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Zoology final exam

Zoology final exam study guide

What was the first animal to invade land? Arthropods.
What are the functions of jointed appendages? Walking and eating.
What are 3 characteristics of arthropods? Exoskeleton, segmentation, and jointed appendages.
What is the composition of the exoskeleton? Chitin.
What is molting? Helps and prevent water loss.
How are lobsters similar to spiders? Have 4 pair of walking legs.
What is the subphylum of crabs, lobsters, and shrimp? Uniramia.
How many body segments and legs can be found on a spider? 3 and 8.
How many legs do millipedes have? How many do centipedes have? 400 and 100.
What is the subphylum for spiders, mites, and scorpions? Arachnids.
What 2 fish have the notochord throughout their life cycle? Lamprey and hogfish.
What is the meaning of the word "agnatha"? Jawless fish.
What do lampreys eat? Other fish.
What do sharks eat? Carnivores.
What do bony fish eat? Carnivores.
What is the meaning of the word "chondrichthyes"? Cartilage.
What is the meaning of the word "osteichthyes"? Bonyfish.
What are 2 major groups of bony fish? Actinopterygii and Sarcopterygii.
What is the definition of diadromous? Fresh and salt water living.
What are some differences between tadpoles and frogs? Tadpoles have tails and frogs do not.
What is metamorphosis? The changing in life.
What are 3 orders for amphibians? Give an example of each order? Anura, Apod, and Urodela.
How many chambers can be found in an amphibian's heart? Name them. 3, left and right atrium.
What is the meaning of the word "amphibian"? Double life.
How many heart chambers do mammals and birds have? 4
What is the function of mammalian hair? Insulate the body against heat loss.
What is the name of the muscle at the bottom of the rib cage? Diaphragm.
What are the types of mammalian teeth? Name the function of each type. Inscors-cutting Canines- tearing Premolors- grinding Molars- crushing
What are 3 groups of mammals? Monotremada, marsupials, placental.
What are distinguishing characteristics of each group of mammals? All mammals are warm blooded. Most young are born alive. They have hair or fur on their bodies. Every mammal is a vertebrate. All mammals have lungs to breathe air. Mammals feed milk to their babies.
Give an example of each type of mammalian group. Mono- Platypus, Mono- kangaroo, and Pla- cows.
What are 4 orders of reptiles? Crocodilia, Sphenodontia, Squamata, Testudines.
What is the name for the ventral portion of the turtle's shell? What is the dorsal portion? Plastron and Carapace.
What are 2 types of venomous lizards? Gila monsters, and Mexican beaded lizards.
Where do tuataras live? New Zealand.
Created by: Katwill678
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