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Chapter 3

Combining forms, suffixes, prefixes, & terms

abdomin/o abdomen
acr/o extremities, top, extreme point
acu/o sharp, sudden, severe
aden/o gland
adip/o fat
amni/o amnion (sac surrounding the embryo in the uterus)
angi/o vessel
arteri/o artery
arthr/o joint
axill/o armpit
bi/o life
blephar/o eyelid
bronch/o bronchial tubes
carcin/o cancer
cardi/o heart
chem/o chemical, drug
chondr/o cartilage
chron/o time
col/o large intestine, colon
cyst/o urinary bladder
encephal/o brain
erythr/o red
hem/o blood
hepat/o liver
hydr/o fluid, water
inguin/o groin
isch/o to hold back
lapar/o abdomen, abdominal wall
laryng/o voice box, larynx
leuk/o white
lymph/o lymph
mamm/o breast
mast/o breast
morph/o shape, form
muc/o mucus
my/o muscle
myel/o spinal cord, bone marrow
necr/o death (of cells or the whole body)
nephr/o kidney
neur/o nerves
neutr/o neutrophil (type of WBC)
nucle/o nucleus
Ophthalmo/o eye
oste/o bone
ot/o ear
path/o disease
peritone/o peritoneum
phag/o eat, swallow
phleb/o vein
pleur/o pleura
pneumon/o lungs
pulmon/o lungs
radi/o x-rays
rect/o rectum
ren/o kidney
sarc/o flesh, muscle
splen/o spleen
staphyl/o clusters
strept/o twisted chains
thorac/o chest
thromb/o clot, clotting
tonsill/o tonsils
trache/o trachea, windpipe
ven/o vein
-algia pain
-cele hernia
-centesis surgical puncture to remove fluid
-coccus (singular) -cocci (plural) berry shaped bacterium
-cyte cell
-dynia pain
-ectomy to cut out, remove, resection
-emia blood condition
-genesis condition of producing, formation of
-gram record
-graph instrument for making a recording
-graphy the process of recording
-itis inflammation
-logy study of
-lysis breakdown, separation, destruction
-malacia softening
-megaly enlargement
-oma tumor, mass, collection of fluid
-opsy to view
-osis abnormal condition
-pathy disease condition
-penia deficiency, lack of
-phobia fear
-plasia development, formation, growth
-plasty surgical repair
-ptosis sagging, drooping, prolapse
-sclerosis hardening
-scope instrument used for visual examinations
-scopy the process of visually examining something
-stasis controlling, stopping
-stomy new opening
-therapy treatment
-tomy to cut into, incision
-trophy development, nourishment
-er one who
-ia condition
-ist specialist, MD
-ole small, little
-ule little, small
-um -ium structure, tissue
-us structure, substance
-y condition, process
-ac, -iac pertaining to
-al pertaining to
-ar pertaining to
-ary pertaining to
-eal pertaining to
-genic pertaining to producing, produced by or produced in
-ic -ical pertaining to
-oid resembling, derived from
-ose pertaing to, full of
-ous pertaining to
-tic pertaining to
abdominocentesis surgical puncture to remove fluid from the abdomen
achondroplasia No (improper) development of cartilage
acromegaly Enlargement of extremities
acrophobia Fear of heights.
agoraphobia Fear of being in open, crowded spaces (marketplace)
acute sudden onset
adenoids Collections of lymphatic tissue resembling (-oid) glands (-aden) in the throat, type of tonsil.
adipose pertaining to fat
aminocentesis surgical puncture to remove fluid from the aminionic sac
anemia lack of RBCs or of hemoglobin
angiography Process of recording (x-ray imaging) blood vessels
angiogenesis Formation of blood vessels.
angioplasty surgical repair of a vessel
arteriole small artery
arteriosclerosis hardening of the arteries
arthralgia pain in a joint
atrophy No development; wasting away of tissue.
axillary pertaining to the armpit
basophil type of WBC that stains blue with a base dye
biopsy to examine cells or tissue under a microscope
blepharoptosis sagging or drooping eyelids
bronchitis inflammation of the bronchial tubes
carcinogenesis Condition of producing cancer
carcinogenic Pertaining to producing cancer
cardiac pertaining to the heart
cardiomyopathy disease of the heart muscle
chemotherapy treatment using chemicals or drugs
chondromalacia softening of the cartilage
chronic Long-term; over a long period
colostomy new opening to the colon
cystocele hernia of the urinary bladder
electroencephalogram record of the brain's electrical activity
electroencephalograph the instrument used to make a record of the brain's electrical activity
electroencephalography process of using the instrument to make a recording of the brain's electrical activity
eosinophil WBC that strains red with a dye
erythrocyte red blood cell
erythropenia deficiency of red blood cell
esophagus Muscular tube carrying food from the throat to the stomach
hematoma collection of blood
hemolysis breakdown of blood
hemostasis stopping blood flow
hydronephrosis Abnormal condition of water (found) in the kidney
hydrotherapy treatment using water
hypertrophy Excessive development
inguinal groin region
ischemia groin
laparoscope instrument used to view inside the abdomen
laparoscopy the process of viewing inside the abdomen
laparotomy to cut into the abdomen
laryngeal larynx, voice box
laryngectomy removal of the larynx
leukemia cancerous white blood cell condition
leukocyte white blood cell
leukocytosis Abnormal condition (slight increase in numbers) of normal white blood cells
lymphocyte white blood cell that is responsible for immune reactions
mammogram record of the breast tissue
mastectomy removal of 1 or both of the breast
metastasis Beyond control; spreading of a cancerous tumor
monocyte large white blood cell that eats foreign material
morphology study of a shape (cell)
mucoid resembling mucus
myalgia muscle pain
myelitis inflammation of the spinal cord
myeloma tumor of bone marrow
myoma muscle tumor
myosarcoma malignant tumor of muscle
necropsy Autopsy or postmortem examination
necrosis abnormal condition of death (of cells), decay
necrotic death
nephrologist specialist in the treatment of the kidneys
nephropathy disease of the kidney
neuralgia nerve pain
neutropenia deficiency of neutrophils
neutrophil type of white blood cell that eat bacteria
ophthalmology study of the eyes
osteogenic produced in bone
osteomalacia softening of the bone
otalgia ear ache
paracentesis surgical puncture to remove fluid from the abdomen
pathogenesis condition of producing disease
pathologic pertaining to the study of disease
pericardium membrane that surrounds the heart
peritoneal Pertaining to the peritoneum
phlebotomy incision into a vein
platelet clotting cell
pleural Pertaining to the pleura
pleurodynia pain in the pleura
pneumonia pertaining to the lungs
polymorphonuclear leukocyte white blood cell with a nucleus that has multiple lobes
ptosis drooping, sagging, falling forward
pulmonary pertaining to lungs
radiographer person that operates x-ray equipment
radiotherapy treatment using radiation
rectocele hernia of the rectum
splenomegaly enlargement of the spleen
staphylococci cluster shapes of berry shaped bacteria
streptococcus twisted chains of bacterium
thoracentesis surgical puncture of the thorax to remove fluid
thrombocyte clotting cell, platelet
thrombocytopenia deficiency of platelets, clotting cells
thrombophlebitis inflammation of a vein due to a clot
tonsillar pertaining to the tonsils
tonsillitis inflammation of the tonsils
tracheostomy new opening of the trachea
tracheotomy to cut the trachea
venule small vein
Created by: Stark Med Terms
Popular Science sets




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