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Geog 237


Asian poverty rates compared to whites Lowest poverty rate of all minority's but slightly higher than whites
Asian population distribution 51% west19% south12% midwest19%Northeast
Old AsiansNew Asians Before 1965Old:Chinese, Japanese, and some KoreansNew: Koreans, Filipinos, SE Asians, S asians and Chinese
Asians most likelty to immigrate after 1975 SE Asians
Boat People Term used to describe people feeling SE Asia communist regimes from 1975 to early 1990's(Vietnamese Ethnic Chinese in Vietnam)
Hmong People of Highland LaosFought with US in Vietnam but was persecuted by communists after US left
Education levels of Asian Americans High School-87%College-Men 51% women 44%
Immigration to U.S. 1849 to 1882 Chinese laborers came to California and other parts of the countryChinese Exclusion Act of 1882 barred Chinese immigration
Immigration 1860 to 1907 Japanese and Koreans came to Hawai and later California as laboreres,1905 Japan banned the emigration of koreans to the US since Japan occupied Korea
1907 Japan-US "Gentleman's Agreement" Japan voluntarily restricted emigration from Japan to USAllowed people to send for families and wives
Immigration Act of 1924 practically ended Asian immigration to the US
What county was it illegal for asians to entereven Japanese Ambassador Humboldt County
Race/Ethnicity of Children living in low-income families 62% Latino60% Black28% Asian26% White
2/3 of children in low-income families live in the South and West
Low income children in the Northeast and Midwest are more likely to be Urban
Low-income children in the South and West are more likely to be Rural
____of the top 10 Forbes 400 richest are Wal-Mart heirs 5
Who earns more men or women Men
How much did a family headed up by women make and percentage that were in poverty 22,163 29.9%
How much did a family headed up by men make and percentage that were in poverty 35,681 12%
Married couples earned and percentage that were in poverty 54,180 5.3%
Why do Latino's have highest rates in children Recent immigration and language barriers
Why are elderly in poverty because of Reduced and fixed incomes of retirement
Elderly populations in the US Florida is first then PA, WVA, IA, ND
Regions aged over 65 in 2000 Northeast 13.8Midwest 12.8South 12.4West 11.0
Where is older and where is growing older faster Northeast and Midwest are olderSouth and West are growing older faster
Problem with Mdeicare and prescription drugs Drugs were cheap in the 60's but now are more expensive due to research and development. but are not covered under Medicare
Why do elderly face challenges Part I 1. REduced incomes2. working class wages have lower retirement wages3. Sudden financial emergencies4. old age and disabilty5. Decline in value of homes6. Friends and family pass or move away
Why do elderly face challenges Part II 7. Costs not covered by Medicare8. Reduced eyesight, hearing and mental capacity9. Inability to cook and clean properly may lead to malnutrition and bad health10. Depression and feeling isolated11. Move to bad nusring homes12.wont ask for help
Solutions 1. Senior citizens centers offer sens of community and help2. Increased funding, but costs more. Cheaper to buy drugs and use at-home care over nursing homes3. Services: meals on wheels, transportation services
Why women shop at wal-mart 1. Prices, save more2. Convenience, walmart offers a lot of services and 1 stop shopping3. Fun, social activity, gives women a sense of empowerment
What is wal-marts attitude toward women Women don't need more money or advancement
Why do they have this attitude to women Because women work at walmart just to supplement their income since they have men who work the primary job
Created by: grind119
Popular Geography sets




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