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MDC- KT 4&5

Midterm Study Guide

adaptation a behavior or trait that increases a species chance of survival in a specific environment
gills a respiratory organ that enables aquatic animals to take oxygen from water and to excrete carbon dioxide
fins a wing- or paddle-like part of a fish used for propelling, steering, or balancing in the water
swim bladders an air-filled sac near the spinal column in many fishes that helps maintain buoyancy
scales any of the small, stiff, flat plates that form the outer body covering of most fish
lateral line an organ running lengthwise down the sides of fish, used for detecting vibrations and pressure changes
streambed the bottom of the stream channel
predators an animal that lives by capturing and eating other animals
prey an animal that is eaten by a predator
population group of individuals of the same species occupying a specific area
plankton microscopic free-floating plant or animal like organisms
community a group of plants and animals living and interacting with one another in a particular place
habitat the natural environment in which an organism normally lives, including the surrounding and other physical conditions needed to sustain it
niche teh function, position or role of a species within an ecosystem
biotic of or having to do with life or living organisms; organic
abiotic nonliving; not derived from living organisms; inorganic
carrying capacity an ecosystem's resource limit; the maximum number of individuals in a population that an ecosystem can support
producers an organism that is able to produce its own food from non-living materials, and which serves as a food source for other organisms in a food chain
consumers an organism that feeds on other organisms in a food chain
decomposers an organism such as bacterium or fungus that feeds on and breaks down dead plant or animal matter
food chain a series of plants and animals linked by their feeding relationships and showing the transfer of food energy from one organism to another
food webs many interconnected food chains within an ecological community
energy pyramid a graphical representation designed to show the relationship between energy and trophic levels of a given ecosystem
trophic level a group of organism that occupy the same position in a food chain
natural selection the natural process in which those organisms best adapted to the conditions under which they live survive and poorly adapted forms are eliminated
invasive species a species that has been introduced by human action to a location where id did not previously occur naturally
Created by: bluevolt85
Popular Biology sets




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