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Root Words ALL

9th grade Greek and Latin ROots

para- beside
acou hear
dog/dox opinion, praise
meter measure
ortho straight, right
-ic like, related to
-ma something done
-ology study of, science
an- not, without
aeth/esth feeling, perception, sensation
-esia action, process
-ete one who
-ist one who
ant- against, opposite
ex- out, away, from
in- in, into; not
agon struggle
culp fault, blame
prot first, ahead
-able able to be
-ate to make, to act; one who, that which
-ic like, related to
-ist one who
-y state of, quality, act; body, group
com- with, together
agora marketplace, assembly
fort strong
phob fear of
-ation an action or process
-fy to make, to act, do
-ia condition
-tude state, quality, act
iso- equal
anemo wind
baro pressure, weight
meter measure
phil love
trop turn
anth flower
chrys gold, yellow
graph write, written
heli sun
phag eat
phyte plant
-ic like, related to
-ism act, state, condition
-ology study of, science
-ous having the quality of
-er one who, that which
-um of or belonging to
-us thing which
-y state of, quality, act, body, group
arch first, chief, rule
crac government
glyph carve
hier sacred
typ model, inspiration
anti- against, opposite
co-/syn- with, together
aort lift, raise
arct to press together
thes/thet to place/to put
-ic like, related to
-ics science, system, related to
-y state of, quality, act; body, group
-ate to make, to act; one who, that which
-ation an action or process
-ia condition
-is thing which
-ize to make, to act
dis- apart. opposite of
ex- out, away, from
per- through, very
asper rough
turb commotion, agitation
-ance/-ence/-ity state, quality, act
-ation an action or process
-ine like, related to
a- away, from; not, without
branch gill
helminth worm
platy flat, broad
pod/pus foot
rhin nose
-al like, related to; an action or process
-ate to make, to act; one who, that which
des- from, away, down, apart, not
in- in, into, not
re- back, again
cant song
-ation an action or process
-cle small
-trice feminine
a- away, from; not, without
di- two
en- in, into
meta- beyond, change
cephal head, brain
morph form
thorax chest
-ic like, related to
-itis inflammation
-ology study of, science
-osis condition
-ous having the quality of
con- with, together
per- through, very
pre- before
re- back, again
suc- below, under
cinct bind, border, surround
cus strike, shake
-ion an action or process, state, quality, act
-ure state, quality, act; process, condition
an- not, without
cinemat/kin motion
esth feeling, perception, sensation
graph write, written
-ation/esia/esis an action or process
-ic like, related to
-ology study of, science
-y state of, quality, act; body, group
in- in, into, not
ciner ash
combus burn up
-ary that which; someone or something that belongs to, of, related to, one who
-ible able to be
-or one who, that which, condition, state, activity
-tion state, quality, act
a- away, from; not, without
coll glue, gelatinous
gen cause, birth, race, produce
man gas
meter measure
sphygm/sphyx pulse
-age state, quality, act
-ation an action or process
-ic like, related to
-oid resembling
-ous having the quality of
cryo cold
cryst crystal
gen cause, birth, race, produce
phil love, loving
scop look at, view, examine
thereap treatment
-ic like, related to
-ize to make, to act
-y state of, quality, act; body, group
dactyl finger, toe
glyph carve
gram write, written
petro wing, feather
scop look at, view, examine
zygo paired
-ology study of, science
-y state of, quality, act; body group
an- not, without
cardi heart
echo sound
gram write, written
lal talk, babble
locat place
-ia condition
-ic like related to
-ion an action or process; state, quality, act
anthrop humankind, man
eo dawn, early
graph write, written
lith stone
paleo ancient, old
sphere ball
-cene new, recent
-ic like, related to
-us thing which
-y state of, quality, act; body group
en- in, into
ergo/urg work, power
gen cause, birth, race, produce
metall metal, mine
meter measure
nom name, law, custom, order
phob fear of
pyro fire, heat
-ia condition
-ic like, related to
-ics science, related to, system
-ize to make to act
-y state of, quality, act; body, group
dys- bad, badly
eu- good, well
calypt hidden, covered
pepts/pept/phor bear produce
-ia condition
-ic like, related to
-ide thing belonging to
-us thing which
Created by: 15caswit
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