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cells/ cell theory

7th grade science

what is the cell theory? all organisms are made of cells.
in the 1830's MATTHIAS SCHLEIDEN studied plants what did he conclude? all plants are made of cells.
around the same time a man named THEODOR SCHWANN did the same with animals what did he conclude? all animals are made up of cells.
several years later, a man named RUDOLF VIRCHOW studied cells what did he conclude? that cells divide to form new cells.
in the late 1500's the first microscope was created by putting 2 eye glass lenses in a tube. who was this? a dutchman
in the mid-1600's the first real microscope was created. who created it and what was the magnification? ANTONIE VAN LEEUWENHOOKE, 270x
how many lenses does a simple microscope have? 1
how many lenses does a compound microscope have? multiple
how does a electron microscopes work? no lenses but a magnetic field in a vacuum. can magnify up to 1,000,000x.
what is magnification? the product of the eye piece and the objective lens.
in 1665 ROBERT HOOKE sliced a piece of cork and saw it was full of little, empty boxes. what did he name it? "cells"
what is the cell membrane? the outer covering made up of 1 or more layers of several linked molecules.
what is cytoplasm? inside every cell is a gelatin like substance.
what are prokaryotic cells? cells without a cellular bound structure (no cell membrane).
what are eukaryotic cells? cells with a cellular bound structure (cell membrane).
what is the cell wall? the ridged outer covering of a plant cell.
what is in the cell wall? pectin, cellulose, lignin.
what are organelles? cellular structures.
what is the cytoskeleton? protein fibers that allow the cell to move and keep its shape.
what is the nucleus? the brain of the cell.
what is deoxyribonucleic acid? long threadlike material that contains instructions for everything the cell does.
what are chromosomes? tight coils of hereditary material around proteins.
what is the nucleolus? structure in the nucleus where proteins are assembled.
what are chloroplasts? green organelles.
what is chlorophyll? a green pigment found in chloroplasts that creates sugar from sunlight.
what is glucose? the sugar made from sunlight.
what is the mitochondria? the power house of the cell.
what are manufacturing organelles? proteins that are used in almost all cellular activity.
what are the endoplasmic reticulum's? a series of folded membranes. s.e.r.: no attached ribosomes. R.E.R.: have attached ribosomes.
what are ribosomes? small structures that are made in the nucleus and move to the cytoplasm.
what are Golgi bodies? stacked flat membranes that sort proteins and other substances.
what are vacuoles? storage place for the cell.
what are lysosomes? produce chemicals that break down food molecules, waste, and worn out cell parts.
what is tissue? a group of cells that do one job.
what is an organ? a group of tissues that work together.
what is an organ system? a group of organs working together.
Created by: abbyhowe1234
Popular Biology sets




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