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WHMIS Workplace Hazardous Material Information System ; Provides information on first aid and the storage handling and disposal of any chemical found in the workplace.
WHMIS Symbols Dangerously Reactive
Cell The smallest unit of life
Organ Two or more tissues combined together to perform a specialized role
Solute Dissolves to form a solution
Solution Made of two or more substances
Solvent solute dissolves to form a solution
using solute, solution, and solvent together solvent + solute = solution
Soluble substance that will dissolve
insoluble substance that will not dissolve
pure substance only one type of particle
mechanical mixture more than one type of particle is visible
concentration amount of solute present in a solution
acids turns blue litmus paper red also less than 7
pH scale how acidic or basic substances are also 0-14
acid rain pH lower than 5.6
corrosion the wearing away of materials by a chemical reaction. rust
test with litmus paper changes colou depending on the substance being tested. different colours depending on the pH of the distance.
convection involves current
conduction involves content
radiation involves electromagnetic waves
land breeze flows from the cool land out to the warmer (cool land -warmer land)
sea breeze cool wind that blows from a cool ocean toward the warmer land (cool-warmer land)
robert brown first person to notice that particles jiggle faster as they are heated
friction two surfaces rubbing together
r - value how well insulation slows heat transfer - higher values mean less heat transfer
radiators a thing that radiates or emits light, heat, or sound
hot air vents an exit, escape, or passage
simple machines involves only one movement
inclined plane sloping surface, such as a ramp, switchback, or a screw
wedge separate two objects, lift up an object, or hold an object in place
third class lever effort is found between the fulcrum and the load
force a push or pull
distance space between two things or people
cell membrane (city) gates control what comes in and what goes out just like the cell wall
cytoplasm (city) buildings and transportation systems necessary to keep the city running. (jelly-like)
endoplasmic reticulum - er (city) communication and transportation system all rolled into one. (food, water, waste)
chloroplast (city) produce all the food to survive.
golgi body (city) package wastes (holds waste), takes waste away
vacuole (city) stores water and waste products. treats and recycles wastes before exporting them
mitochondrion (city) all the energy
nucleus (city) control centre
cytoplasm holds all the other organelles in place. Jelly-like
nucleus controls all activités in the cell
mitochondrion releases energy in the cell. "powerhouse"
Label esophagus near the heart
cells smallest unit of life
organs two or more tissues combined together to perform a specialized role.
cellular respiration glucose + oxygen = carbon dioxide + energy + water
photosynthesis carbon dioxide + water + energy = oxygen + glucose
malnutrition ill-health caused by a diet, missing essential nutrients
diabetes illness that disables the bodys ability to regulate the production of sugar
ulcer holes or breaks in the lining of the esophagus or stomach caused when normal digestive juices destroy the protective mucous lining
anorexia metal illeness in which a person is so afraid of gaining weight that they restrict their food intake excessively
homeostasis body systems to stay in balance
fad diet what people should eat
food chains model that shows how energy and better pass from one organism to another in an ecosystem
producer make their own food - usually through photosynthesis
primary consumer animal that eat plants or producers
secondary consumer an animal that eats primary consumers
extinction the elimination of a species from Earth
emigration departures from a population
immigration arrivals into a population
population individuals of the same species living together in the same place at the same time
carrying capacity individuals that an environment can support
parasite lives on or in another organism at the expense of that organisms
predators animal that catches, kills, and eats other animals
prey animal that is eaten by other animals
exotic species species that does not occur naturally in an ecosystem
species at - risk close to becoming extinct
biomes larger geographic area containing distinct plants and animals
parkland main plants and trees and grasses. where edmonton is
abiotic factors non-loving factors such as weather and altitude that limit the number of individuals that an ecosystem can support
biotic factors living parts of an ecosystem that affect the size of population the ecosystem can support
climate average weatter conditions
latitude a measure in degrees of how far north or south a place is from the equator
Created by: angelxpenney
Popular Science sets




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