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Solar System

It's about the planets

1. Meteor A streak of light in the sky produced by the burning of a meteoroid in Earth's atmoshpere
2. Asteroid Belt Any of thousands of dence rocky objects in orbit around the sun between Mars and Jupiter
3. Comet A ball of ice, dust, and frozen gases that orbits the sun
4. Revolution The movement od an object around another object
5. Rotation The spinning motion of a planet on it's axis
6. Outter Planets Gas giant planets found outside of the asterroid belt
7. Inner Planets Terrestrial (earth-like) planets that are dence solids located between the sun and the asterroid belt
8. Gravity The attractive force between two objects
9. Axial tilt The invisable axis that are tilted allowing for seasons to occur.
10. Probe A robotic spacecraft that leaves Earth's orbut and explores space
11. Satellite Any object that revoles around another object in space. Can be artificial or natural
12. Heliocentric Theroy Nicolaus Copernicus idea that the Earth, planets , and stars all revolved around the sun
13. Geocentric Theory Aristtotle and ptolemy believed that the Earth was the center of the Universe and all objects revolved around it
14. Tides The rise and fall of sea levels caused by the combined effects of gravitational forces exerted by the moon
15. Greenhouse Effect Is the process by which radiation from a planets atmosphere warms the planet's surface to a temperature above what it would be without an atmosphere
16. illuminated to light up
17. Celestial Objets Known collectively by astronomers as celestial bodies, astronomical bodies, they are the stuff that fills the empty space of the Universe
18. Lunar Eclipse Occurs when the Earth is between the sun and the moon. Sunlight is blocked by the Earth
19. Solar Eclipse Occurs during te NEW MOON PHASE when the moon passes between the Sun and Earth, and the moon fully or partially blocks the sun
20. Autumn The season between summer and winter known as fall in North America
21. Equinox The time and date when the sun passes directly over the equater the length of day and night are equal
22. Solstice Thetome and date when the sun it at its greatest distance from the equator; length of day and night show greatest difference
23. Orbit Revolve around Circle around Go around Travel around
24. Diameter The equater is the diameter of the Earth
25. Survivable Temperaturs The highest and lowest temperatures that humans can stand without dying
26. Astronomer The study of celestial objets
Created by: 3158414
Popular Science sets




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