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psychological disorders,stress,treatment

Stress any circumstance that threaten or are perceived to threaten ones well being and tax ones coping abilities
types of stress frustration,conflict,change,pressure
Frustration pursuit of ones goal is blocked,everyday hassels,brief and not terribly important
change requires readjustment of ones life,habits. caused by positive and negativve events.
pressure expectations or demands to perform a certain way, usually time restrained
conflict when two or more impulses compete for expression
types of conflict approach-approach:choice to be made bwtn 2 attractive goals. avoidance-avoidance:choice to be made bwtn 2 unattractive goals. approach-avoidance:choice to be made whether to pursue a goal that has both attractive and unattractive aspects
role conflicts reflect disagreements or friction bwtn expectations about how one should behave
conflict bwtn person and role: occurs when a person is faced with a role that is incompatible with a persons attitude or personality. ex. a normally quiet and unassertive student is elected to student body president.
intrarole conflict: refers to conflict within a role. ex: parents deal with intrarole conflict as it is often difficult to disciplineand be a friend to their child at the same time.
interrole conflict tension bwtn two different roles that must be played at the same time. ex:children may find themselves playing parent to aging parents,though they are still treated as sons and daughters.
responses to stress: emotional,physiological,behavioral
emotional response: annoyance,anger,apprehension,anxiety,fear,sadness,grief. can affect memory,attention,judgement and decision making.
physiological responses: brain pathways involved in stress responce. heart rate,hormones etc.
Selye explained stress reactions in terms of: general adaptation syndrome
three stages of gas alarm,resistance,exhaustion
alarm stage 1: physiological response to threatening stimulus
resistance stage 2: organism adapts to threat physiological changes stabilize
exhaustion stage 3: the bodys resources become taxed,organism collapses from exhaustion
behavioral response trying to cope with stress. coping strategies could be good or bad for you. ex. blame oneself,give up,act aggressively,addictions
external loc is when people believe that events occure because of uncontrollable factors that are external to them.
internal loc is when people believe that they are in control
loc influences out perception of and our dealing with stress and stressful events
sympathetic nervous system is a network of nerves that prepares the organs for rigorous activity. increases blood pressure,respiration(flight or flight response)
parasympathetic nervous system facilitates vegetative,nonemergency responses by the organs. dominant during our relaxed stages.
hpa axis the hypothalumus,pituitary gland and adrenal cortex
adrenocorticotropic hormone(acth) stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete cortisol.
cortisol helps the body mobilize energy to fight a difficult situation
most important element of the immune system leukocytes
in response to an infection,leukocytes and other cells produce small proteins called cytokines
cytokines are the the immune systems way of telling the brain that the body is sick. they produce symptoms of being sick.
posttraumatic stress disorder(ptsd) occurs in some people after terrifying experiences.
ptsd victims show lower than normal what? cortisol levels
sapolsky(1988) argues that the nature of todays crisis are more prolonged
explanations of mental illness biological,psychological,supernatural
biological abnormal behavior approached like disease,physical cause,malfunction of the brain
psychological explanation fear,anxiety,frustration cause mental illness
supernatural mysterious forces such as demons,spirits,devil. magic,exorcism,bloodlettiing,trepanation,witch hunts.
medical model of mental illness the idea that abnormal behavior is a disease.
people with mental disorders a diagnosis is made,a etiology is sought, and prognosis is made
transvestic fetihism sexual and gender identity disorder, men like to dress like women.
deviant different from normal/cultural standards)the behavior is
maladaptive having negative consequences for social,occupational functioning the behavior is
distressing subjectively painful the behavior is for the individual
diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders 4th ed. book of recognied disorders
anxiety disorders disorders marked by feelings of excessive apprehension and anxiety
generalized anxiety disorder chronic "free floating anxiety" about nearly everything.experience trembling,diarrea,dizziness
phobic disorder specific focus of fear;irrational, no real threat
panic disorder and agoraphobia paralyzing attacks of anxiety,may lead to agoraphobia
obsessive compulsive disorder(0cd) obsessive thoughts,compulsive actions
posttraumatic stress disorder psychological disturbance due to major traumatic events
somatoform disorders physical ailments caused by psychological factors/disturbances, as they cannot be explained b organi conditions.
Created by: burejazm
Popular Psychology sets




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