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J.Sills Ecology

population group of organisms of the same species living in the same area at the same time
community several interacting populations living in an area at the same time
ecosystem all of the populations in a community and the abiotic factors affecting them
biosphere portion of Earth that supports life
species organisms that live in the same area and interbreed in nature to produce fertile offspring
aquatic water environment
terrestrial land environment
autotroph organism that makes its own food; producer; plants and some bacteria
photosynthesis using sunlight to make food
chemosynthesis using inorganic compounds to make food
heterotroph organism that must eat other organisms for food; consumer
ecology study of organisms and their interactions with the environment.
nitrogen fixation the process by which atmospheric nitrogen is converted into a usable form during the nitrogen cycle.
herbivore eats only plants; (deer, rabbits, etc.)
omnivore eats plants and animals;( people, bears, etc.)
carnivore eats only animals; ( lions, tigers, etc)
decomposer breaks down decaying matter; ( bacteria and fungi)
scavenger feeds on already dead organisms; ( buzzards, crabs etc.)
sun ultimate source of energy on Earth
food chain shows one direct feeding relationship
food web shows all interconnected feeding relationships in an ecosystem
trophic level feeding relationship or position in a food chain
primary consumer feeds directly on producers; herbivore
secondary consumer feeds on primary consumers
biomass the amount of living matter available at different trophic levels
mutualism symbiotic relationship where both species benefit
commensalism symbiotic relationship where one species is helped and the other is unaffected
parasitism symbiotic relationship where one species lives and feeds off of another
predation one organism kills and eats another organism
habitat where an organisms lives
niche an organism's role or "job" in the ecosystem
succession the order in which life appears in a given area.
pollution the action or process of making land, air, water, etc. contaminated, unsafe or unusable
biotic factors living factors; plants and animals
abiotic factors nonliving factors; wind, sun, soil, rain, fog, clouds, etc.
deforestation to cut or clear away trees or forests from the environment
urbanization the process by which towns and cities are formed and become populated
acid rain rainfall made acidic by air pollution and contamination
fossil fuels natural fuels (coal, oil, gas, etc.) formed in the earth by the remains of once-living organisms
global warming the gradual increase in global temperatures due to increased greenhouse gases
transpiration evaporation of water from the leaves of plants
Biodiversity differences and variety of life within an ecosystem or on Earth
Ecology the study of organisms and their interactions with the environment
symbiosis a close, permanent relationship between 2 different species
mutualism type of symbiosis where both species benefit (bees/flowers)
commensalism one species benefits and the other is not affected (bird nesting in a tree)
parasitism one species lives in or on another species; harms it but doesn't kill it (flea/tick on an animal)
predator/prey (predation) one species kills and eats another (lion kills and eats a zebra)
Evolution change in species over a long period of time
Adaptation any trait or characteristic that gives an organism a better chance of survival
Natural Selection those with the best traits, survive to reproduce and pass on those traits - "survival of the fittest"
Primary Succession where no life has been before
Secondary Succession regrowth of an area after a disaster or clearing
Carrying Capacity the largest population that an environment can support indefinitely
Competition two different species fighting for the same resources (food, shelter, space, mates)
Histogram a chart that shows basic information about data
Invasive species any organism that invades an ecosystem it isn't native to, and harms that ecosystem
Limiting Factor Any biotic or abiotic factor that limits the size or distribution of a population
deforestation the purposeful clear-cutting of a forested land
Favorable traits traits that allow an organism to be successful in a particular environment.
Climate long -term weather conditions that are typical in a given area, such as temperature and rainfall.
Greenhouse gases gases in the Earth's atmosphere that trap heat.
Geographic isolation occurs when two populations are separated by barriers such as rivers, mountains, or bodies of water.
Carbon sink anything that absorbs more carbon from the atmosphere than it releases.
Earth's systems geosphere, biosphere, cryosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere- all interact to produce environments we are familiar with.
Allopatric speciation speciation by geographic isolation
Ocean acidification the reduction in the pH of the ocean over an extended period of time, caused by absorbing too much CO2 from the atmosphere.
Ocean currents the continuous, predictable, directional movement of seawater, driven by gravity, wind and water density.
Created by: jsills
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