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Evo&Eco exam 1

Malthus published "essay on the Princip;e of population" in 1798
Lamarck Published his hypothesis of evolution in 1809
Cuvier Published his extensive studies of vertebrate fossils
Lyell published principles of geology in 1830
Wallace while studying species, he sent Darwin his hypothesis of natural selection in 1858
Darwin wrote his essay on descent with modification; book "Origin of species" was published in 1859
4 main tentants of natural selection (write it down) Individuals vary greatly in their traits; natural variation within a species; variation in traits is inherited; acquired traits cannot be inherited
genetic drift chance events cause allele frequencies to fluctuate randomly from one generation to the next
founder effect few individuals become isolated from larger population, smaller groups establishes new population--> gene pool of new population differs from source population
bottleneck effect sudden change in environment drastically reduces size of population, surviving alleles result of chance alone
mutation chance in nucleotide sequence in an organisms DNA (source of genetic variation)
gene duplication can result in expanded genome (source of genetic variation)
sexual reproduction existing genes arranged in new ways;crossing over/fertilization (source of genetic variation)
true mutation, gene duplication and sexual reproduction are sources of genetic variation (T/F)
true in a population that is not evolving, allele and genotypic frequency will remain constant from generation to generation (T/F)
true no selection, no mutation, no migration, large population and random mating are the assumptions of Hardy-Weinberg (T/F)
intrasexual selection male-male competition; harem defense
intersexual selection mate choice; usually occurs within females; depends on males appearance or behavior
tentative meaning science cannot prove anything. There will always be information that will make us change our mind. We use science to collect evidence
Objective removes an bias view from the scientist
testable you can test science in any way or to support evidence
observation some aspect of the natural world that interest you
hypothesis a plausible explanation, taking into account what is already known
prediction tells what to expect if you do the experiment. "If I do X, then I will see Y"
experiment/results set up the conditions to test the prediction
conclusion the results can support the hypothesis, falsify the hypothesis or be inclusive
Created by: Miera
Popular Biology sets




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