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Science Unit 3

Cell- A basic unit of structure and function in a living thing.
Organisms- May be made by one cell or trillions of cells.
Nucleus- The control center of a cell that directs the cell's activities.
Cell membrane- The thin covering that surrounds every cell and that controls what leaves and enters the cell.
Inherited trait- A characteristic passed from parents to their offspring.
Recessive trait- A trait that appears only if an organism has two factors for that trait.
Dominant trait- A trait that appears if an organism has one factor for that trait.
Tissue- A group of similar cells that work together, such as muscle tissue and stomach tissue. Cells of the same type that work together to do a certain job make up a _________.
Organ- A group of tissues that work together to preform a certain function.
Organ system- A group of organs that work together to do a job for the body.
Brain- The organ in the human body that processes information.
Skin- The human bodies largest organ, covering the outside of the body.
Bones- Organs that support and protect the body, store minerals, and allow movement.
Muscle- An organ that contracts to produce body movement.
Lungs- Spongy organs that expand to fill with air.
Heart- A muscular organ that pumps blood throughout your body.
Stomach- A bag-like organ in which food is mixed with digestive juices and squeezed by muscles.
Liver- A large organ that makes a digestive juice called bile.
Pancreas- An organ in the body that makes a digestive juice as well as insulin.
Kidneys- Organs in the human excretory system that remove waste materials from the blood.
Bladder- Organ in the excretory system that stores and releases urine.
Cell theory- All living things are made of cells, all the processes of life take place in cells, and new cells come from existing cells.
Small intestine- It digests food and absorbed nutrients from digested food.
Large intestine- Absorbs water and minerals and leaves only the waste.
Mitosis- It occurs within body cells and allows for growth.
Meiosis- It forms sex cells-eggs and sperm.
Mitochondria- It releases energy the cell uses to do its jobs. Also known as the "powerhouse" of the cell.
Cytoplasm- A jellylike substance that gives the cell shape and holds the cell's parts.
Cell wall- It surrounds and protects only the plant cell.
Vacuole- In a plant cell and it stores water, nutrients, and wastes.
Chloroplast- It uses energy from sunlight to make sugar.
Nervous system- It sends messages throughout your body using nerves that are along your spinal cord.
Integumentary system- It protects the body's organs and it makes you feel pain.
Muscular system- The muscular system is an organ system consisting of skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscles. It permits movement of the body, maintains posture, and circulates blood throughout the body.
Skeletal system- The framework of the body, consisting of bones and other connective tissues, which protects and supports the body tissues and internal organs.
Respiratory system- Organs in the ________ bring in oxygen that the body needs to release carbon dioxide, the body's waste gas.
Excretory system- It rids the body waste and keeps your body's water and salt levels in balance.
Pituitary- This produces hormones that tell other glands what to do.
Thyroid- It produces a hormone that lets your body use energy. It goes up when you need energy, and it goes down when you have enough energy.
Adrenals- These glands produce a hormone called adrenalin.
Endocrine system- It produces hormones that cause changes in growth.
Created by: Martha8580
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