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Adams 5th Soils

Earth Vocabulary

What is made from heat and pressure and swampy plants? Coal
A type of rock made of layers of compressed sediments. Sedimentary rock
The breaking down of rocks by wind, water, waves or ice. Weathering
Minerals stick sediments together like glue. Cementation
Process that carrys sediments to another place Erosion
When sediments are buried deep under layers and the pressure smashes them together. Compaction
Made from heat and pressure from ocean animals and plants that were buried deep in the Earth Oil, petroleum and natural gas
When sediments are dropped off Deposition
Preserved parts or traces of animals and plants that lived in the past Fossils
To rot and break down into smaller parts. This is a chemical change Decay
A mark or depression made by pressure Imprint
A sign or proof Evidence
A representation of something Model
To last or retain certain characteristics over a long period of time Preserve
Modern day, now Present
To recognize Identify
Life form such as a plant or animal Living organism
Time before now Past
Surroundings in which organisms live Environment
Palm oil, algae, methane and sawdust are examples of what type of energy? Biofuels/biomass
Coal, oil and natural gas are ________ resources. Non renewable
Biofuels come from? Plants and animals
Energy from moving water Hydroelectricty
Fossils fuels and sedimentary rock are formed by? Years of intense pressure
Very fine in texture. Finer than sand Silt
The best type of soil for planting because its a combination of many Loam
Fine grained soil material that does not let water flow through easily. Clay
Which type of soil is sticky when wet? Clay
What physical property of soils determines if it retains water? Particle Size
Made up of weathered rock, air, water and organic matter Soil
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Popular Earth Science sets




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