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Bio 1100 Week 5


Gregor Mendel Founder of genetics, Augustinian monk.
Garden pea plant The plant Mendel used for his experiments.
Advantages of garden Pea plant. easy to grow, short generation time, large number of offspring, easy to cross pollinate, have several clearyly defined charachters, self fertilized, and have true breeding variaties.
Crossing of true-breeding pea plants. Generation F1 (hybrids) Mendel cross bred purple and white flowers and the result were solely purple flowers
Crossing of true-breeding pea plants. Generation F2 3:1 ratio of purple to white flowers due to the purple flowers having the dominant colour trait.
Characteristics of Human chromosomes. 2 sets of chromosomes, 23 from one parent and 23 from the other.
Homozygous same allele from both parents. (true breeding)
Heterozygous different alleles from parents. eg Aa
Phenotype The set of observable characteristics of an individual resulting from the interaction of its genotype with the environment,
Genotype The set of genes in our DNA which is responsible for a particular trait.
Gametes A mature haploid male or female germ cell that is able to unite with another of the opposite sex in sexual reproduction to form a zygote.
Complete dominance Dominant alleles completely mask recessive alleles.
Incomplete domincance Dominant alleles do not completely mask recessive alleles
Co-dominance The effects of different alleles are equally detectable in heterozygotes,
One gene controls _____ characters Several.
Examples of Recessive genetic conditions. Phenylketonuria, Tay-sachs disease, and albinism
Mendel's law of segregation During the formation of gametes, the two alleles of a gene separate and end up in different gametes.
Testcross Crossing of an individual with an unknown genotype with the homozygous recessive for that trait.
Use of a testcross to determine the genotype of suspected heterozygote.
Zygote A diploid cell resulting from the fusion of two haploid gametes.
Diploid containing two complete sets of chromosomes, one from each parent.
Haploid having a single set of unpaired chromosomes.
allele one of two or more alternative forms of a gene that arise by mutation and are found at the same place on a chromosome.
Multigenic inheritance inheriting characteristics specified by a combination of genes.
Pleithropy The production by a single gene of 2 or more apparently unrelated affects.
All of the offspring of a black hen and white rooster are grey. This pattern of inheritance is suggestive of? Incomplete dominance.
Incomplete dominance
Polygenic inheritance
Complete dominance
Autosomal Chromosomes
Colour Blindness occurs in about ___% of males and ____% of females. 10%, 0.4%
Created by: Joeyyip13
Popular Biology sets




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