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68C Phase 2 test 8

Mammary glands A network of ducts that carry milk to the nipple
Prolactin A hormone that stimulates milk production
Progesterone A hormone produced in the body that stimulates the development of alveoli
Estrogen A hormone produced in the body that increases the production of tubules and ducts in the breast to transport milk
Breast self exam (BSE) A regular (monthly) systemic examination of the breast and axillary areas through visualization and palpation
Clinical Breast Exam (CBE) An examination conducted by a trained healthcare professional who will observe, inspect, and palpate the breasts
Mammography A low dose x-ray of the breast in combination with physical exam
Fibrocystic Breast COndition A condition involving benign tumors of the breasts that usually occurs in women 30-50 years of age
Nulliparity The status of a woman who has never borne a child
Fibroadenoma A solid benign mass of connective and glandular tissue
Acute mastitis An acute bacterial infection usually caused by S. aureus or streptococci in which the infection may result from inadequate cleanliness of the breast, a nipple, or infection in the infant
Chronic mastitis Bacterial infection of the breast that tends to develop in women 30-50 years of age and is more common in those that have had children, have had difficulty with inverted and cracked nipples and/or problems with nursing their infants
Testicular torsion Twisting of the spermatic cord resulting in a kinking of the artery, compromising blood flow to the testicle May follow severe exercise, occur in sleep, or after crossing the legs Pain intensifies with elevation of the scrotum Immediate surgery
Prostatitis Acute infection of the prostate gland as a result of bacterial invasion from the urethra
Epididymitis Infection of the cord-like excretory duct of the testicle which is one of the most common infections of the male reproductive tract
Genital herpes/Herpes simplex virus An infectious viral disease characterized by recurrent episodes of acute, painful blisters on or in the genitalia or rectum
Chlamydia Causes several common STDs such as epididymitis in men and salpingitis in women The most common are urethritis and cervicitis
Urethritis Inflammation of the urethra
Epididymitis Acute or chronic inflammation of the epididymis that results from venereal disease, uti, prostatitis, prostatectomy, or prolonged use of indwelling catheters
Salpingitis Inflammation of the fallopian tube
Categories of contraceptive methods Hormonal Behavioral Barrier Surgical
Describe the physiologic changes that may occur during menopause Menstrual flow ceases and hormonal levels decrease. The woman may experience hot flashes. The vagina may lose some of its elasticity, and the breasts and vulva lose some adipose tissue. Bones become brittle and prone to osteoporosis
List the endoscopic procedures for visualization of pelvic organ Colposcopy, culdoscopy, and laparoscopy
Explain the current status of hormone replacement therapy for menopausal women Long term use of combination HRT heightened the risk of ischemic stroke and coronary heart disease, resulted in a higher incidence of breast cancer that is at a more advanced stage at the time of diagnosis, and caused a greater risk of ovarian cancer
Define erectile dysfunction and describe its different forms Inability of a man to attain or maintain an erect penis that allows satisfactory sexual performance. Functional (psychological basis), anatomical (physical defect of genital structures), and atonic (disturbed neuromuscular function)
What are the goals in the treatment of vaginal infection? Cure the infection, prevent reinfection, prevent complications, and prevent infection of the sexual partner/partners
Describe the signs and symptoms of toxic shock syndrome Pt will have flulike symptoms the first 24 hours. B/t days 2 and 4 of the menstrual period, the pt has an elevated temperature, hypotension, decreased urinary output, elevated BUN level, and pulmonary edema.
Describe the etiology/pathophysiology of cancer of the cervix Women who become sexually active in their teens are at an increased risk for cancer of the cervix. Multiple partners, lower socioeconomic level, and multiple births also increase the risk. Closely linked to sexual behavior and STIs (HPV) and smoking
What is the difference between prostatitis and epididymitis and describe the s/s of each Prostatitis is an acute or chronic infection of the prostate gland; urgency and frequency of urination, tenderness&fullness of gland. Epididymitis is an infection of the cordlike excretory duct of the testicle; severe pain in the scrotum, duck walk.
How is phimosis treated? Circumcision may be performed in which a part of the foreskin is removed, leaving the glans penis uncovered
In the male reproductive system, the anatomical part that often hypertrophies with age is called the: Prostate gland
What is true regarding illness and sexuality? Sexual dysfunction of a patient with diabetes mellitus can occur when the disease is not well controlled
The diagnostic test that is useful for diagnosing cervical cancer and is recommended after a woman turns 18 is called: Pap smear
You are caring for a patient who complains that she has PMS. What statement would be most useful for you to make to the patient? "Some research suggests that a diet high in complex carbs, moderate in protein, and low in refined sugar in sodium may help ease the symptoms
What is true about menopause? It is recommended that menopausal women take the lowest effective dose of hormone replacement therapy for the shortest amount of time possible to relieve menopausal symptoms
What is the most serious type of female reproductive infection? Pelvic inflammatory disease
You are caring for a pt with TSS. She has a temp of 102.5 and complains of feeling "awful". Which nursing interventions should receive the highest priority? Administering the antibiotics on time
Your pt is to have a TAH-BSO. She has verbalized anxiety and stated "I won't be a woman anymore". In formulating your response, you keep in mine which facts about a TAH-BSO? TAH-BSO involves removal of the entire uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries The incidence of urinary retention postop is greater with a hysterectomy than with any other surgery This surgery will induce menopause
You are caring for a patient who is 24 hours postop following a modified radical mastectomy, left breast. Which nursing intervention is appropriate for this patient? Monitor the patient for signs of shock or hemorrhage
(Pt undergoing a radical mastectomy) Ms. Ceba confides in her nurse that she feels ugly and unattractive and refuses to look at her incision. A helpful approach by the nurse could include: She should be encourage the express her concerns, feelings, and questions. The nurse can best accomplish this by being available frequently and providing accurate information when she is ready to accept it. She can also be encourage to resume grooming
In assessing Ms Ceba, the nurse notes her holding her left arm guardedly in an adducted position. She does not use it for activities of daily living. What should effective patient teaching include? First assess pain level and level of anxiety regarding use of LUE. Demonstrate and encourage appropriate hand and arm exercises. Teach her to elevate her left hand and arm above the level of the heart to prevent edema
What should be included in discharge teaching for Ms. C. to prevent trauma and infection of her left arm? She should be taught not to allow any blood draws, IVs, BPs, or injections on left arm. Educate her regarding recognizing s/s of infection. Possible occurrence of phantom breast syndrome, which can cause sensations of many kinds in the area it was removed
List the female's internal reproductive organs Vagina, ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes
The ___ is suspended by broad ligaments and is located between the urinary bladder and the rectum Uterus
The ____ provides the passageway for childbirth and menstrual flow Vagina
The female has how many fallopian tubes? 2
Which of the female reproductive organs has finger-like projections that partially surround each ovary? Fallopian tubes
____ are for the production of oogenesis and hormones Ovaries
____ works with estrogen to produce a normal menstrual cycle Progesterone
Vaginal introitus is known as the ________ Vaginal entrance
Days 6-14 of the hormonal interaction of the female cycle is known as the _____ phase Proliferative
What is the name of the male sex hormone? Testosterone
What male reproductive organ is suspended in the scrotal sac outside the abdominopelvic cavity? Testicles
The ____ caps the superior part of the tests and runs down its posterior side Epididymis
The male's accessory glandular structure includes: Seminal vesicle, prostate gland, Cowper's gland, penis
The ____ is anterior to the head of the mature sperm Acrosome
The male's interstitial cells are activated during puberty by what two hormones? FSH and LH
Oral contraceptives: estrogen-progesterone combinations Inhibits ovulation by suppressing gonadotropins; inhibits sperms penetration and implantation Acne, depression, optic neuritis Monitor glucose, thyroid and liver function; d/c if client is pregnant
Created by: uhLEEshuhpeeeee
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