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Exam One Notes

ENV 201 Environmental Science Exam Oriented Notes

Environmental term origins French (environner - "to surround")
Biotic factors Living Matter
Abiotic factors Non Living Matter
Examination of how the natural world works, how our environment affects us, how we affect environment - Environmental Science
Non renewable energy sources Fossil Fuels
Replenished and virtually unlimited resources Renewable Natural Resources
Renewable natural resources: 1. Sunlight 2. Wind Energy 3. Wave energy 4. Geothermal energy 5. Agricultural crops 6. Fresh water 7. Forest products 8. Soils
Non Renewable Natural Resources 1. Crude Oil 2. Natural Gas 3. Coal 4.Copper, aluminum, and other metals
Change from hunter gatherer lifestyle to an agricultural way of life: Agricultural Revolution
Shift from rural life, animal powered agriculture, and manufacturing by craftsmen, to an urban society (late 1700th): Industrial Revolution
Ecological Footprint Environmental impact of an individual or population in terms of the cumulative amount of land and water required to provide the raw materials the person or population consumes and to dispose of or recycle the waste the person or population produces.
Latin prefix of "science": Latin 'scire' - meaning to know
Advances in science begin with... Observation
Curiosity leads naturally to... Ask Questions
Scientists use hypothesis to... General Predictions
Designed to test validity of hypothesis Experiment
Conditions that change Variables
Unaffected variable tends to become... Control
If scientist controls all the variables except the one whose effect he or she is testing... Controlled Experiment
Scientists tend to record... Data
Essential part of scientific process.. Peer Review
Widely accepted, well tested explanation of one or more cause and effect relationships that has been extensively validated by a great amount of research... Theory
Created by: VsevolodFreedom
Popular Science sets




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