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DCCC 111 Key Terms

Model 1 Unit A & B

Aerosolization The suspension of a minute solid or liquid particles in a gas
Air-Borne Precautions Used if an organism can cause infection over long distances when spread through the air. Negative Pressure isolation room, door closed, Respirator mask (N95). TB & Rubella
Antitussive Agent given to prevent or receive coughing
Aspiration Pneumonia Either CAP or MCAP. Results in abnormal entry of material from the mouth or stomach into the trachea and lungs.
Atelectasis A collapse of aimless condition of the lungs.
Bacteremia Bacteria in the Blood.
Calcification The process of organic tissue becoming hardened by deposits of calcium salts in the tissues.
Caseation Necrosis The process in which dead tissue is converted into a granular amorphous mass resembling that of cheese.
Cavitation Pathological formation of a cavity. In pulmonary TB.
Community Acquired Pneumonia CAP An Acute infection of the lung occurring in patients whom have NOT been hospitalized or resided in a long term care facility with in 14 days of the onset of symptoms.
Consolidation The process of becoming a solid, especially used in diseases of the lungs. Acute Pneumonia.
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure CPAP Delivered continuously preventing the patients airway pressure from falling to zero. Restores functional residual capacity (FRC).
Crepitation Crackling sound herd in certain disease processes, like pneumonia.
Cyanosis Blue, grey, slate, or dark purple discoloration of the skin or mucous membranes caused by deoxygenated or reduced hemoglobin in the blood. Seen most often in Hypoxemic patients
Empyema Collection of pus in a body cavity, especially in the pleural space.
Expiratory Grunt Short, deep sound in exhalation. Seen often in Neonates during respiratory distress syndrome.
Granuloma Inflammatory response that results when macrophages are unable to destroy foreign substances that have entered/invaded boldly tissues. Tuberculosis
Medical Care-associated Pneumonia MCAP Acquired from a medical setting. Encompasses Hospital-associated pneumonia (HAP), Ventilator-ascociated pneumonia (VAP), Health care-ascociated pneumonia (HCAP)
Hospital Associated Pneumonia HAP Occurs with in 48 hrs or longer after hospitalization admission and was not incubation at the time of hospitalization.
Ventilator Associated Pneumonia VAP Occurs more than 48 hrs after an endotracheal intubation.
Health care associated pneumonia HCAP New Onset. 1. Hospitalized in acute care for 2+ within 90 days of onset. 2. resided in long term care facility. 3. received IV antibiotics, chemo or wound care within past 30 days for current infection. 4. Attended hospital or hemodialysis clinic.
Hemoptysis Coughing up blood, from larynx, trachea, bronchi, or lungs.
HEPA Respirator High efficiency partial air respirator. Highly effective to protect against small particles 5um or less
Hypoxemia Low arterial Oxygen (PaO2) and Saturation (SaO2) of blood.
Hypoxia PaO2 fallen sufficiently causing inadequate oxygenation.
Immunosuppressed Deterioration in the immune response resulting from certain diseases of drugs.
Inspiratory Stridor Occurring with croup. Occurs when child breaths in. Indicates collapse of tissue above the vocal cords.
Stridor means noisy breathing
Laryngeal Tracheobronchitis LTB Swelling of vocal cords, subglottic and tissue below vocal cords and bronchi. More serious form of croup. Occurs in ages 3m-3yrs.
Latent TB Infection LTBI Person does not have active TB disease. Asymptomatic. Can NOT transmit TB to others in this stage.
Liquefaction conversion of a solid into a liquid.
Mantoux Test TST Inter-dermal test that determines sensitivity to tuberculin by indication past or present infection. Does NOT indicate active TB PPD- Purified Protein Derivative
Nasal Flaring Intermittent outward movement of nostrils with each inspiration. Indicated an increase in the work of breathing.
Opportunistic Pneumonia Caused in high risk individuals with an altered immune response
Primary TB Occurs whr bacteria are inhaled and initiate an inflammatory response. Majority encapsulate the bacteria.
Reactivation TB Occurrence of disease 2 or more years after the initial infection
Retraction Use of accessory muscles to breath. Supraclavicular, subclavicular, intercostal, & sternal.
Septicemia presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the blood
Stertorous breathing loudly, snoring or snorting
Superinfection New infection cause by organism different from that which caused the initial infection. Microbe usually resistant to the treatment given for the initial infection.
Tachycardia Rapid Heart Rate. Above 100bpm for adults
Tubercle Lesion resulting from infection by tubercle bacilli
Created by: mamajewels
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