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Roots 3 modification

lecture 16

functions of water include carries nutrients from roots to plant, it is a solvent for chemical reaction,
water potential is used to predict.. which way water wil move
units of water potential are megapascals
osmosis diffusion of water across a semi permeable membrane
turgid means the cell is full of water
plasmolysis means water has moved out of the cell
stomata control the loss of water from a plant
there are two methods by which water enters roots 1. active transport and 2 passive transport
active transport requires energy in the form of ATP( adenosine tri phosphate)
passive transport is by osmosis
water absorbed by plants enters by root hairs
surface area for water absorption is further increased by mycorrhizal fungi. Phosphorous is absorbed in this way
how many pathways are there for water movement 3
apoplast route movement of water through the cell walls and the space between the cells
symplast route movement of water through cytoplasm connected by plasmodesmata
transmembrane route movement of water between cells and across the membranes of vacuoles
aquaporins water channels in vacuoles and membranes
the driving force for tanspiration is the gradient in the vapour pressure from 100% inside in the leaf to lower than 100 ourside
there are 3 methods of water movement in the xylem transpiraton pull, cohesion adhesion forces and root pressure
transpiraton pull force responsible for lifting a column of water. water lost for mesophill cells pressure is put on lower cells to replace water
cohesion adhesion theory water molecules are cohesive and are held together by hydrogen bonds. water molecules are also adhesive and stick to the xylem vessels
root pressure caused by active transport of nutrients into the root
Created by: MKHealy
Popular Science sets




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