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BIO 401 EXAM NOTES PART ONE - FUNDAMENTAL TERMS (Hickman Zoology - Chapter 4)

Collective chemical process that occur within the cell to accomplish such activities Cellular Metabolism
Energy of Motion: Kinetic Energy
Stored Energy Potential Energy
Energy Can Not Be Created Or Destroyed First Law of Thermodynamics
Closed system would move towards disorder or entropy as energy is dissipated from the system Second Law of Thermodynamics
Energy available to do work has operational definition especially useful for biochemists to explain energy changes in chemical reactions: Free Energy
Spontanneous reactions in cells that release free energy in cells... Exergonic
Reactions that require addition of free energy Endergonic
Catalysts of the living world are... Enzymes
The rate of molecular collisions in the system increases as.... temperature goes up which is also one of the ways to activate chemical reactants; dramatic temperature changes may be not suitable for biological reactions.
Living systems use.... () in chemical reactions catalyst
What are the most important properties of enzymes for biochemist? 1. Enzyme only affect THE REACTION RATE 2. They DO NOT alter the free energy change of a reaction. Thus, they DO NOT change the PROPORTIONS OF REACTANTS AND PRODUCTS in the reaction.
Molecular weight of enzymes.... VARIES tremendously from 10,000 with molecular weights to 1 million
A required substrate substance in the activation of an enzyme; a prosthetic or non protein constituent of enzyme Coenzyme
What are the typical examples of Coenzymes? B complex vitamins are coenzymatic compounds.
Binding of enzyme to substrate forms a... Enzyme-Substrate complex
The substance upon which an enzyme acts; also a base or foundation; a substance or base on which an organism grows... Substrate
One of the distinctive properties of enzymes is their... High Specificity
As proteolytic enzyme pepsin degrades proteins into amino acids in undergoes the... catabolic reaction
Reaction that involves resynthesizing of amino acids... anabolic reaction
Created by: VsevolodFreedom
Popular Biology sets




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