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Class X List A

Durg List A

What is the Dosage for Aspirin Adult: 162-325 mg PO Pediatric: Not Recommended
What is the Route of administration for Aspirin PO
What is the Generic name for Aspirin Acetylsalicylic Acid
What is the Classification of Aspirin Analgesic; Antipyretic; on-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug (NSAID); Platelet Aggregate Inhibitor
What is the first Mechanism of Action for Aspirin 1. Inhibits aggregation of platelets by blocking the formation of the substance thromboxane therefors also prolonging bleeding time
What is the Second Mechanism of Action for Aspirin 2. Provides analgesia by inhibiting prostaglandins and other substances that sensitize pain receptors
What is the Third Mechanism of Action for Aspirin 3. Relieves fever by acting upon the hypothalamic heat regulating center
What are Aspirin's Indications Aspirin inhibits platelet aggregation in a suspected myocardial infarction and inhibits platelet aggregation associated with a thrombotic stroke
What are Aspirin's Contraindications 1. Active gastrointestinal bleeding 2. Asthma pacients with nasal polyps
What are Aspirin's Gastrointestinal Side effects Gastrointestinal: bleeding, heartburn, epigastric pain
What are Aspirin's CNS Side effects CNS: dizziness, confusion, drowsiness
What are Aspirin's ENT Side effects ENT: Tinnitus, hearing loss
What does ENT mean Ears Nose and Throat
What are other possible side effects for Aspirin May impair renal function, may prolong labor in pregnancy with increased bleeding
What are Aspirin's Precautions 1.Medical Hx of pre-existing ulcers, liver diseas, or bleeding disorders 2. Due to the possible association with reye's syndrome, do not give drug to children or teenagers with signs and symptoms of chickenpox withour physician consultation
What are Aspirin's interactions 1. Aspirin inhibits anti-hypertensive effects of ACE inhibitors 2. Ammoniun chloride and other urin acidifying drugs will increase effects of aspirin- watch for toxicity
Aspirin's Onset and durration of Action Onset is 5-30 min and may last 1-4 hr, peak in 15 min
What is the Classification of Morphine Sulfate Opioid Narcotic, CNS Depressant
What is the First Mechanism of Action for Morphine Sulfate Alters pain perception and produces euphoria
What is the Second Mechanism of Action for Morphine Sulfate Decreases myocardial oxygen demand by decreasing preload and decreasing afterload
What is the Third Mechanism of Action for Morphine Sulfate Decreases the CNS by interacting with opiate receptors in the brain
What are the indications for Morphine Sulfate 1. Moderate to severe pain 2. Chest pain of suspected myocardial orgin 3. Pulmonary Edema from CHF with or without chest pain 4. Burns
What are the Contraindications for Morphine Sulfate 1. Altered level of consciousness 2. Adbominal pain of unknown etiology 3. Patients at risk of respiratory depression 4. Head injury 5. Hypovolemia
What are the Cardiovascular side effects for Morphine sulfate bradycardia, hypotension, (rebound tachycardia/hypertension)
What are the Neurological side effects for Morphine Sulfate Sedation, agitation, tremors/seizures, hallucinations
What are the Respiratory side effects for Morphine Sulfate respiratory depression and respiratory arrest
What are the Gastrointesinal side effects for Morphine Sulfate Nausea/ Vomiting
What are the precautions for Morphine Sulfate Morphine sulfate is an opiate derivative- Naloxone should be available to reverse any severe respiratory side effects
What are the interactions for Morphine Sulfate Use with caution with patients taking other analgesics, depressants or narcotics
What are the Routes of Administration for Morphine Sulfate IV, IO, IM
What is the Onset and Duration of Action for Morphine Sulfate IV/IO will have an onset of 2-5 min and IM will have an onset of 5-10 min. Each will last approximately 3-5 hr
What are the Dosages for Morphine Sulfate Adult: Pain Relief 1.0 - 10.0 mg IV titrated to pain relief or 5.0 - 10.0 mg IM as a single dose only Pulmonary Edema: 5.0 -10.0 mg slow IV push (2.0 mg/min)Pediatric: 0.1 -0.2 mg/kg slow IV push (1.0mg/min) titrated to pain relief or 0.1 mg/kg IM
Morphine Sulfate Notes May Draw 10 mg (1ml) into a syringe and mix with 9ml of normal saline. This creates a 1mg/1ml concentration for better control when administering the medication
What is the Classification for Activated Charcoal Adsorbent
What is the Mechanism of Action for Activated Charcoal Binds (adsorbs) toxic substances inhibiting gastrointestinal absorption, leaving less toxic substance in body circulation; increasing fecal elimination of drug/charcoal complex
What is the indication for Activated Charcoal Suspected ingestion of drugs or chemicals
What are the contraindications for Activated Charcoal 1. Patients with a compromised airway – need to minimize chance for aspiration or obstruction 2. Ingestion of Iron or multi-vitamins
What are the side effects for Activated Charcoal Respiratory: choking Gastrointestinal: vomiting, black stools, abdominal cramping/bloating
What are the percautions for Activated Charcoal 1. Should not be administered immediately after Syrup of Ipecac 2. Must shake vigorously prior to administration 3. Do not use charcoal with sorbitol (an added sweetener) in children < 1 yr
What are the interactions for Activated Charcoal Will not bind with alcohol
What are the routs of administration for Activated Charcoal voluntarily by patient or PO via nasogastric/orogastric tube
What is the onset and duration of action for Activated Charcoal Onset is immediate, peak effect and duration are unknown
What is the dosage for Activated Charcoal Adult: Initially 1g/kg PO Pediatric: Initially 1g/kg PO
Notes for Activated Charcoal 1. Does not absorb cyanide, ethanol, methanol, ferrous sulfate, caustic alkali or mineral acids 2. Most effective if administered within 30 minutes of ingestion 3. Use very cautiously in patients who cannot protect their own airway
What are some of the trade names for Activated Charcoal Acta-Char, Actidose-Aqua, Insta-Char, Liqui-Char, CharcoAid
What are some of the trade names for Nitro Nitrolingual, Nitrostat, Nitrobid, Tridil
What are the classifications for Nitroglycerin Vasodilator, Nitrate, Antianginal
What is the Mechanism of Action for Nitroglycerin 1. Relaxes smooth muscles causing venous dilation 2. Reduces preload and afterload to the heart 3. Dilates the coronary arteries resulting in increased perfusion of the myocardium
What are the indications for Nitroglycerin 1. Chest pain of cardiac origin 2. Acute pulmonary edema
What are the contraindications for Nirtoglycerin 1. Blood pressure less than 100 mmHg systolic2. Patients who have taken Erectile Dysfunction medications in the last 24-48 hours3. Signs and symptoms of head trauma (increased intracranial pressure) or cerebral hemorrhage4. Poor systemic perfusion
What are the Cardiovascular side effects of Nitroglycerin hypotension, bradycardia, rebound hypertension/tachycardia, palpitations
What are the Neurological side effects of Nirtoglycerin headache
What are the Other side effects of Nitroglycerin flushed skin, sublingual burning
What are the precautions for Nitroglycerin Monitor blood pressure closely for signs of hypotension (before and after administration)
What are the interactions for Nitroglycerin Use with caution with patients who already use vasodilators, alcohol, calcium channel blockers, beta blockers and phenothiazides
What are the routes of administration for Nitroglycerin SL, TM (transmucosal), transdermal (nitropaste)
What is the onset and duration of action for Nitroglycerin Onset in 1-3 minutes and may last 30-60 minutes
What is the dosage for Nitroglycerin Adult: 0.4 mg as a single spray or single tablet. May repeat every 3-5 minutesPediatric: not recommended
Notes for Nitroglycerin 1. Do not shake canister if administered as a spray as it will altered the metered dose in a single spray 2. Do not have patient inhale drug on administration as it will alter absorption rate
Notes 2 for Nitroglycerin 3. Establish IV prior to or immediately following administration to combat hypotension if necessary
What is the classificationof Oxygen Gas
What is the Mechanism of Action for Oxygen Increases percentage of oxygen in inspired air (FiO2)
What is FiO2 Fractional Inhaled O2
What are the indications of Oxygen 1. Increase oxygen demand2. Hypoxemia or hypoxia3. Chest pain of myocardial origin, cardiovascular compromise or emergencies4. Respiratory insufficiency5. Neurological diseases or disorders6. Hypoperfusion state or trauma
What are the Routes of Administration for Oxygen Inhaled
What is the Onset and Duration of Action for Oxygen in 1-2 minutes and may last 30 minutes
What are the Dosages for Oxygen Nasal Cannula- 2-6 LPM Simple Face Mask- 6-10 LPM Nonrebreather Mask- 10-15 LPM HHN/Neb Mask- 6-8 LPM BVM- 15 LPM
Oxygen Notes Never withhold oxygen from any patient in distress
Created by: kamaradio
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets




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