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Circulatory System


Heart An Organ that pumps blood to all parts of the body, main organ of circulatory system
Blood Liquid tissue that moves nutrients, oxygen, waste hormones, to and from the body cells.
Plasma the watery part of a blood cell.
Red Blood Cell Carries oxygen to body cells.
White Blood Cell Fights germs.
Platelet Helps Stop bleeding.
Artery Carries Blood away from the heart, thicker walls, carries blood at higher pressure
Vein Carries blood back to the heart.
Liver The Largest Gland in your body. Helps Filter waste out of the bloodstream and the small and large intestine. 2 - 4 lbs
chyme yellowish/brown liquid that food is turned into when it leaves your stomach
Rectum Disposes Of unused Food
Digestive System Made up of the mouth, teeth, tongue, salivary glands, esophagus, stomach, liver, and the large and small intestine.
Esophagus Has muscles that help move food down the throat.
Kidneys Filter out waste
Vein Carries blood words the heart
Diaphram Makes the lungs contract & expand
digestion process of breaking down foods to get the nutrients we need for our bodies to function, involves physical and chemical changes
tongue part of digestive system, helps move the food around for the teeth to begin physical digestion
salivary glands help digestion by adding chemicals called saliva to your food. begins chemical digestion
muscles esophagus has that help move food down from your mouth to your stomach
stomach has muscles that churn the food and also adds gastric juices that help break down the food
small intestine digested food goes here, where digestion process is completed and nutrients are absorbed into the blood through capillaries
large intestine gets what is now waste and removes the remaining water from it before disposal
jobs of liver take poisons out of blood, clean away dead blood cells, store vitamens and sugar for future use, 500 total jobs. produces bile
bile another digestive juice stored by gall bladder made by liver
circulatory system bodys transportation system, carries nutrients and oxygen to all your cells while removing carbon dioxide and other wastes
vein carries blood toward the heart, thinner walls, carries blood at lower pressure
capillaries links to arteries and veins, smallest of the blood vessels
plasma liquid part of the blood, 90% water
platelets small cell fragments that clot blood
excretory system made up of kidneys, bladder, live and skin, removes cellular waste from the blood
kidneys filter your blood and send excess water salt and urea to your bladder for removal
respiratory system responsible for breathing
main organ of respiratory system lungs
lungs expand to take in air and contract to force air out. we inhale and exhale
diaphragm muscle that makes the lungs expand and contract
capillaries carry blood into the lungs
alveoli's blood takes oxygen from the lungs and gives carbon dioxide to the lungs, where the capillaries and these meet (tiny air sacks)
exhale get rid of carbon dioxide
inhale take in fresh oxygen
Created by: samtrox
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