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family academy

biology olympic peninsula

ecosystem A community of organisms and their physical environment that interact as an ecological unit
primary producer An organism capable of using the energy derived from light or a chemical substance in order to manufacture its own food
primary consumer An organism, such as a grass-eating animal, that feeds primary producers
secondary consumer An organism that feeds on primary consumers in a food chain
tertiary consumer An organism that feeds on secondary consumers in a food chain
decomposer An organism that break down the dead remains of other organisms
glacial till An unstratified glacial deposit which consists of pockets of clay, gravel, sand, silt, and boulders
conifer A tree that bears cones and evergreen needlelike or scalelike leaves
evergreen A plant that retains green leaves throughout the year
deciduous A plant that loses its leaves for winter
precipitation Rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls to the ground
temperate rain forest (western WA) forest that grow from sea level to 2,000 feet
habitat The place, including physical and biotic conditions, where a plant or an animal usually occurs
niche Position of an organism in its environment
canopy The highest layer of vegetation in a forest consisting of tall, coniferous trees
understory The middle layer of vegetation in a forest consisting of small trees and large shrubs
forest floor The lowest level of vegetation in a forest consisting of herbaceous plants, mosses, liverworts and lichens
epiphytes Non-parasitic plants that grow on other plants
old growth forest forests with trees over 300 years old, an abundance of downed logs, and a presence of snags
snag A standing dead tree or stump
succession An association of plants that develops after the destruction of all or part of the original plant community
symbiotic relationship associations between two or more species that live together
scuzz an assortment of tiny organisms-fungi, algae, yeasts and bacteria- that grow on canopy tree needles
lichen A composite organism consisting of a fungus and an alga or cyanobacterium (blue-green algae) living in symbiotic association
chlorophyll The green photosynthetic pigment found chiefly in chloroplasts of plants
substrate The surface or medium that serves as a base for something
ethnobotany The study of relationships between plants and people
hyphae Hair-like filaments of fungal cells
mycelia The vegetative part of a fungus, consisting of a mass of branching, threadlike hyphae
mycorrhiza The mutually beneficent association between a fungus and the roots of a plant
hibernation A state of extremely low metabolism and respiration, accompanied by low body temperature
torpor A short-term reduction metabolism and body temperature
arboreal Inhabiting or frequenting trees
riparian habitat located on the bank of a natural watercourse
omnivorous Feeding on food of both plant and animal origin
carnivorous feeding on other animals
herbivorous feeding on plants
extirpation elimination from a certain area
flagging where branches only grow on the lee (out of the wind) side of the tree
aspect the compass direction that a slope faces
forbs non-woody plants besides grasses
timberline the altitude above sea level at which timber ceases to grow
krummholz trees that are excessively stunted and misshapen by wind
prostate along the ground
decomposition The state or process of rotting; decay
estivating a state similar to hibernation occurring during hot months
home range an area over which an animal or group of animals regularly travels in search of food or mates
ungulate Any four-footed, hoofed, grazing mammal
wilderness an area where the earth and its community of life are untrammeled by man
anadromous migrating from salt water to spawn in fresh water
Coniferous temperate Forest terrestrial biome found in temperate regions of the world with warm summers and cool winters and adequate rainfall to sustain a forest.
Montane Habitats (WA) These are the mountain forests of Washington which lie roughly between 1,500 and 3,000 feet
Intertidal zone a habitat at the water's edge that alternates between the dry and wet worlds (tidepools)
Created by: mendaygang
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