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Review Set Chapters 22-32

exercitus army exercitus, m.
paupertas poverty paupertatis, f.
dives, divitis rich adjective
par, paris equal to adjective + dative
pauper, pauperis poor adjective
dummodo provided that conjunction
facile easily adverb
bene well adverb
male badly adverb
multum much adverb
plurimum very much superlative adverb
magnopere greatly adverb
magis more comparative adverb
parum little adverb
primo first, at first adverb
primum in the first place adverb
diu for a long time adverb
diutius for a longer time comparative adverb
diutissime for a very long time superlative adverb
malo to prefer malle, malui
nolo to not want nolle, nolui
pateo to lie open patere, patui
praebeo to offer praebere, praebui, praebitum
promitto to send forth; promise promittere, promisi, promittum
volo to wish velle, volui
custodia protection, custody custodiae, f.
auxilium aid, help auxilii, n.
digitus digit digiti, m.
elephantus elephant elephanti, m.
exsilium exile exsilii, n.
invidia envy invidiae, f.
rumor rumor, gossip rumoris, m.
vinum wine vini, n.
mediocris, -e moderate adjective
cum + subj. when, since, although conjunction
cum + ind. when conjunction
apud among, at the house of prep. + acc.
semel once, simultaneously adverb
usque all the way, up to adverb
doleo to grieve dolere, dolui, doliturum
dormio to sleep dormire, dormivi, dormitum
fero to carry, bear,say ferre, tuli, latus
adfero to bring to
confero to bring together, confer
se conferre to go idiom
offero to offer
refero to carry back
invideo to envy -videre, -vidi, -visum
occido to die occidere, occidi, occasum
as copper coin assis, n.
ceteri, ae, a the remaining, the rest plural adjective
quantus, a, um how large, how great adjective
tantus . . . quantus just as much/many . . . as adjective
ridiculus, a, um laughable, ridiculous adjective
vivus, a, um living adjective
furtim secretly, stealthily adverb
mox soon adverb
primo at first, at the beginning adverb
repente suddenly adverb
unde from where, from which, from whom adverb
utrum . . . an whether . . . or conjunction
bibo to drink bibere, bibi
cognosco to get to know cognoscere, cognovi, cognotum
comprehendo to arrest; understand comprehendere, comprehendi, comprehensum
consumo to consume, use up consumere, consumpsi, consumptum
dubito to doubt, hesitate dubitare, dubitavi, dubitatum
expono to set forth, explain, expose exponere, exposui, expositum
minuo to diminish, lessen minuere, minui, minutum
rogo to ask rogare, rogavi, rogatum
honor honor; public office honoris, m.
ingenium nature, innate talent ingenii, n.
moenia walls of a city moenium, n.
nata daughter natae, f.
osculum kiss osculi, n.
sidus constellation, star sideris, n.
dignus, a, um worthy, worthy of adjective + abl.
durus, a, um hard, harsh adjective
tantus, a, um so large, so great adjective
denique at last, finally, lastly adverb
ita so, thus adverb
quidem indeed, at least, even postpositive, adverb
ne . . . quidem not . . . even adverb
sic so, thus adverb
tam so, to such a degree adverb
tam . . . quam so . . . as adverb
tamquam as it were adverb
vero in truth, indeed adverb
condo to put together, found, establish condere, condidi, conditum
contendo to contend; hasten contendo, contendere, contendi, contentum
mollio to soften, make calm mollire, mollivi, mollitum
pugno to fight pugnare, pugnavi, pugnatum
respondeo to answer respondere, respondi, responsum
surgo to get up, arise surgere, surrexi, surrectum
fatum fate; death fati, n.
cursus running, race; course cursus, m.
luna moon lunae, f.
occasio occasion, opportunity occasionis, f.
parens parent parentis, c.
stella star, planet stellae, f.
vesper evening; evening star vesperi/vesperis, m.
mortuus, a,um dead adjective
princeps, principis (gen) chief, foremost adjective
princeps leader, emperor principis, c.
ut + subj. in order that, so that conjunction
ne not; in order that not adverb and conjunction with the imperative and subjunctive
cedo to go, withdraw; yield cedere, cessi, cessum
dedico to dedicate dedicare, dedicavi, dedicatum
egeo (+ abl. or gen.) to lack, want, be in need egere, egui
expleo to fill, fill up, complete explere, explevi, expletum
praesto to excel; show; offer praestare, praestiti, praestitum
taceo to be silent tacere, tacui, tacitum
arma arms, weapons armorum, n.
nepos grandson, descendant nepotis, m.
sol sun solis, m.
diligens, diligentis careful, diligent adjective
dissimilis, dissimile unlike, different adjective
gracilis, gracile slender, thin adjective
humilis, humile lowly, humble adjective
maior, maius greater, older comparative adjective
primus, a, um first, foremost superlative adjective
quot how many adjective
similis, simile similar, like adjective
superus, a, um above, upper superlative adjective
superi the gods superorum, m.
utilis, utile useful, advantageous adjective
pono to put, place; take off (of clothing) ponere, posui, positum
probo to approve; test probare, probavi, probatum
delectatio delight, pleasure delectationis, f.
forum marketplace, forum fori, n.
lex law legis, f.
limen threshold liminis, n.
lux light lucis, f.
mensa table mensae, f.
nox night noctis, f.
somnus sleep somni, m.
quidam, quaedam, quiddam someone, something indefinite pronoun and adjective
pudicus, a, um modest, chaste adjective
superbus, a, um arrogant, proud adjective
tristis, triste sad adjective
turpis, turpe ugly; shameful adjective
urbanus, a, um urban; elegant, urbane adjective
prae before, in front of prep. + abl.
quam than; as . . . as possible adj./adv. with comparatives; adv. with superlatives
tantum only adv.
invito to invite; summon invitare, invitavi, invitatum
cena dinner cenae, f.
ferox, ferocis (gen.) fierce adjective
fidelis, fidele faithful, loyal adjective
geminus, a, um twin adjective
sapiens, sapientis (gen.) wise adjective
ultimus, a, um farthest; last adjective
dehinc then, next adverb
hic here adverb
ait, aiunt he says; they say irregular verb
credo to believe credere, credidi, creditum
iaceo to throw, hurl iacere, iacui
nego to deny negare, negavi, negatum
nescio to not know nescire, nescivi, nescitum
nuntio to announce nuntiare, nuntiavi, nuntiatum
patefacio to make open, expose patefacere, patefeci, patefactum
puto to think putare, putavi, putatum
spero to hope sperare, speravi, speratum
suscipio to undertake suscipere, suscepi, susceptum
lingua tongue; language linguae
fabula story; play fabulae, f.
imperator general; emperor imperatoris, m.
imperium power to command, authority, control imperii, n.
perfugium refuge perfugii, n.
servus slave servi, m.
serva slave servae, f.
solacium comfort, relief solacii, n.
vulnus wound vulneris, n.
re-/red- again, back prefix
ut + ind. as, just as; when conjunction
postea afterwards adverb
accipio to accept, receive accipere, accepi, acceptum
excipio to take out, except excipere, excepi, exceptum
recipio to take back; receive recipere, recepi, receptum
pello to strike, push; drive out, banish expellere, expuli, expulsum
narro to tell, report, narrate narrare, narravi, narratum
quaero to seek, look for quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitum
rideo to laugh (at) ridere, risi, risum
Carthago Carthage Carthaginis, f.
dux leader ducis, m.
equus horse equi, m.
hasta spear hastae, f.
insula island insulae, f.
litus shore litoris, n.
miles soldier militis, m.
orator speaker, orator oratoris, m.
sacerdos priest sacerdotis, m.
aliquis, aliquid someone, something pronoun
quisquis, quidquid whoever, whatever pronoun
magnanimus, a, um brave; magnanimous adjective
umquam ever adverb
educo to bring up, educate educare, educavi, educatum
gaudeo to rejoice gaudere, gavisus, sum
ostendo to show ostendere, ostendi, ostentum
peto to seek; beg petere, petivi, petitum
premo to press premere, pressi, pressum
opprimo to suppress, overwhelm opprimere, oppressi, oppressum
verto to turn vertere, verti, versum
arx citadel, fortress arcis, f.
ferrum iron; sword ferri, n.
fides faith, trust; promise fidei, f.
ignis fire ignis, m.
modus measure; limit; way modi, m.
res thing rei, f.
res publica state, republic rei publicae, f.
spes hope spei, f.
aequus, a, um level, equal, fair adjective
felix, felicis (gen.) lucky, happy adjective
incertus, a, um uncertain adjective
Latinus, a, um Latin adjective
medius, a, um middle of adjective
quondam formerly, once adverb
ultra on the other side, beyond adverb or prep. + acc.
protinus immediately adverb
cerno to discern, distinguish cernere, crevi, cretum
eripio to snatch away; rescue eripere, eripui, ereptum
inquit he says, said irregular verb
tollo to lift up; take away tollere, sustuli, sublatum
dies day diei, m.
custodiae guards custodiarum, f.
Created by: ejkotynski
Popular Latin sets




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