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Week 9 Vocab.

Arthritis inflammation of a joint
Arthrocentesis surgical puncture of a joint cavity for aspiration of fluid
Arthroplasty surgery to relieve pain and restore range of motion by realigning or reconstructing a joint
Arthroscopy examination of a joint
Arthrostenosis narrowing of the caliber of an artery, either temporary, through vasoconstriction, or permanent through arteriosclerosis
Chondritis inflammation of a cartilage
Crepitation a dry, crackling sound or sensation
Fasciotomy surgical procedure that cuts away the fascia to relieve tension or pressure
gout a form of acute arthritis that causes severe pain and swelling in the joints
Intramuscular within the muscular substance
Myectomy surgical excision of a muscle
Orthotic serving to protect or restore or improve function; pertaining to the use or application of an orthosis
Osteochondritis inflammation of bone and cartilage
Osteomyelitis bone infection almost always caused by a bacteria
Osteonecrosis necrosis (death of living tissue) of bone due to obstruction of its blood supply
Osteosarcoma a malignant bone tumor
Synovitis inflammation of a synovial membrane, usually painful, particularly on motion, and characterized by fluctuating swelling, due to effusion in a synovial sac
Tendonitis inflammation of tendons
TBA To be absorbed
Temp. Temperature
tid Three times a day
TLC Tender loving care
tx. Treatment
UO Urinary output
VO.; v.o. Verbal order
vol Volume
VS Vital signs
W/C Wheelchair
WD Warm and dry
WD/WN Well developed, well nourished
WNL Within normal limits
wt Weight, weigh
y/o Years old
Created by: mzephier
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