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CH 6 Anatomy Muscles

frontalis cranial aponeurosis
orbicularis oculi frontal bone and maxilla
orbicularis oris mandible and maxilla
Temporalis Temporal bone
zygomaticus zygomatic bone
masseter temporal bone
Buccinator Maxilla and Mandible near molars
Sternocleidomastoid sternum and clavicle
platysma connective tissue covering the superior chest muscles
pectoralis major Sternum, clavicle, and first to sixth ribs
rectus abdominis pubis
External oblique lower eight ribs
bicepts brachii scapula of shoulder girdle
brachialis distal humerous
ilopsoas ilium and lumbar vertebrae
adductor muscles pelvis
Sartorius ilium
Vasti femur
rectus femoris pelvis
tibialis anterior proximal tibia
extensor digitorum longus proximal tibia and fibula
fibularis muscles fibula
trapezius occipital bone and all cervical and thoracic vertebrae
latissimus dorsi lower spine and iliac crest
erector spinae iliac cest, ribs 3-12, and vertebrae
quadratus lumborum iliac crest, lumbar facia
deltoid scapular and clavicle
tricepts brachii shoulder girdle and proximal humerus
flexor carpi radialis distal humerus
flexor carpi ulnaris distal humerus and posterior ulna
flexor digitormu superficialis distal humerus, ulna , and radius
extensor carpi radialis humerus
extensor digitorum distal humerus
gluteus maximus sacrum and ilium
gluteus medius ilium
hamstring muscles ischial tuberosity
Gastrocnemius distal femur
types of muscle skeletal, smooth, cardiac
Muscle fibers muscle cells
skeletal muscle attach to skeleton
striated muscle skeletal muscle
endomysium surrounds each muscle fiber
perimysium covers fascicle
fascicle many fibers bundled together
epimysium covers entire muscle
tendons attach muscles to bone
smooth muscle no striations, involuntary
cardiac muscle found only in the heart
sarcolemma many oval nuclei beneath the plasma membrane
myofibrils ribbon like organells
I bands actin, light band
A band myosin, dark band
sarcomeres chains of tiny contractile units
myofilaments threadlike protein
thick filaments myosin
cross bridges link thick and thin myofilaments together
thin filaments actin
sarcoplasmic reticulum smooth endoplasmic reticulum
motor unit one neuron and all the muscle cells it stimulates
axon nerve fiber
neuromuscular junction junction with the sarcolemma
when a muscle is unable to contract even though it is still being stimulated. muscle fatigue
state of continuous partial contractions muscle tone
flaccid soft and flabby
flexion angle of joint decreases
extension angle of joint increases
rotation movement around longitudinal axis
abduction moving limb away from body
adduction moving limb towards body
supination turning backwards
pronation turning forwards
fascicles are arranged in concentric rings circular
fascicles converge toward a single insertion tendon convergent
neck muscles move head and shoulder girdle
trunk muscles move vertebral column, ribs, head, arms, abdominal body wall.
Created by: 2Shannonj
Popular Science sets




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