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ES: Ch. 6

Ch. 6

Question or TermAnswer or Definition
Seawater covers over __?__ of the Earth's surface 70%
Study of the earth's oceans Oceanography
A scientist who studies the earth's oceans Oceanographer
The measure of the quantity of dissolved salt in seawater Salinity
TRUE/FALSE: The salinity in seawater is always constant False
What salt makes up about 78% salinity in the oceans Sodium Chloride
What gas is dissolved into the seawater in order for fish to survive Oxygen
What gas is dissolved into the seawater for plankton and kelp to survive Carbon Dioxide
Most dissolved gases enter seawater from where Earth's Atmosphere
What is the natural color of seawater Blue
Shallow waters in the ocean appear to be what color Bright Blue
Deeper waters in the ocean appear to be what color Dark Blue
Most important factor that affect the ocean's color Sky
When the sea appears to be orange or red is because why Sunrise/Sunset
When the sea appears to be gray or black is because why Overcast sky
When the sea appears to be green or brown is because why Abundance of plankton or minute particles of organic debris
As depth of the ocean increases, so the temperature of the sea __?__ Decreases
The region where cold, deep waters meet warm, surface waters is known as Thermocline
The region where the ocean floor crust is heated by magma spews is known as Hydrothermal vents
What 2 main factors determine the density of seawater Salinity and Temperature
Higher salinity means a __?__ density Higher
Higher temperature means a __?__ density Lower
What is the pressure from water called Hydrostatic Pressure
PSI stands for Pounds per square inch
Units used for measuring the pressure of water PSI
Water pressure __?__ more rapidly than atmospheric pressure Increases
Small flat sheets of ice located on the surface of seawaters Sea Ice
Sea Ice is usually not salty because when seawater freezes __?__ is left behind Salt
Huge chunks of floating glacial ice Icebergs
Outer edge of a glacier that is floating on the ocean's surface Ice Shelf
Large Ice Shelf about the size of France Ross Ice Shelf
When the Ice Shelf breaks away from the glacial ice Calve
Only the top __?__ of icebergs is visible above seawater 10%
Three primary types of water movements in the oceans Ocean Currents, Waves, and Tides
Large streams of ocean water that flow at or below the surface Ocean Currents
Ocean currents are created by the differences in what 2 things? Winds and Density
Type of current where large masses of water flowing horizontally along the top of the ocean Surface currents
Movement of seawater currents are influenced by the earth's rotation which leaves a circular path Gyre
Surface current responsible for Great Britain's mild climate Gulf Stream
Coldest surface current that flows west from the coast of South America Peru Current
Type of deep ocean current Subsurface current
Subsurface current when there is a difference in salinity or temperature Density current
Subsurface current usually created by a landslide that is capable of eroding the ocean floor Turbidity current
When a strong land breeze moves surface water away from the coast and the cooler/deeper water moves to the surface to fill the void Upwellings
Current that flows in the opposite direction of another current Countercurrent
A rhythmic back-and-forth motion of water that transfers energy Wave
Highest point of a wave Crest
Lowest point of a wave Trough
Distance from trough to crest of a wave Height
Length of time between one crest to the next crest Period
Most waves are created by __?__ along the surface of the water Wind blowing
What 3 factors determine the size of a wave Wind speed, Length of time the wind blows, and Expanse of open water
What kind of waves are created where many winds shift directions and speed frequently to produce different size waves Choppy waves
White foamy crests that are produced by strong winds in the ocean Whitecaps
Gentle, rolling waves that appear during calm weather but are usually formed from stormy areas to far out to see Ocean Swells
TRUE/FALSE: Individual water molecules on the surface generally move the farthest when compared to deep water molecules True
A wave with a white crest that breaks along the shore line Breaker
When breakers wash up onto the beach in a mass of foaming water which provides a powerful agent of erosion Surf
When sea water recedes from the beach in a gentle current Undertow
Outflowing water that is trapped by a sandbar that is parallel to the shoreline Longshore current
An opening in the sandbar, which creates a powerful narrow channel that allows large volumes of water trapped by the sandbar to exit to the ocean Rip current
How do you escape a rip current Swim parallel to shore till current weakens and then swim to shore
Largest known waves Tsunamis
Tsunamis are formed by Underwater disturbances (such as earthquakes, volcanic explosions, and undersea landslides)
TRUE/FALSE: A tsunamis waves are relatively large at sea False
TWS stands for Tsunami Warning System
Almost 90% of all tsunamis result from strong Earthquakes
Instrument that measures sea level changes Tide Gauges
Tsunami waves travel __?__ then seismic waves Slower
Most regular and predictable movement of ocean waters Tides
Tides are caused primarily by the Moon's gravity
Period when the ocean levels are at their highest point High Tide
Period when the ocean levels are at their lowest point Low Tide
The Gulf of Mexico has __?__ high tide and __?__ low tide 1/1
Most coastal regions have __?__ high tide and __?__ low tide 2/2
Period when the sun, moon and earth line up Spring Tide
Period when the sun and moon are at right angles to each other Neap Tide
Deep depressions in the Earth's surface that contain the oceans Ocean Basins
What parts make up the Continental Margin Con. Shelf, Con. Slope, and Con. Rise
Sandy, gently sloping underwater plain portion of the Con. Margin Con. Shelf
Where the sea floor drops away abruptly is known as __?__ portion of the Con. Margin Con. Slope
Sharp drop-off at the end of the con. shelf Shelf break
Thick layer of sediment that slopes gently toward deep ocean basins is the __?__ portion of the con. margin Con. Rise
Large underwater fissures that cut through the continental shelf and continental slope Submarine canyons
Base of the continental rise where the ocean levels out Abyssal plain
Underwater volcanic mountains Seamounts
A flat-topped seamount Guyots
A pointed-topped seamount Sea peaks
Circular, coral reef islands that grow around seamounts Atolls
Shallow, salty, pool of water in the center of an atoll Lagoon
Stage of atoll where coral reef begins to grow around seamount peak Fringing Reef
Stage of atoll where a small island is left behind once the seamount is reabsorbed back into the ocean Barrier Reef
What submerged mountain chain is found in every ocean and contains majority of earthquakes Mid-ocean ridge
Most widely known underwater mountain chain Mid-Atlantic ridge
Huge valley where the crust appears to be separating in the Mid-Ocean ridges Rift
TRUE/FALSE: Most scientists believe that the ocean floor is slowly spreading at the mid-ocean ridge at the present rate of 3.3 inches per year False (2.2)
Any area that exceeds 6,000 meters in depth Hadal zone
Huge muddy valleys that cut through portions of the abyssal plains Trenches
TRUE/FALSE: Hadal zones are found in trenches True
Deepest known point in the sea is known as __?__ Challenger Deep
Challenger Deep is located in __?__ trench Marianas
First manned research submarine that explored Challenger Deep in 1960 Trieste
In 1872 what shipped took a 4 year voyage around the world to map the ocean bottom, collect samples of the sea bottom, and discover marianas trench HMS Challenger
What was the first surface vessel HMS Challenger
Modern surface vessel that equipment and technology are kept current Knorr
What surface vessel has special propellers that allows it to turn in any direction Maria S. Merian
French vessel outfitted for extracting large samples of sediment Marion Dufresne
FLIP stands for Floating Instrument Platform
Vessel that has no engines and is able to stand horizontally and vertically FLIP
Small research submarines Submersibles
Submersible designed to travel farther than 3,000 feet Bathyscaphe
Bathyscaphe that explored the Challenger Deep Trieste
Another name for modern manned submersibles Deep Submergence Vehicles (DSVs)
DSV made of titanium and can carry 3 people Alvin
DSV equipped with high quality lighting and video cameras Mir I and Mir II
DSV that contained 10 viewing ports, sonar and able to lift 150 pounds Clelia
DSV contained a foot-pedal steering and was completely self-contained Deep Worker
ROV stands for Remotely operated vehicles
ROV's are __?__ and __?__ to use Safer/simpler
ROV that explored the Titanic Argo
ROV that contains a stealth mode Tiburon
2nd submersible to explore Challenger Deep Kaiko
Submersible that was lost at sea Kaiko
Capable of operating without any outside guidance or help Autonomous
Undersea laboratory off the coast of France on the Continental Shelf Conshelf I
Undersea lab found in the Florida Keys where NASA performs environmental tests Aquarius
Created by: Mrs. Sechrist
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