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Upper GI Keywords

Chapter 53,54, 55 Iggy

stomatitis inflammation of oral mucosa, "canker sores"
aphthous stomatitis non-infectious inflammation of oral mucosa
candidiasis painful fungal infection, "moniliasis"
dysphagia difficulty swallowing
leukoplakia thickened, white, firmly attached patches that cannot be scraped off
erythroplakia red, velvety mucosal lesions on the surface of oral mucosa, precancerous
periodontal disease degenerative gum disease resulting in tooth and mandibular bone loss
cryotherapy extreme cold application
glossectomy tongue removal
mandibulectomy jaw removal
commando procedure combined neck dissection, mandibulectomy and oropharyngeal resection
acute sialadentis inflammation of salivary gland
sialagogues substances that stimulate the flow of saliva
xerostomia very dry mouth caused by a severe reduction in the flow of saliva
parotidectomy surgical removal of the parotid glands
gastroesophageal reflux disease GERD chronic, persistent backward flow of stomach contents into the esophagus
gastroesophageal reflux GER backward flow of stomach contents into the esophagus
lower esophageal sphincter LES small portion at the gastroesophageal junction near the cardiac sphincter
erosion ulceration
Barrett's epithelium columnar epithelium, more resistant to acid, premalignant, results from exposure to acid and pepsin, response to tissue injury
esophageal stricture narrowing of the esophageal opening
dyspepsia indigestion
regurgitation backward flow into the throat of food particles or fluid
water brash sensation of fluid in the throat without bitter or sour taste
eructation belching
flatulence gas
odynophagia painful swallowing
upper endoscopy esophagogastroduodenoscopy EGD insertion of an endoscope down the throat to see esophagus and look for abnormalities
pH monitoring examination most accurate method of dx GERD
hiatal hernia "diaphragmatic hernias" protrusion of the stomach through the esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm of the chest.
metastasize spread throughout the body
stricture narrowing
halitosis foul breath
esophagectomy removal of part or all of the esophagus
esophagogastrostomy removal of part of the esophagus and proximal stomach
minimally invasive esophagectomy MIE laparoscopic-assisted procedure for pt with early-stage cancer
pyloromyotomy cutting and suturing the pylorus
colon interposition section of right or left colon is removed and brought up into the thorax to substitute for the esophagus
diverticula sacs resulting from the herniation of esophageal mucosa and submucosa into surrounding tissue
autodigestion protective mucosal barrier that prevents the stomach from digesting itself
acute gastritis inflammation of the gastric mucosa or submucosa after exposure to local irritants
chronic gastritis spread out inflammation of the mucosal lining of the stomach
pernicious anemia results when vitamin b12 is depleted
type a chronic gastritis associated with the presence of antibodies to parietal cells and intrinsic factor
atrophic gastritis chronic gastritis seen in older adults, often occurs after exposure to toxic substances in the workplace, h. pylori infection or autoimmune factors
hematemesis vomiting blood
melena dark, sticky feces
dyspepsia heartburn, indigestion
H2-receptor antagonists used to block gastric secretion, a mucosal barrier fortifier
proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) antisecretory agents to suppress gastric acid secretions
peptic ulcer mucosal lesion of the stomach or duodenum
peptic ulcer disease PUD mucosal defenses become impaired and no longer protect the epithelium from the effects of acid and pepsin
stress ulcers multiple shallow erosions of the stomach and occasionally the proximal duodenum
Curling's ulcer ulcer in pt with extensive burnes
Cushing's ulcer ulcer in pt with increased intracranial pressure
gastric lavage instillation of room-temp solution in volumes of 200-300 mL
achlorhydria absences of secretion of hydrochloric acid
dumping syndrome a group of vasomotor symptoms that occur after eating
alkaline reflux gastropathy bile reflux gastropathy, complication of gastric surgery in which the pylorus is bypassed and removed
Created by: morgancoady
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