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Semester 4 Pathology -Vascular/cardiac tumors

List the benign tumors covered Hemangioma (including von hipple-lindau syndrome), Lymphangioma, glomus tumor, vascular ectasia.
Tumors of intermediate malignancy Menangioendothelioma and hemangiopericyotma
Malignant tumors kaposi sarcoma, angiosarcoma, lymphangiosarcoma`
What is the tx for cardiac rhabdomyoma? Heart xplant. Surgical tumor resection is not an option due to its location in the ventricle.
Compare the key morphological features of benign vs malignant vascular tumors. Benign: Distinct vascular channels filled with blood or lymph. One layer of benign endothelium and no cellular atypia. Malignant: solid, cellular, NO WELL FORMED VESSELS. Cellular atypia. Identied with CD31, CD34, vWF, and Factor VII
What is granuloma gravidarum? What kind of tumor is? hemangioma of the gum found in pregnant women. It is a type of capillary hemangioma (benign) pyogenic granuloma
What are the major types of hemangioma? Capillary hemangioma (pyogenic granuloma ((ie granuloma graviderum)) and juvenile/strawberry granuloma) and Cavernous hemangioma.
What is the behavior of hemangioma typical regresses spontaneously.
Pregnant women presents with grown in mouth.... dx? granuloma graviderum... a type of pyogenic granuloma (capillary hemangioma)
von hippel lindau syndrome is an example of what kind of tumor cavernous hemanioma. cysts in kidneys and pancrease, as well as tumors in cerebellum, retina, and liver.
What is a glomus tumor? A benign tumor that grows under the fingernail.
What is an ectasia? Localized dilation of preexisted blood vessels. NOT a neoplasm. (ie; teleangiectasia: dilation of small blood vessels [arteriols, capillaries, venules]
What are the major types of vascular ectasia? Nevus flammus - a birth mark in the head or neck region that regresses spontaneously. (Port wine stain, sturge weber syndrome), and spider teleangeiectasia.
Contrast nevus flammeus from port wine stain Port wine stain is nevus flammeus that persists into adulthood.
What is sturge weber sydrome Neurological disorder present at birth which is characterized by **seizures** and mental retardation accompanied by a large port-wine stain birthmark of the forehead
Spidertelangiectasia. Description? Cause? Radial arrat f dilated sucutaneous arteries/arterioles around a central core. Caused by hyperestinism in pregnancy or liver cirrhosis
Hemangiopericytoma is commonly found where? What age group? What cell type? in the PERICYTES of the retroperitoneum and lower extremities. Commonly in elderly patients. Intermediate malignancy (2/3 of cases are benign, 1/3 malig)
What is the cause of kaposi sarcoma? HHV-8... commonly in AIDS pts, but not always
Chronic kaposi sarcoma (KS) effects what parts of body? Benign or malig? Skin, distal lower extremities. Benign
What are the 4 major types of Kaposi Sarcoma (KS) 1) Chronic (europian/classic) KS (benign. fx skin and distal lower extremities), (2) Lymphadenopathic KS (african/endemic) -fx LN and skin; aggressive. Not related to AIDS. (3) Transplant Asso. KS and (4) AIDS asso KS
Describe the morphology of lesions in KS? Pink-Purple-Red patch --> plaque -> nodule. Histologically sppears as cords of pleopmorphic spindle shapred cells with scattered small vessels and slit like spaces
Histological finding of cords of pleomorphic spindle shaped cells with scattered small vessels and slit like spaces. DX? KS
What morphological finding is NEVER found is kaposi sarcoma? Collagen production is never found.
What is the cause of hepatic hemangiosarcoma? Hepatic hemangiosarcoma is causes by arsenic, thorotrast (X-ray contrast media), and PVC (poly vinyl chloride
Compare consistency of carcinoma to sarcomas Carcinomas, as a rule, are usually hard, while sarcomas are usually soft (fish skin like consistency)
What are the major complications of cardiac myxoma Valvular obstruction and systemic embolization with brain infarcts. **Not metastasis, only embolization**
Where in the heart is a cardiac myxoma most likely to be found? Left Atrium (may obstruct mitral valve)
What kind of cells is a rhabdomyoma made of? Spider cells (primitive rhabdomyocytes)
Where is a rhabdomyoma located? Right or LEft ventricle
aortic calcific sclerosis is associated with what congenital valve abnormality> Bicuspid aortic valve.
Aschoff bodies are found in asso with what disease RF
IV drug user presents with fevers, fatigue, weight loss, hemorrhagic lesions and heart murmums. What is the likely dx, what findings are likely to present with this dx? infective endocarditis. Findings of bulky and friable vegetations.
What is the major cause of non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis (NBTE) mucus producing adenocarcinoma (any origin, but mainly pancrease)
Pt. With history of mucus producing adenocarcinoma is at increased risk for what cardiac disease? non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis.
What is the morphological finding of non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis? sterile vegetations n the leaflets or cusps of heart (usually mitral or aortic).
How is RF differentiated from NBTE? By the pt hx. Child in developing country w/ recent strep - -> HF. Pt with cancer ‡ NBTE. Diseases have similar lesions on heart valves.
What is a carcinoid? a tumor of neuroendocrine cells which secrete hormones. 5-HT. Kallikrien, histamine, bradkinin, etc
What side of the heart is effected by GI carcinoids? Right side of heart
What side of the heart is effected by uterine or ovarian carcinoids? right side of heart
What side of heart is effected by brochial carcinoid? Left side of heart.
Compare the vegetations of infective endocarditis to the vegetations of RF IE: Bulky and friable vegetation on the aortic, mitral, or tricuspid valves. RF: small semitranslucent along the valve margins
Bundles of spindle shaped cells are found histologically in what dz kaposi sarcoma. These do NOT produce collagen
Pt exposed to PVC or thorotrast are at increased risk for what vasular tumor? Hemangiosarcoma. Highly metastatic.
Chronic lymphedema following a radical mastectomy can progress into what kind of tumor? Lymphangiosarcoma
How are lymphangiosarcomas differentiated from hemangiosarcomas? Hemangiosarcomas have RBCs, lymphangiosarcomas do not.
Where are cardiac myxoma most commonly located? Left atrium.
What kind of cardiac tumor never metastasizes, only forms embolism? Cardiac myxoma
Cardiac rhabdomyoma vs cardiac myxoma Myxoma located in left atrium, rhabdomyoma is in left or right ventricle and is made of SPIDER CELLS
Created by: rkirchoff
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