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Micro Test #1

Which of the following is not a parasitic helminthes? a) flatworm b) proglottids c) trematodes d) tapeworms proglottids
What habitat will you find round worms? a. sea b. soil c. all of the above d. none of the above all of the above
What causes Schistosomiasis? a. flatworms b. tapeworms c. trematodes d. none of the above trematodes
Which helminthes has proglottids that spread their eggs? a. tapeworms b. roundworms c. trematodes d. flukes tapeworms
What type of disease is trichomonias? a. sexually transmitted disease b. virus c. airborne d. all of the above sexually transmitted disease
Does taxoplasma gondi cause primary meigoencephalitis? a. true b. false true
A round worm is not a parasite? a. true b. false false
What disease can Babesiosis be compared to? a. anemia b. malaria c. HIV d. erythrocytopenia malaria
Which human cells does babesiosis penetrate? a. RBC’s b. WBC’s c. Both RBC’s & WBC’s d. Neither RBC’s or WBC’s RBC's
Who found B. bigemina & linked protozoa to disease? a. Robert Hooke b. Leewenhoek c. Francesco Redi d. Theobald Smith Theobald Smith
What percentage of the world’s population is effected by toxoplasmosis? a. 30% b. 40% c. 50% d. 60% 50%
What is the causative agent to tocoplasmosis? a. E. Coli b. T. gondii c. A. sheri d. trophozoite T. gondii
Who was the first to discover protists? a. Leeuwenhoek b. Jenner c. Koch Leeuwenhoek
The _____are members of the _____? a. Green algae; protozoa b. Radiolarians, apl complexans c. Dinoflagellates; phytoplankton d. Radiolarians; fungis – like protists Dinoflagellates; phytoplankton
What are arthropods? List two Arthropods are insects and insect-like animals. Mosquitos and Fleas
The vector transmitting leishmaniasis is the?) a. mosquito b. tic c. sand flea d. sand fly sand fly
The group of protozoa have food vacuoles and pseudopods a. exavata b. kinetoplastid c. amoebzoa d. chromalveolata amoebzoa
Giardia Intestinalis spreads through contaminated water and affects the ________? a. blood b. gastrointestinal tract c. body fluids d. skin gastrointestinal tract
What is primary source of transmission major fungal lower respiratory tract disease are? a. airborne cells, spores b. insect bite c. food d. body fluid transaction e. none of the above airborne cells, spores
How many percentage of all deaths from fungal diseases that effects meninges and lungs are there? a. 100% b. 50% c. 25% d. 5% 25%
What is the most common clinical manifestation for AIDS patients a. malaria b. chronic pheumonia c. TB d. chrones disease chronic pheumonia
How can you prevent and control of blastomycosis? (pg. 562) table 17.3 a. maintaining strong immune system b. wearing face mask in contaminated areas c. staying away from sources of mold d. washing hands e. All of the above All of the above
What is transmitted person to person by droplets from respiratory tract? (pg. 560) a. A. fumigatus b. P. jiroveci c. both A & B d. None of the above P. jiroveci
Parasites get their nourishment from? a. paper b. lead c. sugar d. animals animals
There are ____ types of eukaryotic parasites? a. one b. five c. four d. two two
Helminths are ________? a. multicellular b. uni-cellular c. prokaryotes d. hairy multicellular
Protozoans live in ______? a. blood b. bathroom c. hair d. skin blood
Insects that can transfer a disease without being sick is an example of a? a. mechanical vector b. tapeworm c. biological vector d. round worms biological vector
What disease is caused by species of Naegleria fowleri? a. HIV b. Primary amoebic menigoencephalitis c. malaria d. none of the above Primary amoebic menigoencephalitis
Primary amoebic menigoencephalitis has symptoms similar to what other disease? a. Lyme disease b. meningitis c. encephalitis d. A&B e. B & C B & C
What is the portal of entry of primary amoebic meningoencephalitis? a. perineurium b. endoneurium c. endomysium d. none of the above perineurium
The white anterior transparent part of the fibrous tunic of the eye is a. inhalation of contaminated water b. sexual contact with infected individual c. insect bite d. eating poorly cooked pork inhalation of contaminated water
True or false 90% of patients diagnosed with PAM die within 30-40 years? a. true b. false false
Which is an example of a flatworm? a. pinworm b. earthworm c. hookworm d. tapeworm tapeworm
A _______is an example of a roundworm? a. pinworm b. earthworm c. hookworm d. A&B A&B
A _____ is a living organism that carries a disease-causing organism to new hosts a. vector b. microbe c. parasite d. none of the above vector
Which of the following is not a classification of fungi? a. chutridomycota b. dermatophytosis c. glomeromycota d. zugomycota e. All of the above dermatophytosis
Cryptococcosis is a fungal disease that affects the ____ and meninges a. heart b. bladder c. stomach d. lungs e. skin lungs
What superficial infection is often present in the skin, mouth, vagina, and intestinal tract? a. pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) b. blastomycosis c. histoplasmosis d. candidiasis candidiasis
The part of the brain that controls respiratory, digestive and cardiovascular system is a. mid brain b. cerebellum c. diencephalon d. medulla oblongata e. none of the above medulla oblongata
Most fungi live in _______ environments? a. dry b. wet c. humid d. none of the above humid
______ is an infection of the body surface such as nails, skin, and hair a. dermatophytosis b. saccharomyces c. glomeromycota d. basidiomycetes dermatophytosis
Some mushrooms, molds, and yeast produce that produce toxins are called? (pg, 552) a. mycotoxins b. ergotisms c. sclerotium d. mycetism mycotoxins
Two closely related fungi, asperigillus flas and A. parasiticus produce myotoxins are called? (pg. 552) a. phallotoxins b. amatoxins c. afalatoxins d. none of the above afalatoxins
A group of peptide derivatives called alkaloids are produced by the sclerotium and deposited in the grain as a substance called? a. phallow toxins b. ergot c. amatoxins d. all of the above ergot
What is dermatophytosis? (pg. 554) a. It produces cutaneous lesions and is a general name for a fungal disease of the hair, skin, or nails. b. people who work with wood products c. it is found in the mouth, vaginal area d. all of the above It produces cutaneous lesions and is a general name for a fungal disease of the hair, skin, or nails.
Where can vulvovaginitis or yeast infection be found? a. mouth b. between the toes c. scalp d. vagina vagina
How many phases does the fungal life cycle involve? a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5 2
Fungi are? a. eukaryotic microorganism b. dermatrophic c. heterotrophic d. both a & c both a & c
Most fungi exist as hyphae except? a. chytridiomycota b. yeast c. glomeromycota yeast
Hyphae containing many nuclei are considered? a. ceonocytic b. heterotrophs c. mycelium d. none of the above ceonocytic
Fungi cell walls are made up of? a. hyphae b. lipids c. chitin d. none of the above chitin
What is the process of spore formatting ? a. sporulation b. yeasts c. molds sporulation
Which asexual spores develop within sacs or vessels? a. hyphae b. sporangia c. mycelium sporangia
Which are unprotected, dust-like spores? a. heterotrophs b. septate c. conidia conidia
What represents the part of a fungus which spores are formed? a. fruiting bodies b. decomposers c. saprobes fruiting bodies
Which cell becomes swollen at one edge and a new cell is developed? a. mycorrhizae b. blastospore c. endophytes blastospore
What is not a factor that influences fungi growth? a. oxygen b. pH c. amount of light d. temperature amount of light
What is the best pH for fungi growth? a. 7 b. 5-6 c. 10-11 d. 1-2 5-6
Mulvalism benefits a. host b. fungi c. no one d. both species both species
Classification of fungi phyla is based on: a. sexual reproduction b. color c. size d. shape sexual reproduction
Which one is a phyla of fungi classification: a. basidiomycota b. chytridiomycota c. zygomycota d. all of the above all of the above
Glomeromycota is mostly found in a. plant roots b. water c. food d. animals plant roots
The phyla with flagellated reproductive cells is: a. zygomycota b. chytridiomycota c. ascomycota d. basidiomycota chytridiomycota
Which of the following statements about fungi is not true? a. some fungi are dimorphic b. fungi have cell walls made of chitin c. fungi are photosynthetic organism d. fungi consists of the yeast and molds fungi are photosynthetic organism
All the following are examples of asexual spore formation except: a. arthospores b. conidia c. sporangiospores d. scomycota scomycota
Yeast of the species saccharomyces a. are used in bread making b. reproduce by budding c. are members of the ascomycetes d. all of the above are correct all of the above are correct
Mushroom poisoning is: a. always fatal b. characterized by immediate symptoms c. most common in children under 6 years of age d. treatable with antifungal drugs characterized by immediate symptoms
______ causes more than 20 million cases each year and symptoms include an itching sensation and burning internal pain. a. thrush b. “jock itch” c. vulvovaginitis d. sporotrichosis vulvovaginitis
The term parasite includes which of the following organisms: a. protozoa b. arthropods c. helminths d. all of the above all of the above
The term vector describes? a. a parasite that causes disease b. parasite that goes through their secual stage associated with a given host c. a living organism that carries a disease-carring organism to new hosts d. none of the above living organism that carries a disease-carring organism to new hosts
All of the following are examples of ectoparasites excepct a. lice b. scabes c. flies d. roundworms roundworms
Eating raw meat (beef & pork) can cause a. an individual to develop tapeworms b. can provide albumin & globulin to the body c. can cause death in the very young and old populations d. all of the above all of the above
Which of the following is not a characteristic of blastomycosis: a. caused by blastomyces dermatitidis b.can cause lung and skin infections c.can cause chronic pneumonia and may disseminate to other organs in Albs. is caused by coccidiodesimmitis it is caused by coccidiodesimmitis
In many species of fungi, hyphae cross walls called…divide the cytoplasm into separate cell. a. cytoskeleton b. hyphae c. septa d. chitin e. mycelium septa
The study of fungi is called? a. mycology b. mythology c. mycologist d. fungilogy e. micrology mycology
4 of the following properties distinguished fungi from plants except: A)lack of chlorophyll B)contain carbohydrate instead of cellulose C)they are heterotrophic D) their cycles involve a growth phase too(germination E) they are not truly multicellular their cycles involve a growth phase too (germination)
One of the following is not a fungal disease of the lower respiratory tract a. blastomycosis b. dermatophytosis c. cryptococcosis d. histoplasmosis e. pneumocystis dermatophytosis
Fungi can be divided in two categories which are a. yeasts b. heterotrophy c. chitin d. molds E. A & D A & D
Which of the following are not found in a tapeworm? a. scolex b. proglottid c. cysticerus cyst d. digestive tract e. hydatid cyst digestive tract
Which of the following do not need a sophisticated circulatory system because of their ability to diffuse essential materials across its structure? a. hookworms b. flatworms c. pinworms d. roundworms e. arthropods flatworms
Which of the following types of hosts are where the parasite will normally vesicle? a. talk-show host b. definitive host c. reservoir host d. intermediate host e. specific host reservoir host
What type of parasite would be considered an ectoparasite? a. head lice b. tapeworms c. flatworms d. flukes e. roundworms head lice
What is an enlarged cyst where many tapeworm heads can develop inside of a host? a. hydatid cyst b. scolex cyst c. proglottid cyst d. biological cyst e. host cyst hydatid cyst
What type of vector can a parasite be transported by a host, but cannot reproduce nor go through other significant aspects of its life cycle? a. definitive host b. reservoir host c. biological vector d. mechanical vector e. intermediate vector mechanical vector
To which kingdom do arthropods belong? a. moneria b. protista c. myceteae d. plantae e. animalia animalia
The Tin Torch stands for the disease caused by: a. Trypanosome brucei b. Toxoplasma gondii c. Taenia spiralis d. Typanosoma Cruzi e. Trichomonas vaginalis Toxoplasma gondii
What type of worms are roundworms with a set of hooks or sucker devices for firm attachment to tissues of the hosts upper intestine. a. tapeworms b. pinworms c. beef tapeworms d. hookworms e. flatworms hookworms
The vector transmitting leishmaniasis is the: a. sandfly b. mosquito c. tsetse fly d. sand fle e. tick sandfly
Which is not a tapeworm disease a. beef tapeworm disease b. pinworm disease c. dog tapeworm disease d. pork tapeworm disease e. none of the above pinworm disease
Chagas disease is caused by a. trypanosome brucei b. plasmodium falciparum c. babesia microti d. toxoplasma gondii e. trypanosome cruzi trypanosome cruzi
Which of the following is not found in the ciliates? a. a complex of organelles in the tip b. mitochondria c. a pellicle d. macronuclei and micronuclei e. a contractile vacuole a complex of organelles in the tip
Which is among the most common pathogenic protozoan diseases in industrialized countries? a. cyclosporiasis b. cryptosporidiosis c. trichomoniasis d. leishmaniasis e. none of the above trichomoniasis
What are two types of parasites a. mold and yeast b. saprophites and non-septate c. ectoparasites and endoparasites d. none of the above ectoparasites and endoparasites
These are the groups of parasites except a. protozoa b. helmiths c. arthropods d. saprophites e. none of the above saprophites
Which is an example of flatworms a. hookworm b. earthworm c. ringworm d. tapeworm tapeworm
These are examples of disease-transmitting antropods except a. mosquitoes b. ticks c. flies d. snails snails
Parasites that lives within the host are a. crabs b. ringworm c. yeast d. flatworms flatworms
What does the fluke affect? a. digestive tract b. lungs c. kidneys d. liver e. none of the above liver
All of the following are several factors that influence fungal growth except? a. oxygen b. temperature c. reproduction d. pH reproduction
What are ways fungal reproduction can take place? a. asexual reproduction b. hyphae reproduction c. sexual reproduction d. both a & c e. spore reproduction both a & c
Which is a fungal disease of the lower respiratory tract? a. cryptococcosis b. tuberculosis c. klebsiella pneumonia d. Q fever e. psittacosis cryptococcosis
Which is not a fungal disease of the skin? a. dermatophytosis b. candidiasis c. sporotrichosis d. All of the above candidiasis
Yeast are? a. unicellular b. thermophils c. type of disease d. not able to reproduce unicellular
Filarciasis is a disease that causes that body tissues to swell a. lymphatic fissues b. lungs c. eyes d. head e. intestines lymphatic fissues
Hook worms attach to what tissues in host’s body? a. lungs b. legs c. liver d. upper intestine e. arms upper intestine
What is lymphedema? a. lung disease b. swelling of lymphatic tissues c. swelling of the stomach d. coughing swelling of lymphatic tissues
What causes tapeworm diseases? a. overcooked food b. undercooked food c. boiled food d. candy undercooked food
Parasitic helminthes include the flatworms and the? a. roundworms b. redworms c. squareworms d. none of the above roundworms
A parasite is an organism that lives in? a. cell b. atom c. in the air d. compound e. other organism other organism
The term parasite is not used to describe a. protozoa b. helminths c. arthropods d. algae algae
What type of parasites lives on the surface of a hosts? a. ectoparasite b. ecosystem c. endoparasite d. helminths7 e. protozoa ectoparasite
Parasites that go through their sexual stage associated with a given host, that host is called? a. intermediate host b. reservoir hosts c. sexual host d. reproduction host e. definitive host definitive host
What type of worm parasitize humans? a. earthworms b. roundworms c. flowerworms d. tapeworms e. looseworms roundworms
An intermediate host is: a. where parasite asexual cycle occurs b. always a nonhuman hosts c. where parasite sexual cycle occurs d. the human host between two other animal hosts where parasite asexual cycle occurs
the vector transmitting leishmaniasis is the? a. mosquito b. sandfly c. tsetse fly d. sand flea sandfly
Infects the human intestines a. trichinella spiralis b. ascaris lumbricoides c. taenia saginata d. all of the above trichinella spiralis
Which of these are an arthropod a. flea b. mosquito c. spider d. all of the above all of the above
Which of these are single cell parasites a. trichonomas b. malaria c. plasmodium d. all of the above all of the above
What type of parasite lives within a host? a. ectoparasite b. endoparasite c. pathogen d. vector endoparasite
Which of the following type of worms is not parasitic? a. roundworm b. earthworm c. flatworm d. fluke earthworm
The _____has suckers that attach to the intestinal wall of a tapeworm? a. proglottids b. endoparasite c. scolex d. fluke scolex
Flatworms have a _____ type structure a. rod b. fat c. spherical d. leafy leafy
Which of the following is not a disease transmitting arthropod? a. flea b. tapeworm c. mosquitos d. lice tapeworm
Mycorrhizae and fungal endophytes are: a. types of lichen associations b. plant pathogens c. human pathogens d. form mutualistic associations with plants e. cause disease in animals form mutualistic associations with plants
Which one of the following best describes the growth conditions for typical fungus? a. pH 3; 23C; No O2 gas present b. pH 8; 30C; No O2 gas present c. pH 6; 30C; No O2 gas present d. pH 3; 23C; No O2 gas present pH 3; 23C; No O2 gas present
An organism without a known sexual stage would be classified in the? a. ascomycota b. basiodmycota c. zygomycota d. chytridiomycota e. mitosporic fungi mitosporic fungi
A fungal mycelium may contain: a. septate hyphae b. a coenocytic cytoplasm c. chitinous cell walls d. mitochondria e. all of the above all of the above
This fungal disease can cause a blister-like lesion on the scalp? a. candidiasis b. dermatophytosis c. cryptococcus dermatophytosis
Fungi are separated into two categories, what are they? a. mold b. mushrooms c. yeast d. bacteria mold
Mold is separated into two categories, which is not one of the categories? a. septate hyphae b. yeast c. non-septate yeast
Most fungi mostly attack which part of the body? a. heart b. liver c. lungs d. intestinal tract lungs
Saprobes are considered? a. opportunistic b. pathogens c. mold d. decomposers decomposers
Fungi are in what kingdom, in the five-kingdom system: a. Myceteae b. Protista c. Monera d. Plantae Myceteae
Which of the following is not an endoparasite? a. malaria b. trichomonas c. plasmodium d. arthropod arthropod
Parasites usually infect animals rather than humans, but humans can become infected also with contact with the animal. This animal must be? a. intermediate host b. reservoir host c. definitive host reservoir host
Arthropod vectors are responsible for….? a. transmission of a variety of diseases b. causing the disease c. curing the disease d. going through part of its life-cycle transmission of a variety of diseases
what is not an example of an endoparasite? a. arthropods b. protozoa c. helmiths arthropods
A pathogen is a parasite that causes what? a. AIDS b. molding c. fungi d. disease disease
What is most recognized Eukaryotic of the followings? a. a fungus b. yeast c. hyphae d. plant e. none of the above letters plant
_______causes more than 20 million cases a year and symptoms include an itching sensation and internal pain? a. thrush b. “jock itch” c. vulvovaginitis d. sporotrichosis vulvovaginitis
The fungal disease cause a blister-like lesion on the scalp? a. candidias b. dermatophytosis c. cryophytosis d. histoplasmosi dermatophytosis
The following are disease of lower respiratory tract except? a. crytococcosis b. aspergillosis c. histoplasmosis d. asthma aspergillosis
What are fungi? a. molds b. yeasts c. parasites d. molds & yeasts molds & yeasts
Fungal cell walls are composed of? a. chitin b. mold c. yeasts d. chlorophyll chitin
Which fungi grows in the refrigerator? a. endophytes b. phychrophilic c. mycorrhizae d. none of the above phychrophilic
Which fungi lives in plants? a. chytrids b. psychrophilic c. mycorrhizae d. none of the above mycorrhizae
Which fungus ferments sugars? a. mushrooms b. candida albicans c. zygomycetes d. saccharomyces saccharomyces
Blastomycosis can cause _____? a. lung disease b. heart disease c. skin disease d. both A&C lung disease
Coccidroides immitis is caused by _____? a. coccidioidomycosis b. pneumocystis pneumoni c. histoplasmosis d. cryptococcosis coccidioidomycosis
Yeast are ______ fungi? a. non cellular b. bi cellular c. multicellular d. unicellular unicellular
What is the study of fungi called? a. mycology b. physiology c. microbiology d. funyologist mycology
What is the scientific name for “Athlete’s foot” a. thrush b. ringworm c. tinea pedis d. none of the above tinea pedis
What are 2 phases for a fungi? a. bronze & golden b. all of the above c vegetative & reproductive d. young & teenage vegetative & reproductive
Fungi is characterized as? a. eukaryotic b. have heterotrophic metabolism c. produce asexual & sexual spores d. A&B&C have heterotrophic metabolism
What is another name for “yeast infection”? a. onychia b. thrush c “jock itch” d. vulvovaginitis vulvovaginitis
What is scientific name for yeast fungi? a. mitosporic b. ascomycetes c. zygomycetes d. glomeromycota ascomycetes
Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) commonly infects what kind of patients a. cancer patients b. diabetes patients c. AIDS patients d. stroke patients AIDS patients
Histoplasmosis is caused by a. systemic disease b. histoplasma capsulatum c. neoformans d. cyptococcus histoplasma capsulatum
Fungal disease of the skin can come from a. domestic animals b. air pollution c. monera d. kidney failure domestic animals
Vulvovaginitis, often called a “yeast infection” involves a. itching b. swelling c. discharge d. burnin e. all of the above all of the above
Which one of the following fungi would most likely be found in pigeon dropping? a. Cryptococcus neoformans b. coccidioides immitis c. trichophyton Cryptococcus neoformans
Too much antibiotic use may decrease protective bacteria in the vagina and intestine allowing, what to flourish? a. thrush b. C. albicans c. vulvovaginitis C. albicans
Pneumocystic pneumonia is usually transmitted in what way? a. respiratory droplets b. contact with feces c. touching the skin d. contact with blood respiratory droplets
What are the two kinds of mold? a. cheese & ham b. eggs & yogurt c. septate hyphae & non septate hyphae d. cereal & milk septate hyphae & non septate hyphae
Where does mold attack in your body first a. lungs b. ears c. mouth d. feet lungs
How many cells do yeasts have? a. unicellular b. multicellular unicellular
Define dermatophytosis a. an infection on the body surface b. a cut c. a bite d. swelling of toes an infection on the body surface
What is the study of fungi a. mycology b. virology c. paracytology d. phycology mycology
What fungi factors influence growth? a. moisture, nutrients, high temperature b. room temperature, (mostly mildly acidic) c. need dark areas, little or no nutrients d. in oxygen rich air only, room temperature room temperature, (mostly mildly acidic)
Fungi can be classified in five different phyla a. depending on the environment b. depending on their host c. depending on mode of sexual reproduction d. depending on how old they are depending on mode of sexual reproduction
Candida albicans produce a. diaper rash, vaginitis b. green mucous, itchy scalp c. stomach ache, vomiting d. long term neuropathy diaper rash, vaginitis
Ringworm of the skin is a. long shape caught from birds b. round shape caught from cats c. odd shape caught by spoiled food d. a lesion with drainage and black eschar round shape caught from cats
Amanita causes about 90% of death from muschrooms ingestion which symptom(s) should you be concerned with after eating mushrooms a. paleness b. liver & kidney failure c. high blood pressure d. diarrhea e. both b & d both b & d
Sporotrichosis can occur in people who work with: a. food b. sick people c. sea water d. chaulk e. wood products wood products
Another name for “vulvovaginitis” is: a. mold b. blood c. fungi d. parasite e. yeast yeast
Which of the following is not a fungal disease of the lower respiratory tract? a. blastomycosis b. baidiomycetes c. histoplasmosis d. cryptococcosis e. pneumocystis baidiomycetes
Which one of the following statements about fungi is not true? a. some fungi are photosynthetic b. fungi have cell walls made of chitin c. fungi are heterotrophic organisms d. fungi consists of the yeast & mold some fungi are photosynthetic
Malaria’s intermediate hosts is: a. dogs b. mosquitos c. cows d. humans humans
All of these are examples of parasites except: a. protozoa b. helminthes c. arthropods d. humans humans
All of these are examples of flatworms except: a. free-living flatworms b. flukes c. tape worms d. hookworms hookworms
Host specificity is: a. how a parasite grows b. how pathogens evolve c. how cows give mad cow disease d. how a range of hosts serve as biological vectors for a parasite how a range of hosts serve as biological vectors for a parasite
Flukes are: a. roundworms b. flatworms c. a type of fish d. are located in the lumen of your digestive tract flatworms
Roundworms are all except a. sushi (raw fish) can harbor them b. include hook worms & pin worms c. most have a separate mouth, anus & circulatory system d. only have a single digestive opening which serves as both their mouth & anus sushi (raw fish) can harbor them
Endoparasites are categorized as a protozoan and helminthes,, of the two which are known as “exceptionally single parasites” a. protozoan b. red blood cells c. tape worms d. ascaris e. all of the above protozoan
The sex profile of helmiths parasites:male and female.Why are female known as “puffy” A)her weight is distributed equally throughout body B)anaplama contain 6,000-20,000 RBC C)her body has to carry a substantial amount of eggs D)none above E)all above her body has to carry a substantial amount of eggs
Parasites are often used to describe: a. pathogens, protozoa, biological vector b. arthropod vectors, helminthes, hosts c. mechanical vectors, arthropods, biological vectors d. protozoa, helminthes, arthropods e. both A&C protozoa, helminthes, arthropods
At which host does the parasite go through sexual stages a. intermediate host b . reservoir hosts c. definitive host d. intermediate & definitive host e. none of the above definitive host
Helminths are worms that can cause disease, which of the types are free living “pinworms” a. hookworms b. roundworms c. flatworms d. both A&B e. Both C&A roundworms
Yeasts of the species baccharomyes a. are used in bread making b. reproduced by budding c. are members of the ascomycetes d. all of the above (A-C) are correct are used in bread making
Which one of the following fungi would most likely to be found in pigeon droppings a. pneumocystis b. Cryptococcus c. coccidioides d. sporothrix cryptococcus
Cryptococcus neoformans causes a rare, but dangerous repiratory disease. What part of the human body does this fungal disease affect: a. lungs and meninges b. heart and liver c. intestinal d. sexual area lungs and meninges
Which are characteristics of fungi: A)fungi lack chlorophyll, while plants have this pigment B)fungal cell walls contain a carbohydrate called chitin; plant cell walls have cellulose C)most fungi are not truly multicellular like plants D)all of the above all of the above
The formation of arthrospores and spherules is characteristic of: a. coccidioidomycosis b. histoplasmosis c. candidiasis d. aspergillosis aspergillosis
Aflatoxin is produced by _____ and is _____ a. sporothrix schenkii, a hallucinogen b. aspergillus, flavus, carcinogenic c. claviceps parpurea, hallucinogen d. aspergillus nigeo, a mycotoxin aspergillus nigeo, a mycotoxin
Which is not an important disease transmitting arthropods? a. mosquitos b. ticks c. lice d. bacteria bacteria
What is a parasite? a. an organism that lives in or on another organism b. is a tick-borne disease c. lyme disease d. flea-borne disease an organism that lives in or on another organism
Which is not a characteristic of tape worm? a. flat b. free-living c. single digesting opening d. lack a digestive tract lack a digestive tract
A pathogen is a ______ that causes disease a. parasite b. host c. protozoa d. worm parasite
Which of the term does not describe parasite? a. protozoa b. helminthes (worms) c. arthropods d. biological vectors biological vectors
Which is not a characteristic of tapeworms? a. consist of a scolex b. has reproductive organs of both sexes c. lacks a digestive tract d. is flat worm is flat worm
Examples of ectoparasites are? a. fleas b. ticks c. lice d. flies e. all of the above all of the above
Two types of worms that paratize humans are? a. ringworms, lukeworms b. flatworms, roundworms c. long worms, flatworms d. lukeworms, roundworms e. helminthes, roundworms flatworms, roundworms
Flukes are _____ that tend to live in tissues other than the lumen of your digestive tract a. roundworms b. flatworms c. pinworms d. hookworms flatworms
Important disease-transmitting arthropods include? a. mosquitoes b. ticks c. lice d. fleas e. all of the above all of the above
Ectoparasites are also known as? a. arthropods b. parasites c. single cell d. protozoan arthropods
Mechanical vectors include? a. a definitive hosts b. intermediate hosts c. reservoir hosts d. all of the above all of the above
Reproduction in fungi involves ______ formation a. crop b. double c. bland d. spore spore
Which of the following is true about fungi? a. fungi take up nutrients through absorption b. many fungi thrive at slightly acidic pH (pH 5-6) c. most fungi are aerobic d. all of the above all of the above
Which of the following are fungi? a. mold b. protozoa c. yeast d. both a & c are correct both a & c are correct
Cryptococcosis is an example of fungal disease of the lower respiratory tract. What category of individual does it infect? a. immunocompromised individuals b. students c. individuals over the age of 60 d. none of the above immunocompromised individuals
Fungi can be classified into ______different phyla? a. 3 b. 6 c. 5 d. 8 5
Malaria is a protozoal disease carries a. trypanosome b. toxoplasma c. plasmodium d. keushmania plasmodium
Which of the following is not one of the organisms that are in Protista a. plant-like organisms b. animal-like organisms c. fungal-like organisms d. None fungal-like organisms
Snail is the intermediate hosts a. blood fluke b. echinococcus c. liver fluke liver fluke
Type of tapeworm a. taenia b. echinococcus c. necator d ascaris taenia
Which is a characteristic of the fungi? a. fungi consist of yeast and mold b. fungi are heterotrophic c. fungi are all single celled organisms d. all fungi exist as hyphae fungi are heterotrophic
Which of the following is not a form of phyla fungi? a. chytridiomycota b. glomeromycota c. ascomycetes d. conidia e. yeast conidia
Which of the following is not a fungal disease of the lower respiratory tract? saccharomyces
does fungi secrete? a. bacteria b. nutrients c. enzymes d. blood e. mycelium enzymes
What pH level does fungi need to thrive? a. pH 1-2; very acidic b. pH 8-9; slightly basic c. pH 3-4; acidic d. pH 13-14; very basic e. pH 5-6; slightly basic pH 5-6; slightly basic
Created by: karina07d
Popular Biology sets




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