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Hypothesis Educated guess to a question in science.
Independent Variable It's what I changed in each trial/experiment.
Dependent Variable The data or result.
Constant The same or something that stays the same in a trial or experiment.
Inference A guess or conclusion from observation.
Qualitative Something that is detailed by color, texture, looks, taste, smell.
Quantitative Something that has numbers or measurement.
Earthquake A disaster made from plates on the earth that shakes the ground.
Crust The surface of the earth.
Mantle Is the three layers below the crust.
Lithosphere The outer layer of the earth.
Lithosphere Plates Plates on the crust that move time to time.
Sesimologist Branch of science involving earthquakes.
Convergent Plates Plates on the crust that move inward in to each other.
Divergent Plates Plates on the crust that move outward from each other.
Transform Plates Plates on the crust that move side by side of each other.
Subduction When plates move downward beneath a plate.
Convection When in the fluid move in a loop, it circles to move plates around.
S-waves The sideways waves that move in the ground. The second wave.
P-waves The wave that moves up and down. It comes first.
Surface waves Both of them, but slower.
Focus The focus is a point when stress breaks and triggers an earthquake.
Epic center The point above the focus.
Mercalli Scale A rating system that uses roman numerals.
Richter Scale A scale that measures the magnitude of the earthquake by the size of the waves.
The moment magnitude Scale A scale that tells all of the energy released by the earthquake.
Magnitude The amount of energy released by an earthquake.
Tsunami A wall of water that was made by an earthquake, a giant wave of deadly water.
Liquifaction When the ground turns into mud, the buildings underneath sink.
Aftershock When an earthquake triggers more mini earthquakes.
Seismology The study of earthquakes.
Seismograph An instrument used for measuring the movement of the ground.
Compression When rock push together.
Tension When rock pull apart.
Plateau When a flat piece of land push upwards.
Shearing When rock slide the past each other, making a transform boundary.
Normal fault When two pieces of land slide on top of each other, the hanging wall goes up and the foot wall goes down. Making a sort of subduction movement.
Reverse fault When the pieces of blocks that make a fault reverse movement.
Created by: 1964628684
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