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EBR EMS Chapter 13 Definitions

AIDS disease in which the HIV virus attacks the T cells, thereby compromising the body's immune system
antibodies substance produced by the body that destroys or inactivates a specific substance that has entered the body
antigen substance that, when introduced into the body, causes formation of antibodies against it
adenoid glandlike; adenoids or pharyngeal tonsils, are paired lymphoid structures in the nasopharynx
anaphylactic shock shock resulting from a severe allergic reactions, may be fatal
B-cell a lymphocyte; activated B cells develop into plasma cells, which secrete antibodies into the blood
cell mediated immunity resistance to disease organisms resulting from the actions of cells; chiefly sensitized T cells
cisterna chylia an enlarged pouch on the thoracic duct that serves as a storage area for lymph moving toward its point of entry into the venous system
clone any of a family of many identical cells descended from the single "parent" cell
combining sites antigen binding sites, antigen receptor regions on antibody molecule
complement any of several inactive enzymes normally present in blood, which, when activated, kill foreign cells by dissolving them
complement cascade rapid fire series of chemical reactions involving proteins called complements, which are triggered by certain antibody-antigen reactions, and resulting in the formation of tiny protein rings that create holes in a forgein cell and cause its destruction
humoral immunity immunity that is produced when antibodies make antigens unable to harm the body
inflammatory response nonspecific immune process produced in response to injury and resulting in redness, pain, heat, and swelling and promoting movement of white blood cells to the affected area
interferon small proteins produced by the immune system that inhibit virus multiplication
interstitial fluid fluid located in the microscopic spaces between the cells
Kupffer cell macrophage found in spaces between liver cells
lymph specialized fluid formed in the tissue spaces that returns excess fluid and protein molecules to the blood
macrophage phagocytic cells in the immune system
memory cells cells that remains in the reserve in the lymph nodes until its ability to secrete antibodies is needed
monoclonal antibodies specific antibody produced from a population of identical cells
nonspecific immunity protective mechanisms that provide immediate, generic protection against any bacteria, toxin, or other injurious particle
plasma cells cells that secrete copious amounts of antibody into the body
specific immunity protective mechanisms that provide specific protection against certain types of bacteria or toxins
splenectomy surgical removal of the spleen
T cell another name for a T lymphocyte
Created by: hjkruse
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets




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