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final exam 6 science

the final exam for st georges episcopal 6th science

two characteristics of plants autotrophic eukaryotes
photosynthesisthe process by which plants make their own food photosynthesis
the boundary that surrounds a plant cell cell wall
a chemical that makes the cell wall rigid cellulose
the structures in which food is made,photosynthesis Chloroplasts
a sac like storage area where food and water is stored vacuole
groups of similar cells that preform a specific function in an organism tissues
found in the chloroplasts, gives it the green color chlorophyll
for plants to survive on land they must have/ be able to obtain water and other materials from their surroundings retain water transport materials throughout the plant support their bodies reproduce successfully
a waxy waterproof layer that covers the leaves of most plants cuticle
an internal system of tube like structures through which water and food move inside the plant vascular system
_____ occurs when a sperm cell unites with an egg cell fertilization
the fertilized egg zygote
the first stage of a plant when it is able to produce spores, the tiny cells that can grow into new organisms sporophyte
a spore develops into the plant's other stage, called _____ the plant produces two kinds of sex cells in this stage gametophyte
the two kinds of sex cells, perm cells and egg cells gametes
the life cycle of the plant egg - sporophyte - gameophyte
reaction equation of photosythesis water + carbon dioxide + sunlight = air and glucose (sugar)
nonvascular plants low-growing plants that lack vascular tissue ex: moss, hornworts, liverworts
thin root-like structures called _______ anchor the moss and absorb the water and nutrients from the soil rhizoids
Sphagnum moss grows in a type of wetland called a ______ bog
Over time,the mosses become compressed into layers and form a blackish- brown material called ______ peat
liverworts, hornworts, and mosses lowgrowing, non-vascular,
two characteristics of ferns and their relatives vascular tissue use spores to reproduce
unlike mosses, ferns are vascular plants, plants that have vascular tissue
a ferns leaf frond
fern gametophytes tiny plants that grow low to the ground
all seed plants share two characteristics the have vascular tissue and use seeds to reproduce
most seed plants live_____ on land
the vascular tissue through which food moves Phloem
water and nutrients travel in the vascular tissue called _______ xylem
structures that contain a young plant inside a protective covering seeds
the three important parts of a seed embryo, stored food, and a seed coat
the young plant that develops from the zygote embryo
in some plants, food is stored inside on or two seed leaves, or _______ cotyledons
a seed must have three things to develop into a new plant water light nutrients
the scattering of seeds seed dispersal
the early growth stage of an embryo germination
the most numerous parts on many plants the leaves
the function of leaves leaves capture the sun's energy and carry out the food-making process of photosyntesis
the underside of the leaf has small openings, or pores called _____ stomata they look like tiny mouths
how the stomata works carbon dioxide enters the leaf through the stomata sugar and and oxygen are produced form the carbon dioxide and water
the process by which water evaporates from a plant's leaves transpiration they slow down transpiration by closing the stomata
the stem the stem carries substances between the plant's roots and leaves. The stem also provides support for the plant and holds up the leaves so they are exposed to the sun
a layer of cells inside the phloem the cambium
the roots the roots anchor the plant in the ground and absorb water and nutrients from the soil
contains dead cells, protects the root from injury from rocks and other material as the root grows through the soil root cap
a seed plant that produces naked seeds gymnosperm
characteristics of gymnosperms every gymnosperm produces naked seeds.In addition, many gymnosperms also have needlelike or scalelike leaves, and deep- growing root systems
the four groups of gymnosperms cyads, ginkgos, gneophytes, conifers
cyads live only in tropical areas
ginkgo only one species of ginkgo exists today
gnetophytes live in hot dry deserts in south africa, least likely to be seen
conifers a cone bearing plant, christmas trees, most likely to see, the largest group of gymnosperms,
reproductive structures cones
the gymnosperms produce two types of cones male cones and female cones
_____ contains the microscopic cells that will later become sperm cells pollen (located in the male cone)
a structure that contains an egg cell ovule (located i the female cone)
the transfer of pollen from a male reproductive structure to a female reproductive structure pollenation
a plant that produces seeds that are enclosed in a fruit angiosperms
the protective "vessle" where the seeds develop ovary
the ovary is located within an angiosperm's ______ flower
Characteristics of angiosperms fruit flowers
colorful structures that you see when flowers open petals
leaflike structures that enclose a flower when it is still a bud sepals
the male reproductive part stamen
female reproductive part pistil
how angiosperms reproduce pollen falls on stigma sperm cell and egg cell join together in the flower's ovule zygote develops into the embryo part of the seed
angiosperms with only one seed leaf monocots corn wheat rice lilles and tulips flowers have a multiple of three leaves
angiosperms with two seed leaves dicots roses violets dandelions oak maple beans and apples either four or five petals or a multiple of the two
a plant's growth response toward or away from a stimulus tropism
a chemical that affects how the plant grows and develops hormones
one important hormone that speeds up the rate at which a plants cells grow auxin
Created by: lalaland462
Popular Science sets




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