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GEP Fluid / Electrol

GEP Fluid / Electrolytes 2009

Intracellular fluid (ICF) Fluid inside cells <BR> 2/3 of total body water <BR> high K, Mg, Phosphates, Proteins <BR> low Na, Cl
Extracellular fluid (ECF) 1/3 of total body weight <BR> high Na, Cl, bicarbonate <BR> low K, Phosphates, Mg <BR>
ECF Types Intravascular - Plasma, high in protein, 25% of ECF <BR> Interstitial - Fluid between cells and vasculature, low in protein, 75% of ECF <BR> Trans-Cellular - Digestive juices, Lymphatic fluid, Pleural fluid, Eye fluid, Cerebrospinal fluid, 1% of ECF
Passive Transport Movement of solutes from area of high concentration to area of low concentration <BR> Requires no energy
Active Transport Movement of solutes from area of low concentration to area of high concentration <BR> Requires energy (ATP) <BR> Ex: Na/K pump
Osmosis Movement of fluid from area of low solute concentration to area of high solute concentration
Oncotic (Colloid Osmotic) Pressure Pressure determined by protein amounts <BR> Want to draw fluid toward them
Hydrostatic Pressure Pressure from fluid <BR> Want to push fluid away
Fluid movement at arterial capillaries HS Pressure = 35mmHg <BR> OS Pressure = 25mmHg <BR> Net Pressure = +10mmHg <BR> Fluid moves from arterial capillary into interstitial fluid for filtration
Fluid movement at venous capillaries HS Pressure = 10mmHg <BR> OS Pressure = 25mmHg <BR> Net Pressure = -15mmHg <BR> Fluid moves from interstitial space into venous capillary
Vasodialation Effect on Fluid Shift Vasodialation increases HP at arterioles <BR> Increased fluid shift into interstitial spaces <BR> Results in edema
Congestive Heart Failure <BR> Effect on Fluid Shift CHF ... fluid backs up in ventricles and atria <BR> Venous return is opposed by greater heart pressure, so venous HS Pressure is increased <BR> This keeps fluid in interstitial spaces and causes edema
Protein Deficiency Effect on Fluid Shift Deficient intake leads to lower plasma protein levels <BR> Decrease in fluid return to venous capillaries causes edema
Plasma Osmolality Osmoles of solute per Kg of solvent<BR> Normal = 285 - 295 mOsm/Kg <BR> If you're dehydrated, higher osmolality <BR> If you're overhydrated, lower osmolality
Anti Diuretic Hormone (ADH) Released by pituitary <BR> High Osmolality ... ADH release to retain water <BR> Low Osmolality ... ADH suppressed to get rid of water
Aldosterone Secreted by adrenal cortex of kidney <BR> Promotes Na-reabsorption to retain water
Atrial Natriuretic Factors (ANF) Released from atrium in response to excess fluid <BR> Potent diuretic to get rid of excess Na and water
Third Spacing Fluid is lost from intravascular space and sequestered somewhere (pleural, peritoneal, or pericardial). Fluid is unavailable for use, so it is like fluid volume deficit
Clinical Manifestations of Fluid Volume Deficit Sudden weight loss <BR> Orthostatic hypotension <BR> Decreased skin turgor <BR> Increased small vein filling time <BR> Longitudinal furrows in tongue
Extracellular Fluid Volume Excess <BR> Risk Factors Increased hydrostatic pressure <BR> Decreased Oncotic Pressure
Diuretics Effect on the Kidneys Increase Na excretion = Increase water excretion <BR> Inhibit Na reabsorption at different segments of renal tubular system <BR> Give 2 diuretics that act on diff. segments ... synergistic effect
Insensible fluid loss Not measurable <BR> Perspiration, exhalation <BR> About 300-500mL per day
Loop Diuretics Inhibit reabsorption of Na, K, & Cl and increase excretion of Na, K, Cl, Mg at ascending Loop of Henle <BR> Most powerful diuretics
Thiazide Diuretics Block reabsorption of Na in early distal tube <BR> Less potent diuretic, dependent on GFR
K-Sparing Diuretics Antagonize aldosterone action at distal tubule <BR> Weak diuretic, block Na/K pump in distal tubule to retain K
Osmostic diuretics Mannitol - simple sugar <BR> creates high Oncotic pressure in lumen to block water reabsorption <BR> Only diuretic to pull fluid from brain
Isotonic Solution Uses Increase intravascular fluid volume <BR> Replace lost fluid during surgery, trauma, draining wounds, burns
Hypotonic Solution Uses Lower Na content than plasma, decreases osmolality of plasma so water moves from intravascular to interstitial and then from interestitial to intracelluar <BR> Used to treat Dialysis patients w/ dehydrated cells, hyperglycemia, high blood pressure
Hypertonic Solution Uses Increases plasma osmolality so water moves from intracellular & interstitial spaces into intravascular space <BR> Used to treat edema, low blood pressure <BR> Used to increase urine output
Colloid Solution Uses Contain protein or starch too big to pass through capillary memb, so they stay in vasculature <BR> Increase oncotic pressure to draw fluid from intracellular and interstitial spaces <BR> Used to treat edema while increasing plasma volume
Hyponatremia Norm. Na level = 135-145 mEq/L <BR> Hyponatremia < 135 mEq/L <BR> Decreases plasma osmolality, so water moves from intravascular to intracellular <BR> Swollen cells + Hypovolemia, orthostatic hypotension
Hyperkalemia Norm. K level = 3.5 - 5.5 mEq/L <BR> Hyperkalemia > 5.5 <BR> Occurs most due to renal failure - can't excrete K or move K from intravascular to intracellular <BR>
Hyperkalemia ECG Changes ECG Changes - peaked, narrow T wave, wide QRS complex, depressed ST segment, widened PR interval, depressed P wave
Hyperekalemia Treatments Mild - Loop or Thiazide diuretics Severe - 10% Dextrose + 10-15 U insulin moves K back into cells, sodium bicarb IV moves K back into cells, Calcium gluconate decreases K effects on heart, Sodium polystyrene sulfonate exchanges Na for K in intestine
Trousseau's Sign Test for hypocalcemia (< 8.5 mg/dL) <BR> Inflate BP cuff above systolic BP for 3 min., causes palmar flexion
Hypercalcemia Norm. Ca level 8.5 - 10 mg/dL <BR> Hypercalcemia > 10 mg/dL <BR> Decreased cardiac and SM activity, renal stones, weakened bones, Digoxin toxicity, arrhythmias <BR>
Hypercalcemia Treatments Mild - hydrate w/ 0.45 or 0.9% NS IV promotes Ca excretion in urine, also give Lasix to prevent fluid vol overload <BR> Inorganic phosphate salts - neutra-Phos (oral) prevents kidney stones, Fleet enema stimulates Ca excretion <BR>
More Hypercalcemia Treatments Calcitonin Sub Q - thyroid hormone, stimulates Ca deposit into bone<BR> Didronel, Gallium Nitrate - decrease osteoclastic activity
Potassium Chloride IV Administration Give for mod/severe hypokalemia <BR> ALWAYS DILUTED - irritating to vein <BR> Can give through central line w/ pump <BR> NEVER give IM <BR> NEVER give as IV bolus - Cardiac Arrest
Created by: frolickinglizard
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