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2nd science quarter

Osmosis the diffusion of water
diffusion the movement of molecules from high to low
photosynthesis the process by which plants capture the light and make their own food
cellular respiration the process by which the cell uses the food (glucose) to make energy
reactants of photosynthesis carbon dioxide (c020 + water (h20)
products of photosynthesis glucose (c6h12o6)+oxygen(o20
products of cellular respiration carbon dioxide(c02)+water(h20)
reactants of cellular respiration glucose(c6h12o6)+oxgen(o2)
how photosynthesis and cellular respiration help each other we breathe in oxygen and let out carbon dioxide plants take in carbon dioxide and let out oxygen
mitosis the six stage process by which a eukaryotic cell makes more cells
interphase the stage where chromosomes are long and stringy like spaghetti
prophase the stage where chromosomes condense and shorten like ziti
metaphase the stage where chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell
anaphase the stage where chromosomes separate to opposite ends of the cell like spiderman
telophase the phase where the cell membrane begins to spilt and the cell late begins to form
cytokinesis the stage where the cell membrane completely splits into to and makes more cells
evolution the process by which organisms inherit changes over time
fossils solidified remains or imprints
vestiges structures a once useful structure in an organism
comparing organisms comparing organisms to see simalrites among other organisms
skelital structures dolphin flipper, bat wing, humanarm, cat leg
dna all organisms have different dan but similar codes
embryonic structures when an organism grows over time
overproduction to produce more offspring
genetic variation same populations but different species
struggle to survive favorable traits, reproduce, species
successful reproduction organisms help others survive
why do scientists classify organisms its more organized and easy for people to use around the world
carleus leinuss named things by the modern system of classification and created taxonomy
taxonomy the science of classifying organisms
7 stages of classification kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
summarize the peppered moth story there were 2 moths a dark moth and a white moth and a the birch tree the white moth always camouflaged but then there was a industrial revolution and made the trees dark so now they were camouflaged from the predators
speciation the process by which two species become so different that they no longer interbreed
separation portion of pollution is physically isolated (earthquake)
adaption when an environment changes so does population (natural selection)
division over generations the two groups of a population can become so different that they are no longer the same species
species a kind of animal inside of a main animal
how scientists use fossils for evidence of evolution they use layers of sediment to determine the relative age
the rules of of scientific naming genus always capitalized and species lowercase it has to be underlined or italicized
how to use a dichotomous key
six kingdoms plant, animal, protist, eubacteria, archaebacteria, fungi
animal example eagle, beatle, dolphin
plant example sequis, flowering plants
protist example protozoa, algae, slime mold, water mold
fungi example molds and mushrooms
eubacteria example e.coli and yogurt
archaebacteria example hot springs
animal reproduction sexual- sperm fertilizes egg (fertilization) asexual- budding part of organism buds off regeneration anew part of grows off of an old one like a starfish
plant reproduction sexual- sperm in egg fertilizes egg (pollination) asexual- vegetative propagation ; runners; platelets; budding
protist reproduction sexual- on conjunction exchange dna and split paramecium asexual- binary fission paramecium euglena amoeba algae
fungi reproduction asexual- spores sexual- spores
eubacteria reproduction asexual- binary fission
archaebacteria reproduction asexual- binary fission
animal energy consumers
plant energy producers
fungi energy decomposers
animal cell type eukaryotic cell
plant cell type eukaryotic cell
protist cell type eukaryotic cell
fungi cell type eukaryotic cell
eubacteria cell type prokaryotic cell
archaebacteria cell type prokaryotic cell
plant like protist euglena and algae chloroplasts for food euglena also animal like flagellum
animal like protist paramecium and amoeba paramecium uses hair like cilia for movement amoeba uses persudopod for movement and to capture food
fungi like protist slime mold and water mold decomposers for food reproduces by spores
three main shapes of of bacteria cocci, bacillus, and sprilla
where eubacteria maybe found mild conditions
where archaebacteria maybe found extreme conditions
which bacteria s the oldest archebacetria 3.5 billion years old
Created by: malloreyhayes
Popular Science sets




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