizzle
Cirrus High altitudes, Wispy, ice crystals, pleasant weather
Front A boundary between air masses
Warm front Rain followed by warmer weather
Cold front Storms followed by cool weather
Condensation The process in which water vapor (a gas) in the air turns into liquid water
How clouds form water vapor rises, cools, and condenses
Precipitation The process in which water (in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail) falls from clouds in the sky
where is tornado alley central united states
Low air pressure Indicates a rainy day
High air pressure Indicates a sunny day
Evaporation The process in which liquid water becomes water vapor (a gas), liquid warms up
the sun primary cause of all weather on earth
Conduction Heat transfer by direct touching
Convection Heat transfer by hot air/water rising and cool air/water sinking
Radiation Heat transfer through space
Coriolis Effect The curving of winds to the right or left caused by the rotation of earth
Relative Humidity The % of moisture the air holds relative to the amount it could hold
Isobars Lines on a map connecting areas of equal air pressure
Isotherms Lines on a map connecting areas of equal temperature
Land breeze A breeze blowing from the land to the sea
Sea breeze A breeze blowing from the sea to the land
correct order of classification kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
Omnivore An animal that eats BOTH plants AND animals, Bear, pig, crow, human
Herbivore An animal that eats ONLY plants, Deer, cow, sheep
Carnivore An animal that eats ONLY animals, Wolf, lion, polar bear
Commensalism A relationship among organisms where one benefits and the other is neither helped NOR harmed, Remora fish attaching to shark
Parasitism A relationship among organisms where one benefits and the other is harmed Flea, tick, tapeworm, HOST-dog, human, PARASITE-flea, tick
Fragmentation A type of asexual reproduction where the parent breaks into different fragments, which eventually form new individuals(flatworms)
Correct way to write a scientific name In italics, genus capitalized, species lowercase
Mutualism A relationship among organisms where BOTH benefit, Ex. Ants and aphids
Radial Symmetry When an organism has many lines of symmetry, usually on round objects and those found in the sea, Starfish, sponge
prokaryotes NO nucleus
adaptation A structure, function, behavior, or any characteristic that helps an organism survive in its environment and reproduce
Eukaryotes DO have a nucleus
Structural adaptation Hawk’s sharp talons, frog’s sticky tongue
Functional adaptation Abalone’s ability to suction onto a rock
Behavioral adaptation Bear’s hibernation pattern
order of living things cell, tissue, organ, organ system
thorax where legs and wings are attached on an insect
binomial nomenclature the two-part naming system for organisms
number of body parts of an insect three
dichotomous key (taxonomic key) SERIES OF PAIRED STATEMENTS, special guide developed by taxonomists to help identify unknown organisms by answering a series of yes or no questions (remember the alien activity)
what are the body parts of an insect head, thorax, abdomen
Bilateral Symmetry When an organism has only one line of symmetry
Created by: mountaingirl38
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