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CNA Terms for Hibbing Community College

Acute Sudden, short term
Alzheimer's Disease Dementia due to changes in the brain
Ambulatory Able to walk
Aphasia Inability to express oneself properly through speech and/or loss of verbal comprehension.
Expressive Aphasia Can't speak
Receptive aphasia Can't understand what is being said.
Artery Large blood vessel carrying blood away from the heart to tissues
Arthritis Inflammation of the joints and tissues
Coma An abnormal deep stupor - sleep like- cannot be awakened
Comatose Used to describe the condition of a patient In a coma. Sometimes the word unconscious is used.
Cognition The ability to think, reason, make and remember decisions
Constipation Infrequent and difficult bowel evacuation
Convulsion Violent , strong, involuntary muscular contractions
C.V.A./Stroke Cerebral Vascular Accident
Cyanosis Slightly bluish, grayish discoloration of the skin due to lack of oxygen
Decubitus Ulcer Ulcerated, worn away area on the skin. Also called Pressure Sore.
Defecate Bowel movement
Deformity Distortion/dis figuration in a certain area
Degeneration Deterioration, breakdown
Delusion False fixed belief (fear of being poisoned or others hurting them)
Dementia Progressive deterioration of mental function
Diabetes Condition in which the body is unable to utilize the glucose taken in by a normal diet. There is an imbalance between insulin produced by the body and sugar taken in
Diarrhea Frequent, watery bowel evacuation
Dysphagia Difficulty swallowing
Edema Condition in which the body tissues contain an excess amount of fluid
Ethics Standards of behavior: right or wrong
Ethnicity Special customs, language, national origin and/or heritage
Exploitation Illegal use of vulnerable adults property, or personal items
Extremities Arms and/or legs
Geriatrics Study of the elderly/aging
Hemiplegia Paralysis of one side of the body
Hemorrhage Abnormal loss or discharge of blood
Hypertension High blood pressure
Hypotension Low blood pressure
Impaction Hard stool in bowel, unable to pass
Involuntary Not able to control
Incontinence Inability to control urine or stool.
Medicare The federal health insurance program for the aged and disabled, specified under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act. Medicare is federally funded and administered.
Medicaid Known in Minnesota as ""Medical Assistance"" or MA. The program is intended for furnace necessary medical care for low income persons. The MA program is funded by federal and state dollars, and is administered by the State and counties."
Mental Relates to the mind
Myocardial infarction Heart attack
Neglect Failure to provide goods and services necessary to avoid physical harm, mental anguish or mental illness.
Paraplegia Paralysis of the lower half of the body-waist down
Pathogen Disease causing microorganism:germ
Physical Relates to the body
Prosthesis Artificial or man made part or organ (dentures, false eyes)
Pressure sore Ulcerated or worn away area on the skin. Also known as decubitus ulcer
Pulse Rhythmical throbbing of artery showing how fast the heart is beating.
Reality orientation Assisting residents to be aware of time, place and person
Regress Go back, as to childlike behavior
Respiration The act of breathing. One inspiration = one respiration
Sedated Calming effects of a drug.
Shearing Force of skin over a bone when the bone moves but the skin stays at the point of contact. (as by pulling linens out from under skin)
Shock Depression of body functions, principally the circulatory and respiratory systems
Sign Evidence of something abnormal in the body, which is observed by the nursing team through seeing, listening, touching or smelling
Standard Precautions Practices that reduce the risk of disease transmission like wearing gloves, or washing hands.
Temperature Measurement of degree of heat
Trunk Area from neck to legs
Vein small blood vessel carrying blood to the heart to be reoxygenated
Void Urination
Voluntary Controllable
Created by: kellyslarson
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