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Ch. 20 burns

~ _____% of all civillian fire related deaths occur in residential constructions 82%
Who is at particularly high risk of dying in fires children younger then 5 and alderly people
the skin is also known as what The integument system
what is the largest and one of the most complex organs of the body the skin
the epidermis itself is made up of how many layers 4
When the outermost layer of dead cells shed from the skin, is referred to as desquamation
what blood vessels serve a crucial role in regulating body temperature by regulating the volume of blood that flows from the core to the surface Cutaneous blood vessels
what is the average volume of sweat lost in a 24 hour period of normal conditions 500-1000cc
Closely monitoring what in burn patients may indicate airway burns nasal hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes
at the neck of each hair follicle is a subacious gland that produces what sebum
sebum is believed to do what keep the skin supple so it doesn't dry out and crack
when sebaceous glands become block a hard ______ forms comedo
occular damage is a common result of ______ injury. alkali
the ______ the ______ of the substance the more severe the damage to the eye higher, base
What burn is sometimes called trauma by fire thermal burn
Most commonly a thermal burn is caused open flame, resulting in what kind of burn flame burn
hot liquids produce what type of burn scald burn
~ how many scald burns result anually form spilled food and beverages. 100,000
Coming in contact with hot objects causes what type of burn contact burn
what type of burn can produce a topical burn steam burn
what is notorious for causing airway burns steam
Inhalation of hot gases may cause what supraglottic
A flash burn is caused by what the flash of an explosion
burn shock occurs because of 2 types of injuries, what are they fluid loss across damaged skin, and a series of volume shifts within the rest of the body
application of what may help to reduce some minor edema in airway burns cool mist
Heat inhilation may produce what laryngospasm, and bronchospasm in the lower airway
What should be considered whenever a group of people in the same place all complain of nausea, or ha carbon monoxide poisoning
CO binds to the receptor sites of hemaglobin how many more times then O2 250
There are 6 different kinds of chemical burns. What are they reduction, oxidation, corrosion, protoplasmic poisons, desecration, and vesication
in a reduction chemical burn, what happens protein denaturation following exposure to a reducing agent
in a Oxidation chemical burn, what happens a chemical inserts oxygen, sulfur or a halagon
in a Corrosion chemical burn, what happens Chemicals corrode the skin and cause protein denaturation
in a Protoplasmic poison chemical burn, what happens chemicals that form esters with proteins or that bind or inhibit the inorganic ions needed for the bodys normal functions
in a Desecration chemical burn, what happens Desiccants that damage the body by extracting water from tissues
in a vesication chemical burn, what happens Vesicants rapidly produce cutaneous blisters and typically are referred to as chemical warfar agents
Their are three different classifications for electrical burns. Define each The most common is the type I and is a contact burn. The type II is an arch burn caused by a flash. The third is a flame burn caused by electricity ignighting a persons clothing or surroundings
What are the two most common causes of death from electrical injury Asphyxia, and cardia arrest
When might asphyxia occur during an electrical injury when prolonged contact induces tetanic contractions of the respiratory muscles, or the shock wipes out the respiratory center in the brain
Severe tetanic muscle spasms can cause what bone fractures
What are the 2 common cardiac dysrrhythmias from electrical injuries a-fib and a-flutter
Lightnings energy can reach how many volts and amps 100 million volts and 200,000 amps
In radiation their are 3 different types, name them alpha, betta, and gamma
With alpha radiation what will stop the wave the skin
in betta radiation what will stop the wave the proper protective clothing
gamma radiation will be stopped by what nothing. it easily passes through the skin and solid objects
Mild radiation sickness can be expected with exposures of what 1-2 Gy
Moderate radiation sickness can be expected with exposures of what 2-5 Gy
What radiation amount can be immediately fatal 8 GY
What can cause hematologic, CNS, and GI changes acute radiation syndrome
A surgical cut through burned tissue to allow for swelling and advanced fluid management is referred to as escharotomy
If bits of smoldering cloth adhere to the skin, what should you do not pull it off, but instead cut it away
Combative patients suspected of burns should be considered what untill proven otherwise HYPOXIC
Anyone suspected of having a burn to the upper airway may benefit from hummidified, cool oxygen
burn shock typically occurs how long after the burn 6-8 HOURS
the central area of the skin that suffers the most damage from a burn is called zone of coagulation
the peripheral area surrounding the zone of coagulation is known as what zone of stasis
the area that is least affected by the burn is known as zone of hyperemia
a 1st degree burn is a _______ and involves superficial burn, the epidermis only.
a 2nd degree burn is a ________ and involves partial thickness burn, the epidermis and varying degrees of the dermis
a 3rd degree burn is a ________ and involves full thickness burn, envolves both layers and the basement membrane
WHat should you check and document in burned extremities often distal pulses
what is the parkland formula 4MLxKGx% of body surface burned
In the perkland formula how much of that should be given in the first 8 hours HALF
why should you never apply ice to a burn it can exacerbate the tissue injury
a burned extremity should have what done to minimize edema elevate
alkali burns caused by lime become what when combined with water become very corrosive
what type of burn should be covered with oil a sodium metal burn, because when mixed with water produce considerable heat and may explode
Hydrofloric acid burns that exceed ___ - ____ % of the body can be fatal 3-5%
what is the fifth leading cause of death in the work place electrocution
when voltage is low current follows what pathe of least resistance
when voltage is high current follows the shortest path
AC or DC current is most likely to induce V-fib AC
radiation injury follows what the inverse square law
the reliable waking rate in children less then 15 may be as low as 6%
why might children, and elderly suffering from burns require glucose they have poor glycogen stores
~ ______ older adults die of fire related causes each year, making it the ____ leading cause of death in this population 1200, 6th
In elderly patients being treated for burn injuries should be monitored for what during fluid resuscitation pulmonary edema
People with major burn injuries average how many days in the hospital for how much TBSA burned 1 day for 1% TBSA
Created by: klindley
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets




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