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hard science stuff

Describe two changes in the composition of blood after it has passed through the capillaries of the lungs The blood has now been oxygenated and carbon dioxide has been removed
Why do arteries have much thicker walls than veins They need to push blood quicker as it is coming from the heart
Name three non-living factors in a habitat you have studied Soil type/soil pH/moisture content/light intensity/rainfall/temperature/wind/direction the habitat aces/altitude/whether the ground is flat or not/
Name two plants in a habitat you have studied Grass/primrose/dandelion etc.
Name two animals that compete in a habitat you have studied and what they compete for Mouse and rabbit compete for food(grass)
Name two plants that compete in a habitat you have studied and what they compete for Primrose and dandelion compete for sunlight
Give an example of how a named plant adapts to a habitat you have studied Primroses flower early in the spring to get more sunlight before the trees sprout leaves
Name the structure in which amylase is produced Salivary gland
Name two resources other than food that animals might compete for Territory and shelter
How do you prepare a slide to show plant cells on a microscope Take a small piece of the inner skin of an onion, place a drop of water onto the centre of a clean glass slide, carefully lower the cover slip over the skin, put the slide onto the stage under the clips and look into the eyepiece
Where do wastes leave the kidney Ureter
What is transpiration The loss of water vapour from the surface of plants
Briefly describe an experiment to demonstrate transpiration in plants Place two plants in plastic bags, one with leaves and one without. Wait a few hours and water vapour should have formed in the plastic bag with leaves. This can be tested.
Why is transpiration necessary in plants(3 reasons) To cool the plant, to transport water and to transport minerals
Name a substance other than water carried in phloem Food
Name a substance other than water carried in xylem Minerals
Define solubility The mass (in grammes) that will dissolve in 100 grammes of solvent at a fixed temperature
Identify one energy conversion from one form to another when a car brakes Kinetic energy to heat/sound energy
What does the liver do Produces bile which helps digest fats
What does the stomach do Produces digestive juices using enzymes and mixes the juices with the food
What do incisors, canines, premolars and molars do? Incisors cut and bite food, canines tear food, premolars and molars crush and grind food
Name the part of the human skeleton that protects the lungs Ribcage
What would you notice if you heated coloured water in a glass tube The water would expand and rise up the tube
Created by: pbirch2020
Popular Science sets




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