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GCSE Music - Melody


Anacrucis The 'up beat' start to a melody line.
Conjunct A melody line that moves by stepwise motion, also called Scalic.
Disjunct A melody line that moves using intervals of a 3rd or more.
Arpeggio A chord played as a series of separate notes, either going upwards or downwards.
Scalic Melody line moving by step. Next door neighbour notes, also called Conjunct.
Low / High Pitch How the sound appears to us!
Instrument Range Normally from the lowest note an instrument can play to it's highest.
Sequence A pattern of notes that are repeated using the same intervals, but starting a note higher each time (rising) or lower (falling).
Imitation Copying a melody in a different part and played after the first.
Repetition Taking a melodic idea and repeating it.
Contrast Changes to the melody through various means to maintain the listener's interest.
Leitmotif A musical theme given to a particular idea or main character of an opera.
Octave An interval of 8 notes i.e. D3 to D4 etc.
Tone / Major 2nd An interval of 2 semitones. i.e C - C# 1 semitone C#-D 1 semitone: Therefore C-D is a Tone
Perfect 4th An interval of 4 notes i.e. A to D. Called Perfect because it cannot be heard as either major or minor in tonality without adding another note.
Perfect 5th An interval of 5 notes i.e. E to B. Called Perfect because it cannot be heard as either major or minor in tonality without adding another note.
Major 6th An interval of 6 notes i.e. F to D.
Major 7th An interval of 7 notes. The 7th note is a SEMITONE lower than the keynote of the scale. i.e. In C major 'B' is the 7th note.
Semitone The smallest space (interval) between two pitches in Western Music. i.e. F to F# or A to Ab etc.
Microtone Intervals of LESS than a semitone. Most often heard in non Western music or Electronic music.
Chromatic movement Moving in either direction by semitones.
Pentatonic A FIVE note scale. e.g A C D E G Often found in folk music
Blue notes The flattened 3rd, 5th and 7th of a scale used in Blues Music
Trill / ornament Rapidily changing between two notes of either a semitone or tone apart. e.g. cdcdcdcdcdcdcdc or ag#ag#ag#ag#ag#a
Countermelody A melody that plays against another melody line. If heard ABOVE the melody line can be called a DESCANT
Answering phrase A short phrase of music that responds to a Question phrase. It can often use the same rhythm but with different melody notes.
Thematic A THEME is amusical idea, usually a melody that plays an important role in a piece of music. When melodies develop from a theme they are THEMATICALLY linked.
Fanfare A fanfare is a short musical flourish that is typically played by trumpets or other brass instruments, often accompanied by percussion.
Created by: kipple
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