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MrBroyles exam #1

Mr. Broyles Exam #1 - Respiratory

What are the oxygen deficiency indicators? Restlessness, can't concentrate, disorientation,decreaded level of consciousness
What is an oxygen deficiency called? Hypoxia
What is stertorous? A respiratory effort that is strenuous and struggling, provoking a snoring sound
What is a tonsillectomy? The surgical excision of the palatine tonsils, performed to prevent recurrent tonsillitis
What are the nursing interventions for Post Tonsillectomy? Maintain IV fluids until nausea subsides,then patient may drink ice cold liquids, apply ice collar to neck for comfort and to reduce bleeding by vasoconstriction,assess vitals for hemorrhage, fever, or complications,keep pt comfortable
If too much serous secretion is produced, it results in an accumulation of fluid in the pleural space, which is called what? Thoracentesis
What is an accumulation of serous fluid in interstitial lung tissue and alveoli? Pulmonary edema
What are the nursing interventions for upper respiratory conditions? Nursing interventions are aimed at promoting comfort. Such measures include encouraging fluids and applying warm, moist packs to sinuses.
What is pulse oximetry? A noninvasive method of providing continuous monitoring of Sao2 (saturation of oxygen) for assessment of gas exchange. The system consists of a probe that looks like a large clothespin and is applied to a finger, toe, earlobe, or the bridge of the nose.
What is an abnormal condition in which a person must sit or stand in order to breathe deeply or comfortably? Orthopnea
What surgical procedure is done to reconstruct, align, and straighten the nasal septum when a nasal obstruction is present caused by congenital abnormality or, more likely, injury? Nasoseptoplasty
What are the nursing interventions for Post Nasoseptoplasty? Nursing interventions are generally aimed at maintaining airway patency and preventing infection. Postoperative intervention for nasal surgery will include monitoring closely for infection or hemorrhage and maintaining patient comfort.
What is the discoloration of the skin resulting from the presence of abnormal amounts of reduced hemoglobin in the blood? Cyanosis
What are chemoreceptors? They are receptors that are sensitive to blood carbon dioxide level, blood oxygen levels, and blood acid levels. When these levels increase, nerve impulses are sent to the respiratory centers, which in turn modify respiratory rates.
What is sinusitis? Inflammation of one or more paranasal sinuses. With swelling of nasal mucous membranes the openings from the sinuses to the nose may be obstructed, resulting in an accumulation of sinus secretions, causing pressure, pain, headache, fever, local tenderness
What is the cessation of spontaneous respirations? Apnea
What are abnormal sounds superimposed on breath sounds called? Adventitious
What is an abnormal deficiency of oxygen in the arterial blood? Hypoxemia
What is difficulty breathing? Dyspnea
What is Rhinitis? The common cold, an inflammatory condition of the mucous membranes of the nose and accessory sinuses.
What are nasal polyps? Tissue growths on the nasal tissues that are frequently caused by prolonged sinus inflammation; allergies are often the underlying cause.
What is the daily fluid intake amount? 2500cc to 3000cc
What is slow respiratory rate, below 12? Bradypnea
What can be performed for either direct or indirect visualization of the larynx? Laryngoscopy
What is a Wheeze? Caused by narrowed bronchioles
What is abnormally high oxygen tension in the blood Hyperoxia
What is an abnormally rapid rate of breathing? Tachypnea
What is Laryngitis Acute laryngitis often accompanies viral or bacterial infections. Other causes include excessive use of the voice or inhalation of irritating fumes. Chronic laryngitis is usually associated with inflammation of laryngeal mucosa or edematous vocal cords.
What is a Laryngectomy? A radical neck dissection. A partial laryngectomy is done to remove the diseased vocal cord.
What is a Bronchosocopy? A bronchoscopy is performed by passing a bronchoscope into the trachea and bronchi. By use of either a rigid bronchoscope or a flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope (the instrument of choice in most cases), the larynx, trachea, and bronchi can be visualized.
What are are musical, high-pitched, squeaking or whistling sounds, caused by the rapid movement of air through narrowed bronchioles? Sibilant Wheeze
What are the nursing interventions for Epistaxis? Keep pt quiet and sitting/leaning forward, Apply direct pressure by pinching the entire soft lower portion of the nose for 10-15 min, apply ice compresses to nose and have the pt suck on ice
What are the signs and symptoms for Laryngeal cancer? Progressive or persistent hoarseness, hoarseness longer than 2 weeks should seek medical treatment, can include pain in the larynx radiating to the ear, dysphagia, a feeling of a lump in the throat,enlarged cervical lymph nodes.
What are the nursing interventions for Post thoracentesis? The patient is positioned on the unaffected side.
What are the nursing interventions Post Laryngoscopy? The most immediate nursing intervention will be that of opening the airway and restoring patency. This may be accomplished by properly repositioning the patient's head and neck, or it may require further maneuvers.
What are low-pitched, loud, coarse, snoring sounds and are most often heard on expiration? Sonorous Wheeze
What is it called when there are greater than normal amounts of carbon dioxide in the blood? Hypercapnia
What are the nursing interventions Post Laryngectomy? Airway maintenance thru suctioning, monitor skin integrity, monitor intake and output (I&O) balance and assist with tube feedings as ordered, encourage communication through writing and facial and hand gestures.
What is Epistaxis? Bleeding from the nose
What are the nursing interventions for a sputum collection? Usually early morning samples are collected on 3 consecutive days before meals and meds, have pt rinse mouth prior, have pt inhale and exhale deeply three times, then inhale swiftly, cough forcefully, and expectorate into the sterile sputum container.
What are the nursing interventions for ABG collection? Do not attach the transducer to extremity that has a blood pressure cuff or arterial catheter in place;Place the probe over a pulsating vascular bed, keep pt still, While the probe is on your pt, protect it from strong light, which can affect the reading
What are are short, discrete, interrupted crackling or bubbling sounds that are most commonly heard during inspiration and sound similar to that produced by hairs being rolled between the fingers while close to the ear? Crackles
What causes crackles? Caused by fluid, mucus, or pus in the small airways and alveoli
What is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide at the cellular level? Internal respiration
Anytime the body is under assault how does it respond? The body responds in a hyperactive mode.
What is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lung and the environment? External respirations or breathing
Where does diffusion take place? In the alveoli of the lungs
What is the broncheal tree made up of? Smooth muscle
What condition occurs if we are unable to diffuse CO2 and O2? Respiratory Acidosis
When assessing Respiratory what do we assess? The upper, middle and lower areas
The surface of each lung is covered with a thin, moist, serous membrane called what? Visceral Pleura
The surface of each lung is covered with a thin, moist, serous membrane called what and what does it cause? This is a pleural effusion and it causes the pleural space to become distended and puts pressure on the lungs, making it difficult to breathe.
What is the first sign of Hypoxia? Restlessness
What is the major responsibility of the upper respiratory tract? To warm and provide moisture to the are we are breathing in.
The walls of the thoracic cavity are also covered with the same type of membrane called the what? Parietal Pleura
What is pneuumothorax? A collection of air or gas in the pleural space, causing the lung to collapse.
What are abnormal respirations characterized by alternating periods of apnea and deep, rapid breathing? Cheyne-stokes Respirations
What is an abnormal condition of the respiratory system that occurs when the volume of air that enters the alveoli and takes part in gas exchange is not adequate for the metabolic needs of the body? Hypoventilation
If a physician decides to remove the excess serous secretion produced by the viscerol and parietal pleura, what is this called and how is it handled? A thoracentesis will be performed. A needlelike instrument is inserted into the pleural space and the fluid is removed.
What is it called when pleural surfaces (parietal and visceral)rub together during respiration? Pleural Rub
What is the collapse of lung tissue, preventing the respiratory exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen? Atelectasis
What is Hypopnea? Abnormally shallow and slow respirations.
Name the parts of the Respiratory system? Nose, Pharynx, Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi, Lungs and Alveoli
What is the purpose of the Respiratory System? The organs of the respiratory system promote the exchange of gases so that adequate oxygen is delivered to the cells and carbon dioxide is eliminated from the body and are also involved in regulating the acid-base balance of the body.
Name the 3 areas of the Pharynx Nasopharynx, oropharynx and laryngopharynx
What are the 2 parts of the respiratory system? The upper respiratory and lower respiratory tracts.
From the larynx air continues down to the first phase of the lower respiratory tract by entering where? The Trachea or windpite
The trachea divides into 2 tubes called what? Bronchi
What purpose do cilia serve in the respiratory system? The cilia serve as filters for impurities and assist the body with removing impurities by "sweeping" them up and out of the respiratory tract.
The majority of the respiratory tract is lined with what? A ciliated mucous membrane
What does the respiratory mucosa do to the air as it passes over it? It moistens it
What is the barrier over which the gas exchange between alveoli and blood takes place? The respiratory membrane
What is Infant Respiratory Distress? The inability of the infant to produce surfactant
What substance reduces surface tension and prevents the alveoli from collapsing? Surfactant
What important function does the respiratory membrane? It separates the air in the alveoli from the blood in surrounding capillaries
Created by: bsmymicareo
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