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Nutrients Substances the body receives from food to use for energy, growth and repair.
Carbohydrate Made from the elements Carbon,Hydrogen and Oxygen and include foods which contain starch, sugar and cellulose
Carbohydrate This nutrient supplies the body with heat and energy which is produced by starches and sugars.
Sugar Found in Fruits and Vegetables and is sweet
Fructose Sugar found in Fruit
Glucose Also another sugar found in fruit
Lactose Sugar found in milk
Sucrose Ordinary sugar...obtained from sugar cane
Starch This is found in (i)root vegetables (e.g. potato, yam); Iii)Cereals (e.g. Rice, corn) iii) Tubers (e.g. Dasheen) and a few fruits (e.g. Green Banana and breadfruit)
Cellulose Forms the cell walls of plants and is very tough
Roughage Made from cellulose and is also called fibre
Fibre Provides bulk in the intestines and helps to stimulate bowel movement and prevents constipation.
Sources of Fibre Fruits, Green Leafy Vegetables, nuts, peas, beans and whole grain cereals
Fats Found in Animal and vegetable foods
Solid Fat Most Animal Fats
Liquid Fat Vegetable fats
Sources of fat Butter, margarine, cheese, fatty meats, ackee and avocado (pear)
Proteins Essential for growth, body maintenance and for repairing worn out or damaged tissues.
Kwashiorkor Lack of protein in the diet of growing children can result in this disease.
Elements of Protein Carbon, hydrogen,oxygen and nitrogen
Vitamins Substances found in food which are needed in SMALL quantities/amounts for proper nutrition
Vitamins Help the body to fight diseases
Solution Vitamins must dissolve in this to do their job. Some dissolve in water; some dissolve in fat
Vitamins A,D,K Fat soluble vitamins
Vitamins B,C Water soluble vitamins
Vitamin A Results in Eye disorders and reduced night vision
Vitamin B1 Causes disease called Beri Beri
Vitamin B6 Causes difficulty in walking
Vitamin C Causes Scurvy
Vitamin D Vitamin received from sunlight
Vitamin D Causes disease called Ricketts
Vitamin K Lack of this vitamin causes excessive bleeding if injured.
Minerals CHEMICAL substances required for body building and like vitamins, needed in SMALL amounts/quantities
Important Minerals Calcium, phosphorous, iron, potassium, sodium, iodine, chlorine and fluorine
Plant Roots This is the way minerals are taken up. When we eat plants we eat the minerals they take up from the soil.
Mineral Salts Most minerals required by the body
Calcium and Phosphorous Minerals needed for building bones and teeth
Iron Makes Haemoglobin
Kidney meat source of iron
Iodine Mineral needed for the formation of certain hormones which helps to control growth.
Goitre caused by a lack of iodine in the diet
Seafoods source of iodine
Dairy Source of calcium and iodine
Fluorine Helps to prevent tooth decay
Water Excreted as sweat from the skin, and urine through the kidneys and bladder
Balanced Diet Correct amount of EACH nutrient needed daily by the body to remain healthy.
Malnutrition Dietary condition resulting from the absence of some foods or nutrients necessary for proper health.
Food Groups Staples, Legumes and Nuts, Vegetables, Food from Animals, Fruits, Fats and Oils.
Calories Measurement of the energy obtained from food.
Menu List of foods to be served at a meal
Food Tests Tests carried out to determine the types of nutrients found in certain foods.
Starch Test When drops of Iodine solution is mixed with a food containing starch e.g bread, yam, irish potato
Bluish-Black Colour Colour after the starch test
Sugar Test Add Benedicts solution to some glucose which was dissolved in water
Brick-Red Colour Solid particles in this colour are observed when this mixture is heated.
Fat Test Produces a greasy TRANSLUCENT spot
Created by: LeahCassie
Popular Science sets




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