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Medical Definitions

Gadsden Jobcorps Medical Definitions

Providers People or organizations that provide health care, including doctors, nurses, clinics, and agencies.
Facilities In medicine, places where health care is delivered and administered, including hospitals, long-term care facilities, and treatment centers.
Payers People or organizations paying for health care services.
Long-term Care (LTC) Care given in long-term care facilities (LTCF) for people who need 24 hour skilled care.
Skilled care Medically necessary care given by a skilled nurse or therapist; is available 24 hours a day.
Length of stay the number of days a person stays in a health care facility.
Terminal illness A disease or condition that will eventually cause death.
Chronic illness A disease or condition that is long-term or long-lasting and requires management of symptoms.
Home health care Care that takes place in a persons home.
Diagnosis Physicians' determinations of an illness.
Assisted living Residents for people who do not need skilled, 24 hour care, but do require some health with daily care.
Dementia The serious loss of mental abilities, such as thinking, remembering, reasoning, and communicating.
Adult day services Care for people who need some assistance or supervision during certain hours, but who do not live in the facilities where care is given.
Acute care 24-hour skilled care for short-term illnesses or injuries; generally given in hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers.
Subacute care Care given in a hospital or in a long-term care facility for people who need less care for than for an acute illness, but more care than for a chronic illness.
Outpatient care care given for less than 24 hours for people who have had treatments or surgery and need short-term skilled care.
Rehabilitation care given in facilities or homes by a specialist to restore or improve function after an illness or injury.
Hospice care holistic, compassionate care given to dying people and their families
Health maintenance organizations (HMOs) a method of health insurance in which a person has to use a particular doctor or group of doctors except in case of emergency.
Preferred provider information (PPOs) a network of providers that contract to provide health services to a group of people.
Managed care a system or strategy of managing health care in a way that controls costs
Activities of daily living (ADLs) daily personal care tasks, such as bathing; caring for skin, nails, hair, and teeth; dressing; toileting; eating and drinking; walking; and transferring.
Catheter thin tubes inserted into the body to drain or inject fluids.
Policy a course of action that should be taken every time a certain situation occurs.
Procedure a method, or way, of doing something
Cite in a long-term care facility, to find a problem through a survey.
Joint commision an independent, not-for-profit organization that evaluates and accredits healthcare organizations.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS): a federal agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that is responsible for Medicare and Medicaid, among many other responsibilities
Medicare a federal health insurance program for people who are 65 or older, are disabled, or are ill and cannot work.
Medicaid a medical assistance program for low-income people.
culture change a term given to the process of transforming services for elders so that they are based on the values and practices of the person receiving care; core values include choice, dignity, respect, blank-determination, and purposeful living.
person-directed care a type of care that places the emphasis on the person needing care and his or her individuality and capabilities.
assistive or adaptive devices: special equipment that helps a person who is ill or disabled to perform activities of daily living.
charting writing down important information and observations about residents
professional: having to do with work or a job.
personal relating to life outside one's job, such as family, friends, and home life
professionalism how a person behaves when on the job; it includes how a person dresses, he words he uses, and the things he talks about.
compassionate being caring, concerned, considerate, empathetic, and understanding
empathy: entering into the feelings of others
sympathy sharing in the feelings and difficulties of others
tactful showing sensitivity and having a sense of what is appropriate when dealing with others.
conscientious guided by a sense of right and wrong; having principles.
chain of command the line of authority within a facility or agency.
liability a legal term that means someone can be held responsible for harming someone else.
scope of practice defines the things that healthcare providers are legally allowed to do and how to do them correctly
delegation transferring responsibility to a person for a specific task.
ethics the knowledge of right and wrong
laws: rules set by the government to help people live peacefully together and to ensure order and safety.
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA): law passed by the federal government that includes minimum standards for nursing assistant training, staffing requirements, resident assessment instructions, and information on rights for residents.
Minimum Data Set (MDS): a detailed form with guidelines for assessing residents in long-term care facilities; also details what to do if resident problems are identified.
Residents' Rights: numerous rights identified in the OBRA law that relate to how residents must be treated while living in a facility; they provide an ethical code of conduct for healthcare workers
informed consent: the process in which a person, with the help of a doctor, makes informed decisions about his or her health care
abuse: purposeful mistreatment that causes physical, mental, or emotional pain or injury to someone
neglect harming a person physically, mentally, or emotionally by failing to provide needed care.
malpractice injury to a person due to professional misconduct through negligence, carelessness, or lack of skill.
physical abuse any treatment, intentional or not, that causes harm to a person's body.
psychological abuse emotional harm caused by threatening, scaring, humiliating, intimidating, isolating, or insulting a person, or by treating him as a child; also includes verbal abuse
verbal abuse the use of spoken or written words, pictures, or gestures that threaten, embarrass, or insult a person.
sexual abuse the forcing of a person to perform or participate in sexual acts against his or her will; includes unwanted touching, exposing oneblank, and the sharing of pornographic material
financial abuse: the act of stealing, taking advantage of, or improperly using the money, property, or other assets of another person
assault the act of threatening to touch a person without his or her permission.
battery the intentional touching of a person without his or her consent
domestic violence physical, sexual, or emotional abuse by spouses, intimate partners, or family members.
workplace violence verbal, physical, or sexual abuse of staff by residents or other staff members.
false imprisonment the unlawful restraint of someone which affects the person's freedom of movement; includes both the threat of being physically restrained and actually being physically restrained
involuntary seclusion the separation of a person from others against the person's will
sexual harassment any unwelcome sexual advance or behavior that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment; includes requests for sexual favors, unwanted touching, and other acts of a sexual nature.
substance abuse the use of legal or illegal drugs, cigarettes, or alcohol in a way that is harmful to the abuser or to others.
active neglect the purposeful failure to provide needed care, resulting in harm to a person.
active neglect the unintentional failure to provide needed care, resulting in physical, mental, or emotional harm to a person.
negligence actions, or the failure to act or provide the proper care, that result in unintended injury to a person.
malpractice injury to a person due to professional misconduct through negligence, carelessness, or lack of skill
mandated reporters people who are legally required to report suspected or observed abuse or neglect because they have regular contact with vulnerable populations, such as the elderly in care facilities
ombudsman the legal advocate for residents; person or persons who help resolve disputes and settle conflicts.
confidentiality the legal and ethical principle of keeping information private.
protected health information (PHI): a person's private health information, which includes name, address, telephone number, social security number, e-mail address, and medical record number.
advance directives legal documents that allow people to choose what medical care they wish to have if they are unable to make those decisions themselves
living will: a document that outlines the medical care a person wants, or does not want, in case he or she becomes unable to make those decisions
durable power of attorney for health care a signed, dated, and witnessed legal document that appoints someone else to make the medical decisions for a person in the event he or she becomes unable to do so.
do-not-resuscitate (DNR): a type of advance directive that instructs medical professionals not to perform CPR if a person's heartbeat or breathing stops
communication the process of exchanging information with others.
verbal communication communicating using words or sounds, spoken or written
nonverbal communication communicating without using words.
cultural diversity the variety of people with varied backgrounds and experiences who live and work together in the world
bias prejudice.
culture a system of learned behaviors, practiced by a group of people, that are considered to be the tradition of that people and are passed on from one generation to the next.
clichés phrases that are used over and over again and do not really mean anything
objective information information based on what a person sees, hears, touches, or smells.
subjective information information that a person cannot or did not observe, but is based on something reported to the person that may or may not be true.
incontinence the inability to control the bladder or bowels
cyanotic skin that is pale, blue, or gray.
incident an accident or unexpected event during the course of care that is not part of the normal routine in a healthcare facility.
sentinel event an accident or incident that results in grave physical or psychological injury or death.
impairment a loss of function or ability.
farsightedness the ability to see objects in the distance better than objects nearby.
nearsightedness the ability to see things near but not far.
cerebrovascular accident (CVA): a condition that occurs when blood supply to a part of the brain is blocked or a blood vessel leaks or ruptures within the brain; also called a stroke.
hemiplegia paralysis on one side of the body.
hemiparesis weakness on one side of the body.
expressive aphasia slurred speech or an inability to speak.
receptive aphasia inability to understand spoken or written words
emotional lability laughing or crying without any reason, or when it is inappropriate.
dysphagia difficulty swallowing.
combative violent or hostile.
infection prevention
microorganism (MO):
localized infection
systemic infection
healthcare-associated infection (HAI):
Created by: AlexisFields
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