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Chapter 46 Terms

Nursing Care of patients with eye and ear disorders

Acoustic neuroma Noncancerous growth that develops on CN 8
Astigmatism A condition that develops with abnormal curvature of the cornea or eyeball, causing the image to focus at multiple points on the retina
Cataract Opacification (clouding) of the lens of the eye
Chalazion Granulomatous cyst or nodule of the lid
Conjunctivitis Inflammation of the conjunctiva
Corneal ulcer Local necrosis of the cornea, may be caused by infection, exposure trauma, or misuse of contact lenses
Diabetic retinopathy The collective name for the changes in the retina that occur in the person with diabetes. The retinal capillary structure undergoes alterations in blood flow, leading to retinal ischemia and a breakdown in the blood retinal barrier
Enophthalmos Sunken appearance of eyes
Enucleation Surgical removal of an eye
Glaucoma Condition characterized by increased intraocular pressure of the eye and a gradual loss of vision
Hordeolum (sty) Staphylococcal abscess that may occur on either external or internal margin of the lid
Hyphema Bleeding into the anterior chamber of the eye, possibly as the result of blunt eye trauma
Keratitis Inflammation of the cornea
Labyrinthitis Inflammation of the inner ear
Macular degeneration Destructive changes in the macula due to injury or gradual failure of the outer pigmented layer of the retina, which removes cellular waste products and keeps the retina attached to the choroid. Affects patient's central vision
Mastoiditis Bacterial infection of the mastoid process
Meniere's disease Chronic disorder of the unknown cause characterized by recurrent attacks of vertigo with tinnitus and progressive unilateral hearing loss
Myringotomy Incision of the tympanic membrane
Otitis externa Inflammation or infection of the outer ear canal
Otitis media Inflammation or infection of the middle ear
Otosclerosis Abnormal bone formation in the osseous labyrinth of the temporal bone causing the footplate of the stapes to become fixed or immobile in the oval window. The result is a conductive hearing loss
Presbycusis Age-related loss of the ability to hear high-frequency sounds, may occur because of cochlear hair cell degeneration or loss of auditory neurons in the organ of Corti
Retinal detachment Separation of the retina or sensory portion of the eye from the choroid
Tinnitus Perception of sound such as ringing, buzzing, or roaring in the ears
Tympanoplasty Surgical reconstruction of the middle ear
Vertigo Sensation of whirling or rotation
Created by: sogle001
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