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Bio 104 questions


what would happen if the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is met? allele frequency would remain the same and cause no evolution
How do you get transcription? transcription factors then RNA polymerase
What are the changes happening to cells undergoing apoptosis? cut DNA, become smaller, and flip membrane
What are factors being evaluated before a cell is allowed to begin G1 and proceed past the G1 checkpoint? signal to divide, size, DNA integrity, and proper nutrients
chromosomal alterations include: deletion, translocation, inversion, and duplication
sequence of events in translation initiation, elongation, and termination
during replication of DNA, DNA polymerase... needs a primer to begin
correct order of enzymes as they function during DNA replication in eukaryotic cells begin with helicase, RNA polymerase, then DNA can attach and then add onto the primer
what is the result of a cell not meeting the criteria to pass a checkpoint there is one chance to fix itself and if not, apoptosis occurs
what leads to variation of genetic materials mutations, crossing over, random assortment, and fertilization
what is the importance of crossing over genetic variation
evolutionary speaking, why do asexual species have a disadvantage over sexually reproducing species? less chance of variety
can genetic disorders be caused by mutations in introns? introns are important in regulation and if there are mutations, they cause problems
how an allele becomes the most common allele in a population? because it is preferred in that environment
Why was it useful to Darwin to learn that respected geologists thought the earth was very old? there was enough time for evolution to occur/show
Created by: han.banan14
Popular Biology sets




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