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Theory Exam #4

Chapter 34: Self-Concept

Trust vs. Mistrust Birth-1 year; develops trust following consistency in caregiving and nurturing interactions; distinguishes self from environment
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt 1-3 years; begins to communicate likes and dislikes; increasingly independent in thoughts and actions; appreciates body appearance and function (e.g., dressing, feeding, talking, and walking)
Initiative vs. Guilt 3-6 years; identifies with a gender; enhances self-awareness; increases language skills, including identification of feelings
Industry vs. Inferiority 6-12 years; incorporates feedback from peers and teachers; increases self esteem with new skill mastery (e.g., reading, mathematics, sports, music); aware of strengths and limitations
Identity vs. Role Confusion 12-20 years; accepts body changes/maturation; examines attitudes, values, and beliefs; establishes goal for the future; feels positive about expanded sense of self
Intimacy vs. Isolation Mid-20s to Mid-40s; has stable, positive feelings about self; experiences successful role transitions and increased responsibilities
Generativity vs .Self-Absorption Mid-40s to Mid-60s; able to accept changes in appearance and physical endurance; reassesses life goals; shows contentment with aging
Ego Integrity vs. Despair Late 60s-Death; feels positive about life and its meaning; interested in providing a legacy for the next generation.
Body Image attitude related to the body including physical appearance, structure or function; feelings about body image include those related to sexuality, femininity and masculinity, youthfulness, health, and strength
Self-Concept an individual’s view of self; it is subjective and involves and complex mixture of unconscious and conscious thoughts, attitudes, and perceptions.
Identity the internal sense of individuality, wholeness, and consistency of a person over time and in different situations.
Role Performance the way in which individuals perceive their ability to carry out significant roles (e.g., parent, supervisor, partner or close friend)
Self-Esteem individual’s overall feeling of self-worth or the emotional appraisal of self-concept; most fundamental self-evaluation because it represents the overall judgement of personal worth or value.
Identity Confusion people do not maintain a clear, consistent, and continuous consciousness of personal identity
Role Conflict a person has to simultaneously assume two or more roles that are inconsistent, contradictory, or mutually exclusive.
Sick Role involves the expectations of others and society regarding how an individual behaves when sick
Role Ambiguity involves unclear role expectations, which makes people unsure about what to do or how to do it, creating stress and confusion
Role Strain combines role conflict and role ambiguity; feeling of frustration when a person feels inadequate or unsuited to a role
Role Overload involves having more roles or responsibilities within a role than are manageable
Created by: bclinton15
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