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Human Migration
Question | Answer |
the movement of people and things from one place to another | migration |
the movement of people by choice | voluntary migration |
moving away from the country and into the city | urbanization |
the forced movement of people | involuntary migration |
the movement of people out of a nation or an area | emigration |
the movement of people away from their home country by choice | voluntary emigration |
the coerced or forced movement of people away from their home country | involuntary emigration |
movement of people into a nation | immigration |
the movement of people into a new country by choice | voluntary immigration |
the forced movement of people into a different country | involuntary immigration |
someone who is forced to flee to another country to escape war, persecution, or disaster | refugee |
conditions that encourage people to leave a place | push factors |
events of nature that can sometimes force people to leave their homes | environmental push factors |
not having enough money or resources can cause people to want to move | economic push factors |
government policies or laws can cause or encourage people to leave | political push factors |
mistreatment based on social groups can persuade people to leave | cultural (social) push factors |
conditions that attract or encourage people to move to a certain location | pull factors |
positive natural events that can strongly encourage people to move | environmental pull factors |
financial gains and prosperity can influence people to move (this is one of the biggest reasons people choose to move) | economic pull factors |
personal security and freedom can influence where people move | political pull factors |
a strong desire to fit in and belong is a key factor in where people move | cultural (social) pull factors |
things that slow or stop the movement of people and things from one place to another | barriers |
natural features of the earth that can discourage migration or make it more difficult | environmental barriers |
poverty & high unemployment create a lack of money – no funds to move | economic barrier |
governments build walls or fences to physically keep people in or out of a nation | political barrier |
governments create laws to restrict the movement of people | political barrier |
misunderstandings of social norms, values, and beliefs | cultural (social) barriers |
Karl does not like the laws of his country and would like to move | political push factor |
Gus was offered a higher paying job in another town | economic pull factor |
After the earthquake destroyed their houses, several people had to leave the neighborhood | environmental push factor |
Becky moved back to Ireland so she would be closer to her family and friends | cultural pull factor |
Luis loves living in the mountains where he can go hiking during his free time | environmental pull factor |
Isabella's parents want to live in a country where everyone will be guaranteed equal rights | political pull factor |
Because the town Alexei lives in does not have any jobs or opportunities for him, he will be moving to a larger city | economic push factor |
The Chinese government constructed a wall to keep the Mongolians out of their lands | political barrier |
Sharing culture traits with another culture – the actual movement of ideas from one culture to another. | cultural diffusion |
The development of a worldwide culture with an interdependent economy | globalization |
Picking up culture traits from another group and incorporating it into your culture, but your own culture does not change. | acculturation |
The process of learning your own culture | enculturation |
Karl eats snake often after trying it and liking it a lot | acculturation |
One group becomes part of the other group and loses its separate identity | assimilation |
Being introduced to another group’sculture traits | cultural diffusion |
Malik tried to play the pan flute when he was on vacation in Peru. | cultural diffusion |
The Australian government put land restrictions on the Aborigines and other native groups, forcing them to completely change lifestyles | assimilation |
When parts of the culture of one or both groups change, but each group remains distinct | acculturation |
Malik purchased a pan flute while he was on vacation in Peru; he plans on teaching himself how to play it correctly. | acculturation |
Native American children in the US were forced to leave their families and attend schools to learn English and Christianity. | assimilation |
Usually a person’s first exposure to a different culture. They experience it, but it doesn’t change their lifestyle. | cultural diffusion |